Debian Linux: How to install sudo and configure a user to use 'sudo'.

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Depending on the options you chose during the installation, maybe sudo is not installed on your Linux Debian system. Or maybe you just want to add another user in the sudo group. This video can help you with that.

French version (Version francaise)

0:00 Intro
2:35 Some advantages of using sudo
4:35 An error example if sudo is not installed, and you want to use it.
5:24 How to install sudo on a Debian machine.
6:39 add a user to the sudo group
9:24 Other command to add a user in the group sudo
9:54 Some notes about other Linux distribution like Red hat Linux.
10:40 Testing the change
12:51 Conclusion


Commands used in this video:

su -

apt install sudo

adduser user1 sudo
sudo usermod -aG sudo user1
Рекомендации по теме

I appreciate the guide. I was almost filtered by the whole sudo situation.
