Star Wars: A New Hope - The Most Frequently Asked Questions ANSWERED

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After nearly ten years of running this channel, I have seen the same questions over and over again. Today I'm answering FORTY of the most frequently asked questions I've seen about A New Hope!

0:00 Intro
0:14 How did the Devastator track the Tantive IV?
0:55 Why didn't the Imperials shoot the escape pod?
1:29 What do Jawas look like under their hoods?
1:56 Did Owen forget C-3PO?
2:50 Did C-3PO not know who Leia was?
3:30 Why did Owen hate Obi-Wan?
4:13 Why did Luke want to go to the Imperial Academy?
5:01 Why did no one change Luke's last name?
5:51 Why did Obi-Wan age so much so fast?
6:28 Did Obi-Wan forget R2-D2?
7:23 Did Obi-Wan forget R4-P17?
8:08 Did Leia forget Obi-Wan?
9:03 Why did Darth Vader take orders from Tarkin?
9:53 Did Tarkin know who Darth Vader really was?
10:43 Did Boba Fett kill Owen and Beru?
11:23 Why weren't droids allowed in the cantina?
12:06 Why did Ponda Baba's arm bleed?
12:26 Are parsecs a unit of time or distance?
13:13 Who shot first?
14:19 Why does Leia have a British accent in one scene?
14:58 Why does Han have a training remote?
15:35 Why was there a dianoga on the Death Star?
16:17 Why were there giant pits in the Death Star?
16:54 How does gravity work on the Death Star?
17:30 Why was Kenobi and Vader's lightsaber duel so slow?
18:22 What happened to Obi-Wan's lightsaber?
19:02 Why did Leia lead the Empire back to Yavin 4?
19:42 What's this Rebel sentry doing?
20:19 Where was Mon Mothma in A New Hope?
20:59 Who is "Fake Wedge?"
21:51 Why did the Death Star have to orbit Yavin?
22:39 Why didn't the Death Star destroy Yavin?
23:22 How did Luke know how to fly an X-Wing?
24:02 Why don't X and Y-Wings use Aurebesh?
24:32 Where are the U-Wings?
25:21 Where is the Death Star trench?
25:46 Who is the other Y-Wing survivor?
26:30 Why didn't Chewbacca get a medal?
27:40 Why didn't Wedge Antilles get a medal?
28:23 What do BBY and ABY stand for?

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This video series has been in the works for a long time and we poured a lot of effort into making it so I hope you enjoy it! If you do a like or share is always appreciated 🙏


The fact that Threepio knows about Leia is confirmed earlier in ANH when he tells Artoo, “There will be no escape for the Princess this time.”


Another note on Luke being able to fly the X-Wing:

In the Princess, Farm Boy, and the Scoundrel novelization, there is a scene where Wedge takes Luke to a flight simulator they have on the base. While Luke doesn't last long at first, he gets encouragement from Wedge that most people don't do well at all their first time. Luke then went on to set the high score on the simulator after a few more tries.


You know, I feel like this channel is less about "explaining" Star Wars and more about helping people, certain fans in particular, to have a more balanced and reasonable reaction to the franchise. This is good and noble work. Well done!


Do I know about 90% of this: probably yes
Will I continue to watch this multiple times: also yes


4:24 I like that in the old Star Wars radio drama It’s said that the academy isn’t for the military but more of a general flight academy where most go to work in the vast shipping industry throughout the galaxy but also qualifies you to be drafted into the Empire. That’s what Biggs is talking about when he says jumping ship in the deleted scene, they’re gonna jump off on some world along the trade route and then join up with the rebels


I definitely want a whole series of these.


I feel like most could be answered with "so the movie can happen." Still really cool to see the in universe answers


I've always interpreted the slow pacing of Obi-Wan and Vader's final duel to be deliberate on both of their parts for different reasons. Yes, Obi-Wan is older now but we saw Count Dooku, who was in his 80s during the Clone Wars, pull off insane stunts so I believe Obi-Wan could have done the same but chose not to because he didn't know what Vader had learned since their last encounter. Same goes for Vader, he LOST both their previous duels, so he approached this final one cautiously because rushing at Kenobi didn't do him any favours before. I think that makes the most sense for him since we have seen repeatedly what he is capable of doing despite his armor.


Great list, Alex! I love how Owen’s prior experience with Threepio retcons the line “You! I expect *you’re* programmed for etiquette and protocol” to be the biggest eyeroll ever from Owen.

I mean, he spent a decade hearing Threepio whine about his primary function EVERY. DAY. Every time I hear that line now, it cracks me up how it’s like “oh, here we go again.” 🙄


4:50 I think I was once told or read somewhere that it was common and known for people who wanted to join the rebellion to go to the Imperial Academy to receive military training, and then defect and escape to the rebellion.


When it comes to Greedo, Han took the first and ONLY shot. Greedo doesn't fire in the first version. The second shot was added in.later editions as a retcon.


15:04 I always thought it was something that Obi Wan had in his hut and brought it with him to train Luke.


This video is outstanding! It provides thoughtful, well-researched answers to the most common questions about A New Hope, which is valuable and very much appreciated! It also stands as a teasing but loving tribute to Star Wars fans' insatiable and overwhelming desire to have definitive in-universe explanations for absolutely EVERYTHING, and just how often those same fans have been asking the same questions since Time Immemorial ... or at least since 1977. 😂

Cheers, fellow nerds!


Also, Leia addressing Ben as “GENERAL Kenobi” now feels a bit like calling out his duty to help. She might remember or have been told how reluctant Ben is to leave Luke alone— so in asking him to do so again, Leia is going to make sure he remembers she’s asking as someone whose family and cause he has a responsibility to.


I thought it was pretty clear that Owen and Beru were killed by the Stormtroopers looking for C-3PO and R2-D2.


Regarding Wedge not getting a medal, it's also worth noting that Han and Luke delivered the plans AND rescued Leia from the Death Star.


Vader ordered "No discintegrations" because he knew Fett was trigger-happy but he needed Luke alive (having believed he was on the Falcon with the others and not galavanting halfway across the galaxy to Dagobah.


I gotta say; the editing in these recent videos are a massive step up ❤


"Chewbacca was given a great prize and honour during a ceremony with his own people. The whole contingent from the rebel alliance went to Chewbacca's people and participated in a very large celebration."

OMG! That explains everything! Now we know the reason for the STAR WARS Christmas Special!!!
