Gender Roles in Society | Ria Chinchankar | TEDxYouth@DAA

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Have you ever felt like your gender limits you? This talk explores just that- gender roles. Be prepared to learn about the origins, effects, and solutions to stereotypical gender roles in the society around us.

Can you imagine a world where we aren’t restricted by gender roles? Ria Chinchankar, a ninth grade student at Dubai American Academy can. This Mulan-inspired feminist discusses the extensive history of gender roles in various societies, how they harm us, and what we can do to combat them. Gender equality is possible, but only if we take the steps to make it happen.

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everyone give her a break she was just a 9th grader.


I´m so glad I found this TED talk, I am writing my MA-thesis on gender roles in Disney movies, so this will be really helpfull.


Well, she flawlessly covered the topic. Thank you for this insightful talk!


It's like you can't be too feminine but you can't be too manly either- this is depressing.


She said "women who didn't fit stereotypical gender roles were labeled as witches and burned."
I thought women who did witchcraft were witches, and men who did witchcraft were warlocks, and they were both burned at the stake.
It had nothing to do with gender roles, but more to do with religion.


I'm really not a fan of gender roles in general.


An amazing talk indeed. You did a really great job. 💯


Im here to write about gender roles shown in The Great Gatsby, thanks this really helped alot!


That was what i always wanted to hear, see us women as people, see man also as people.


Have you seen these comments in videos saying "this is the most positive comment section I've seen", well I'm here to make the opposite here ; *this has to be one of the most negative, sexist LGBTQ+phobic and generally awful comment section I've seen* That's your warning people get out of here, abort abort!!!

Such a shame because the talk made some great points and the presenter despite her nervousness(which really establishes the societal pressure that leads to that anxiety she's talking about), carried it through


the amount of information you have given is just awesome. Loved it !


I'm a 25 girl, unmarried, and was very happy about this until I realized the down side. It's like living far from

your family - yes, you feel independent, unrestricted, and able to live for yourself.

But with age, you realize that living for yourself is entertaining, but not fulfilling.

You don't need to rush into marriage, and when you're married don't rush out of the marriage. But the journey of

life spent with another gives you something precious that can't be bought. That companionship, even if it ends

badly, is better than ending alone.

When I was younger, I looked at all the divorce out there and misery and hatred between exes, and I thought “I'm

not going to make some one miserable, I'm not going to spend my life with someone I hate” …well, that's like

saying “I'm not going to drive a car because of all the accidents.” Thats not the answer - the answer should be

to wear seatbelts, take precautions. My resolution SHOULD have been “I'm going to love my spouse, for whoever he

is, and I'm going to give him my best.” Instead, I chose to live for me, and that's who I got …just me.

Find someone to love, and give them your best. Like an ocean voyage, it may not last forever but at least you gave

it your best shot. And there may be many perils and storms, but atleast you survived them with someone. The

relationships that I've had were very special to me and I wish I had gotten married. Instead, I married my


The people that get divorced and hate each other, they didn't know how to love, they were selfish - it wasn't

“marriage” that created the misery, it was their unwillingness to love each other.

Love is willing to accommodate (not a reluctant willingness, but an eager willingness), even when you don't really

want to. Even when there's no gain from it. Even when the other person is annoying, or stinky, or exhausting.

And when you can love your spouse like that, chances are your spouse will, too. And yes, it's POSSIBLE that you

might love a person who doesn't, or can't, love their spouse …and that is sad. It really is. But I'd rather go to

the Olympics and fail, than never go at all.

Love is patient, love is kind.

Love does not envy, is not boastful and is not conceited.

Love is not rude or self-seeking.

I'm waiting for the right one. If you agree with what I said, then contact my whatsapp: +447901380061

I travel around the world, and my love won't be limited by district.

Never Ever Part As Lovers.


I can't wait for equality. I'm sick of how society treats women like goddess and men like slaves.


I respect anyone for getting the courage to go up there speaking in front a lot of people, however I disagree with a lot of her opinions or rather what she said.

A lot of things are due to choice and not necessarily by gender norms (although some that she mentioned are quite true which I acknowledge such as men should be tough and show no emotions). What do you guys think? Feel free to disagree as we're all different.


Why would a parent treat a child any differently based on gender most parents in western countries would not


The perfect woman is one that proud, and is not scared to do what they wanna do 😏


It's this kind of mindset that made women incapable of being ideal wives nowadays. Gender roles help men and women have complementary skills and personalities that make them reliable for one another. When a woman and man have too many overlapping traits, they don't bring as much value to each other.


7:52 not true. Men are not supposed to be weak. It is not problematic when a man is strong


She's talking like a robot. Like a non gender robot


All women should be warm, kind, caring, and clean.
