Why I Abandoned Calvinism

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For over a decade I was a Calvinist. I now have abandoned this unbiblical understanding of the Scriptures. In this video I detail my journey into and out of Calvinism.

#reformedtheology #calvinism #noncalvinism
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Brother, I just want to encourage you and tell you that those last 15 years were not a waste! God will bless you in your learning and discernment. Keep up the hard work, because it WILL pay off!


Over the years I have tried my best to understand the doctrine of calvanism and I get stopped at the front door every time. I cannot wrap my head around me calling myself an elect and chosen by God in the context of calvanism, over the guy next to me who may not be an elect and chosen for Hell. It breaks my heart, doesn't sit with my view of the Biblical God, and honestly reeks of pride. Just my experience.


What really helped me coming out of Calvinism was to listen to preachers who focus on Jesus, who we are in Him and who Christ is in us. Dr. Andrew Farley comes to mind. He truly understands God’s grace and I’ve been blessed by his teaching.


Thank you Seth for this video. I was saved at 16 in a pentecostal church and raised among my Church family for years after. After I got married I moved to a small town and was told that the local Baptist church was a good church and so we tried it out. I had never heard of Calvimism before attending this church. My heart has always been for outreach and service to God. While I was able to serve in the church I hit brick walls everytime I suggested an idea for outreach. I soon learned that the pastor was a Calvinist. I had to look this up because the parishioners explained it very simplitically and honestly I felt as if I agreed. However soon the sermons all became the same. There was no outreach, the same worship set was cycled through because those songs were the only "Biblically" sound songs. I found myself feeling like every Sunday was the same, I was hopeless, and started to feel like I never knew God. I found myself questioning God's character, really felt like I was being derailed. I finally left the church and found a church that preaches the word. But I searched endlessly for content that would help me not feel like I was the "only one" expirenceing this. Thank you again and sorry for the long comment. 🙏 ❤️🙏


Thank you for sharing your testimony. The more and more ex-Calvinists “come out” of the bondage of this false doctrine, the more they give others the courage to leave too. I’m praying God blesses you and your family, and that you know the joy of walking fully with Him again. God bless you.


I have a Ph.D in theology, and I appreciate this so much. I find Calvinism to be such a limiting view of Christianity and God. I also find that most Calvinist struggle to comprehend anything outside of the small theological box they have put God in.


The problem with Calvinists is, they don’t believe in freewill! If we are saved or damned no matter what we do, why even try? 😂


I am a non-Calvinist because I believe the Bible. After attending a very strong Calvinistic church for many years our entire family left that church and excellent fellowship of believers. I thank God for His guidance.


Ah, the problems that arise from following after man instead of Christ. I'm not an Armenian nor a Calvinist. I don't believe you are one or the other because you're not one or the other. I am a Christian. I follow Christ. Its even in the name! <><


Excellent video! Thank you for sharing your story.

Another Ex-Calvinist


Thanks for sharing this video! Praying that God would raise up more men like Ravenhill and Tozer!


I just found this and just found your channel. Thank you very much for your testimony and your words of edification. It's always good to know of former Calvinists.


Thank you for sharing your story. There is nothing like the testimony of a former Calvinist to show that this is not just an intellectual debate, but a dangerous doctrine that will creep in to your mind and affect every aspect of your walk with God, the intention of your prayers, your attitude towards your own brothers and sisters, and the souls of unbelievers. This is very hard to understand for someone who has never been a Calvinist. Thank you for sharing.


Calvinism wrecked my world, I am not the same person I was, I don't witness and have the love for the lost like I use to, I constantly agonize over if I am of the elect, I can't pray because I don't know if I am one God loves and I can't read the bible without anxiety, fear and condemnation. I am so glad I heard your testimony and your exhortation to get back to the word and let the Holy Spirit teach me.


Just listened. Good stuff! Glad to hear you've seen the errors with Calvinism and were more committed to Christ. God is good!


Thanks You helped me understand why I’m not a Calvinist…..


I unknowingly married a very good looking hard core calvinist, he deliberately didn't tell me about his belief system. He literally said to my face in front of our counselor, who also is a calvinist, that he was hoping that through osmosis I'd come to accept it as the gospel. I feel so traumatized by this action. Since then I've studied Calvinism in depth. It truly is, as CS Lewis said, a doctrine of devils!!! How on earth can a hard core consistent Calvinist be set free of this doctrine of devils?


You hit the nail on the head!
Thank you for sharing your heart in this.y story is almost identical to yours with one major shift. I never embraced Calvinism when it was presented to me. I had the exact objections you had but what prevented me from even considering the mindset was that people labeled themselves with Calvin or Arminianism. I had no idea what either was. I only wanted to know the Bible.
I have listened to some Calvinists and like some of their points, but I think they go too far, especially in the election and predetermination realm.
If God chose people to save, then they make Jesus a liar when he said "whosoever believes" and they make God a liar when we said "I do not delight in the death of the wicked"

I also made one very important point: Any person who puts any man's name in front of "ism" or "ist" is putting a man in a place he does not deserve. God alone is Holy. Christ alone is worthy of worship. I am a Christian and will accept no other title.


Everyone limits the atonement or else they're a universalist. The disagreement is whether God or man limits it.


Cults are very hard to
leave. Many blessings to you.
