What does the Catholic Church teach about homosexuality?

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Fr. Paul Checks explains Church teaching on homosexuality.
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Having homosexual tendencies is not a sin. Acting on those tendencies is. Let's say I have a fiery temper. It's fine if I have a fiery temper; that's my cross to bear. It's NOT fine if I rage and cuss at anyone or anything that makes me mad.


Why does it have to be referred to as homosexual tendency or homosexual behavior? I just came back from a youth conference and the message was clear that every person needs to celebrate their sexuality and embrace their feelings of experiencing love in the form of a spouse/life partner because God made us this way. No one who is gay chooses to participate in "homosexual activity" any more than a straight person participates in "heterosexual activity" Their sexuality is simply a part of who they are, and I feel as though many people in the Catholic Church hide behind the saying to "love the sinner but not the sin." I say this as a devout Catholic and I don't want to offend anyone or cause an argument, I just feel troubled that I can't accept this Church teaching against gay marriage and I want to learn more by seeing it from the Church's perspective.


There are plenty of gay people who are "saints" and plenty of straight people who are "sinners and demons".


being compassionate is not to tolerate ones mistake rather an encouragement to convert ones heart to the truth about his/her true nature.


So basically homosexuality is a sin however, we don't condemn?


Here is a tough question when does a man making love to his wife not a sin and when does it become lustful and a sin?


Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God


He was really dodging the questions. His responses were wordy and went around in circles. This is a shame because I'm really trying to find the answers to these questions.


Fr Paul...please explain for us if you can the meaning of Amoris Laetitia and what effect it will have on our Catholic Faith.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion or belief. However, within different Christian sects and, indeed, within the Catholic Church itself there are different interpretations of the bible/scripture's etc teachings on this topic.

People of all sexual orientations commit far worse 'sins' than expressing love in a legal, personal and, as history demonstrates, a rather natural sexual manner.

As the pope has said recently 'who am I to judge'. A person loving someone of their own sex is no less able to be kind and honest or hold whatever values you may attribute to being a 'good person'.

With multiple human interpretations of holy scripture, think for yourself what it means. Would loving a person wholeheartedly, regardless of their sex, offend or upset your God?

The honest answer, we don't know. But I'd bloody hope not.


Advocating Conversion Therapy ? Interesting. Does this priest know what really goes on in these conversion therapy courses ? Can you imagine a doctor or surgeon or politician advocating one of these courses ? They would be discharged of their duties for advocating such an extreme and shameful activity ! Yet, there he sits calmly proposing it as if he has the same level of authority.


Comments are always far more entertaining


The only choice is believing in the bible


So, if a person claims to be homosexual it is not a sin? If a person feels better around the same sex why is that and what type of feeling is that? If a homosexual thinks of being attractive to the same sex of then is it the same as a man thinking he likes to be around only women and is attracted only to women?


this is absolutely sickening....and to know that this behavior was forced on my ancestors makes me sick to my stomach.


The view of God about homosexuality is very clear. If people don't want to accept it then it's their problem, if you want to believe that it is correct, whatever.


You say it should be 'between one man and one woman WITHIN the binds of MARRIAGE'. Okay...so what does marriage mean? Legalized document? No. The COMMITMENT of one's heart to another. Notice it didn't say 'can/must be between one male and one female'...it seems to me it's just referring to a true loving relationship. Not about gender.


My wonderful partner is a gift from God. There is nothing sinful, immoral, disordered, or abnormal with gay sex. We are in the twenty-first century for God's sake, not in the Middle Ages. Also, Jesus never said one word about homosexuality. It is only certain churches that are against gay sex. Let's be tolerant and open-minded.


This will be my last post. If you want a polite conversation with anyone, Brandon, start by cutting out the very offensive, ridiculous comparisons of gays to thieves, robbers, boy prostitutes, etc. Also, no one made you God, my friend. All the best to you.


Two of my Female friends are gay but it is not for me to judge them. I am not their ruler. But I am Catholic and I refer to  Romans Chapter 1 verse 26-29  The Epistle of St Paul to the Romans''  For this reason God gave them up for vile passions. For even their Women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do things that are not fitting..