The Future of Gender Roles | ErinRose Carr | TEDxYouth@SRDS

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In her first appearance on the TEDx stage, ErinRose Carr discusses the future of gender roles and advancements in the quest for gender equality and greater understanding.

ErinRose is currently a rising junior at Syracuse University where she is double majoring in Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises and Marketing Management. While at Saddle River Day, ErinRose was heavily involved on campus in numerous facets ranging from president of the community service club to costumes, hair and makeup mistress for theatrical productions to captain of the volleyball and track and field teams. She has continued to do the same at Syracuse University, blending her passion for sports and her constant energy to help her become highly involved. This summer she is working as a tournament coordination intern for the Illinois Junior Golf Association and the Mid-Atlantic Junior Golf Association.

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Most (or definitely many) fashion designers are men. And women can be firefighters -if you can tow the line. As you say, society is changing so...what? Butch is not a typical woman and most women are typically (stereotypically) feminine. So what? You are a happy butch. Good for you.


Every woman who stands on tedex probably will talk about gender bias. And how they can be men too. Why are they running away from femininity


What? It's difficult for a woman to be a firefighter because it needs alot of physical strength.... is that a stereotype???!!!


Future of the genders...we will have 2, if you like it or not in the future


Men are *not* starting to become stay at home fathers.

Btw: this girl would be incapable of performing a fair number of male oriented jobs that require physical strength.


Men can be fashion designers. Women probably cannot be (effective) firefighters due to weightlifting requirements, i.e. pure strength. Women need to be caring and submissive in the short period of time they're pregnant and breastfeeding. If a woman is not psychologically prepared for that, she'll be a bad mother.

Aside from childbirth and physically demanding jobs, men and women can be anything they want to be, stereotypes be damned.


Future men will be obidient servant of her Women.

While women will run the world as leaders. Women will wear suit and live like a boss.

Men will be happy staying at home draping sarees and all feminine clothes.
