Why Nice Guys Finish Last: The Truth About Attraction

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I think a person can be nice and not be a people pleaser at the same time


You can be truthful but kind at the same time. You can have tact, respect for the other person, and let them know that you are acting in their best interest. Those that are "brutally honest" and mercilessly delight in your flaws and then laugh, kick you when you are down and dont want you to get better, they are toxic abusers and should be left alone.


Well, you meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it. Confrontations are unavoidable !


She is full of so much knowledge 🧠👌👨‍🏫


Miserable people mistake kindness for idiocy because their own ego blinds the to the beauty that other people hold in their hearts everyday. They are so confident in their own intelligence that they can't fathom the idea of being kind for the other persons sake and not their own.


Miss, Choosing a guy who is violent, chaotic and abusive is never a trait that should be admired it is something that should be discouraged if she chooses that kind of a guy and thinks she's nice then it's just a fantasy that she is living in where she thinks she can change that guy and that's it.


That is wrong, a guy who is nice, respectful, somewhat of a people pleaser not a pushover but a guy who just wants peace gets many women. That was me growing up, the bad boys were my friends but I stood out because I wasn’t like them I didn’t drink, no drugs, respected all women but had boundaries. The trashy women wanted me but some knew I didn’t like them or their attitude, the good girls would notice that and boom their attention goes to me. So don’t believe that BS about nice guys finish last, because nice guys normally don’t want to bang a bunch of trashy women they pick and choose who they want. Bad boys will bang any girl with legs so the assumption is bad boys get all the girls.


Sometimes not always but
Very often nice is another word for Fake. I have a girlfriend like this, she’s been like it for ever. I’ve known her 30 years and now she has very few friends, tries to see me all the time as I put up with a bit of this false over the top attitude of her but it has even annoyed me more nowadays! Nice must be genuine not an act !


What’s wrong with peace and harmony ? Attracted tro confrontation, ei ? All fights and wars begin with confrontation. This woman is beautiful and smart.


Her voice is soothing, peaceful and she Looks like a angel, almost like if she give you a hug she'll heal your whole spirit type sh!t.


I am consistently labeled by all my social circles as 'the reliable asshole you can not hate'. 😅 I guess I've cracked it, at least for myself. 😂


No no no. There is nothing wrong with being a nice guy. Limits and boundaries need to be set. It’s a balance and know when to be nice and know when to be an asshole. This is hard to master but it is possible. Comment to converse this. I love talking to people and being humble on these topics. No combativeness. Simply truth and understanding pls


The music in the background is annoying, but your message is precious


Maybe this kind of man has learned to pick his battles. I respect any man who chooses sacrifice and peace over confrontation.

Being nice and being a people pleasure are not synonymous.

Anyone can be " nice"

An attractive man knows when to share his truth.


I think you're right. But im wondering. Why do women like confrontation with a man?


The conclusion I came to along time ago. No one in life gets what they want at all times. So I shouldn’t live trying to please her.


Being kind and nice only turns off people trying to use you and think you’re trying utilize your kindness for gain which is how narcissists and people with mental problems perceive others that move with kindness usually because they assume you can only be kind or nice because you want something which is bullshit. I’ve know kind and nice people throughout my life and not once have I been turned off because they were nice.

I’m so over this shitty narrative. People wonder why others are moving to different parts of the world to find love now… it’s this mentality, it’s the attitude, it’s the lack of empathy and humanity over here in the western world.


don’t that just means you get to walk away and leave him or her alone because you know you don’t deserve this.


There’s a high number of women in abusive relationships. At what point does public messaging orient itself around identifying assholes as assholes instead of sympathetic truth tellers? The reality is that they only tell the truth when there’s a benefit for them and then they’re generally lying the rest of the time.


Please no need of loud music it makes difficult to catch the words
