Gender Stereotypes | Masculinity vs Femininity | What is a Man? What is a Woman?

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Sex and gender are not the same things.
Sex is our biology, it's our anatomy, it's that moment at birth when we look at our genital and decided whether we are a boy or a girl.

So imagine that when you are born, the doctor assigned you as a female.
You are expected to follow along what society norm tell you what a girl should be and how a girl should act

Throughout her life, she absorbed all these information from adults, television, the internet, school, and everything around her of what a girl should be.
Eventually, when she grows up, she developed what I would call passive traits that we can now say are gender stereotypes due to years of behaviors influence and reinforcement

Our actions are not genetically predestined, they are learned behaviors.

Don't we all have both male and female character traits?
We assigned female to be emotional, passive, submissive, dependent, affectionate, kindness, collaborative, Thoughtfulness, Patience, caring, sensitive, and ect.

While male supposed to be logical, strong, aggressive, assertive independent, confident, competitive, strong body language, dominant, vocal and loud, physical, and ect.

But we are human, and I am sure you can agree with me that at certain time, you can identify with any one of these personality traits.

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Sleeping Sheep
By The Green Orbs - Youtube Free Music Library

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one of Me and my dad's hobbies is the manly profession of sewing


Gender stereotypes should not be a thing. we all just be ourselves and support one another ❤


Thank goodness I didn't grow up like this because the culture I grew up in didn't care about gender roles and was all about equality


I really hate gender stereotypes because we should all be ourselves. I’m a girl and I’m mostly into boy things


2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬‬:‭2‬ NIV)


International mens day was two weeks ago


Why the women's should depend on. The men's for the good clothes and the shelter that's is wrong


How wierd were I live I always here that grlis are better and smarter than guys


Peoples should accept the ivf invitro fertilization


Still: NO ONE CAN ANSWER MY QUESTION: What is a man? What is a woman?

If it's not your genitals that make you a man/woman and neither your behavior, Hobbys, character or clothing, then what is it? The bigger picture of you? Like when everything or most of it matches and is in line that makes you a man/woman? Obviously not. There man wearing dresses and getting pregnant themselves! So Obviously the source of what makes you a man or a woman MUST be your gender! And gender is described as "what you know you are despite what others tell you you are!" So I was living as a woman my whole life but currently I started thinking about it and I can't say my gender is female/woman anylonger, because what the he'll does this mean???? So I decided that my gender is NOT EXISTING and even more important: It's completely unnecessary! So I go with agender from now on. That's perfectly fine for me. But I still can't stop trying to understand why so many people still think a female/male gender still exist?! So please tell me if you feel like your gender is either male or female or you know s.o. who's gender is male/ female: What does it mean?


Sex *IS* binary as there is only two reproductive roles even in hermaphrodites.
Even in spotted female hyenas who have male-like bits, they give birth to pups and are bigger and known to be more agressive than the males.

I don't agree with teaching females and males that they have to behave a certain way in order to be girlish or boyish though.

Here we use sex and gender interchangably because we base gender on sex, and it does not matter what our brains are like.
I was not like my sister, and I'm fine with that as a female.


Amazing video but I unfortunately could not understand many parts because of your accent.


Magic word to avoid all of these : DNC from the JToH community


Women's are working as a teachers college lecturers nurses professors bank managers


But people's in mosts of the indian villages they are not able to relieve themselves from the patriarchal mindset women's pathu veedugal katti vadaigaikku viduvadhum pathu kadai katti vadaigaikku viduvadhum real estate brokeragha eruppathum


Women's are also working as a doctors collectors engineers mla mp ias ips judges lawyers stationary jwellery textiles fancy vegetables fruits book stores fish shops wens


Masculinity - Fire and Air Signs

Femininity - Earth and Water Signs


So by this videos logic, being a man and a woman is completely arbitrary. Cool lol


This helped me alot in my women studies class.


Mens and women's both the genders can do the sweeping cooking mopping cutting the vegetables scrapping the coconuts wiping the doors and windows fetching water in the pots cleaning the bathroom washpasin folding the clothes both can take care their parents children's
