3 ways to know that you are FOR SURE not the narcissist

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Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. And here I discuss my own personal experience living with narcissistic personality disorder. Including the symptoms and behaviors associated with this disorder, as well as how it has affected my life. I also share some of my coping strategies and how I have been able to manage the disorder, along with helping you understanding your loved ones and their behaviors that may seem almost incomprehensible and potentially hurtful. Hopefully, my channel will provide insight into what it's like to live with narcissistic personality disorder, as well as what it's like for your loved ones. Thank you for watching!

If you wanna keep updated on Pathological narcissism and NPD, check out my other social media.

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Also if you relate to the narcissist experience on all these things, it doesn't mean you're automatically a narcissist, i've just never met a narcissist who doesn't relate to all of them


I noticed narcissists only cry for themselves. Not for others they are poor me crying .


I love the point you make that differentiates between self love and thinking you are better than others. That's a very important distinction.


Its hard to not appreciate and respect the honesty.


Also, if you’re worried that you could be a narcissist… you’re not one


Wow, very insightful… this is helpful for the people out there being gaslit to death thinking they’re actually the narc because their narcissistic partner has said so.


At funerals I'm not sad because I don't really enjoy living. So death isn't the worst. But seeing a father mourning their child gets me.


I’m basically going to give this guy supply by telling him that I appreciate how brave he is by getting up as a diagnosed narcissist and talking about how much narcissism sucks 😂


His videos not only help me understand narcissists but also fill me with immense gratitude for being able to feel emotions deeply and form connections with people.


I told him the stress is aging me he proceeds to tell me about his face. Wow.


My ex narcissist could cry 'on demand ' and recover remarkably quickly! 😂😂


It all goes back to our parents. Toxic parenting teaches us to have a toxic & abusive relationship with ourselves.


Narcissism is a cluster B personality disorder. They human beings and we can have compassion for them.


I used to be a narcissist until I went through a huge spiritual awakening and been working every since on becoming socialised. Pretty much raised myself again and learned the things I didn't get to learn as a kid. Really hard, but definitely worth it.


Most narcissists that I know became that way either through unwarranted parental pedestal placing and entitlement or some form of childhood abuse. I think we all have narcissistic tendencies but at some point we learn to step outside of ourselves and develop socially acceptable behaviors and responses. Prayers for those working on self awareness. We are all in this lifelong type of journey.


I am narcissist as well and we have to almost fake emotions sometimes to emulate them in a certain ways to gain attention. I only time I’ve ever genuinely cried was when my father passed or only like 3 times. But I question that because was I just trying to get attention as well?
I always think about the hierarchy as well, which thinks you’re more important than everyone else. It’s not a two way street relationship, which is why my ex gf broke up with me cause she saw the real side of me, which she deserves someone who values her worth and is a better person. Than the last thing is self-worth, we don’t love ourselves but we have the need to use others for our inherit worth. We are the best actors in the world half the time. Currently receiving therapy and all the people in my life cut me off almost so it’s kind of a blessing cause now I’m ready to make changes. We also see others disposable and narcs never stay with the same people. They float around all the time. Play the victim card. Ok I am done, goodbye.


Cool. My husband of 15 years is a narcissist. Info I wish I had 15 years ago


I do recall everytime I wanted to share how I struggled with something, he'd always try to one-up my pain with his. He never really gave attention to, or took my feelings into perspective. He'd just constantly talk about himself.


Thanks for your courage to talk about this hidden taboo. Do continue raising awareness…


Thanks, this means I’m most definitely not a narcissist!
