9 Changes (You Need To Make NOW) To Become A Better Salesperson

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0:35 1. Drop the enthusiasm.
1:39 2. Pitching is old school.
2:49 3. No need to persuade.
3:57 4. Don't focus on the close.
5:08 5. Know your discovery questions.
6:25 6. Establish a budget.
8:11 7. Learn their decision-making process.
10:08 8. Always have the next step.
11:22 9. Be willing to make mistakes.
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You are the best I am being watching your videos for two days with little break so I am really grateful that I found your channel midst of others who are some what unrealistic thanks


You are outstanding mentor of mine.Thanks for your sharing.


I definitely agree with most all of these, with the exception of number 2 with cold knocking door to door. If you have a set up meeting I completely agree, but if you’re cold knocking you don’t really have the luxury to just sit back and take notes until you can grab their attention, interest and engaged in the conversation. Having a well rehearsed routine or pitch can at least give you the ability to reach that point. Outside of that and possibly cold calling (depending on the level of information you have on the prospect’s interest prior to the call), I absolutely agree with number 2. Buy I assume your intended setting for this one was scheduled meetings anyway. Just my 2 cents.


Enjoyed it as usual. Not all steps apply to my type is sales, but at least 3 of them do. We need more content from ya !!!


Great content. Number 9 hits it for me. Sometimes we can be so worried about trying something new, that we don't do it all. How many opportunities could I have missed because of fear? Thanks for the training 😃


The clear next step is so crucial. I used to do this and then fell out of the habit of doing it. It cost me. Not a huge amount. But some good sales


Thank Marc, It's Great . I really learn a lot from You.


Says enthusiasm doesnt work yet he is enthusiastic during the video. He is enthusiastic, I think he means "believe" in the product but be REAL not fake.


You have to be enthusiastic in sales, but being anthusiastic doesn't mean you have to talk bullshit, it means you just must give a good vibe to the person you are talking to.


Very precticle approach, coz whatever I learned from you guys I try it very next day if got chance.


This is great content. From my experience... Where should you position the budget question? My concern is that you might figure out the prospect doesn't fit into the budget range and you've just wasted 30+ mins on a call with them. Perhaps you need to do your research on the prospect and figure out their scale of the company. Ie. How many employees they have, how long they have been in business, what's the average gross margin of the industry they serve etc


I have to say that this is the very first video of yours that I have ever seen - and your #1 TIP is to STOP THE ENTHUSIASM!!! . . . .. Well that BLEW ME AWAY - because at 62 yrs. old - EVERYONE who has EVER bought from me has told me that they ABSOLUTELY LOVE my PASSION and my ENTHUSIASM! . . .. 100's OF People have told me that the REASON that they purchased from me is BECAUSE of my ENTHUSIASM and PASSION! So, I'm wondering why yo are saying this???


Nice job, you drives me to be a best seller really


You think exactly like i do . I love how you sale . I sell Graceland cabins. The RSM is always saying DO NOT GIVE THE CUSTOMER A PRICE WHEN THEY ASK FOR IT" BRING THEM IN AND SHOW THEM THE VALUE THE CABIN HAS TO OFFER" which by the way he has NEVER sold in the field, in fact I don't think he's ever sold anything in his life lol hes what I call a (fake teacher)hes a good guy but yikes 😂. Im not about to drag someone down to my office "pitch" them all the values our cabins offer only to find out in the end it is not a fit for them. I can easily establish if its a fit for them or not before i bring them in. If they ask a total price upfront that means budget is a very big factor for them. Individuals that are on a very tight budget are not going to go with our product because our cabins are top of the line material top-of-the-line materials are not cheap . It doesn't matter how well I pitch to them how good our material line is if it does not fit their budget it's not a fit, its that simple lol. I use this business as my seed money to help grow my rental property portfolio my goal is to have my 1st 200 unit apartment building within 7 years time in the north Dallas is there any way that i could get a contract info from you? I strive to surround myself around guys that are as smart or smarter than I am, it simply makes the journey to wealth that much easier . I could really use some more of your direct tips. I can easily bring you great value in return. My name is Ty Ottaberry By the way


Yeah that’s not going to work at my place of work we have to pitch and tell the customers the price 😅


I think most of these are good points but I take issue with can you call yourself a sales trainer and say stuff like "no need to persuade"? what? unless you are an order taker, you are not a salesperson if you cannot persuade. people don't like to make decisions and usually default to not taking action; especially when spending money is involved. a good salesperson believes in their product, believes it will help the person they are presenting to, and, most importantly, has the skillset to motivate that person to TAKE ACTION NOW. also, stop with the "be a doctor, not a salesperson" are not doctors....they typically have minimal education and minimal training. doctors typically go to school for 8-12 years before even being able to see a patient. doctors get paid hundreds of dollars per hour for 10 minutes of their time because they paid their salespeople get paid on closed sales, not number of people seen.


So many parallels between sales and pick up
