Avoidant personality disorder subtypes - a real thing?

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#avoidantpersonalitydisorder #avpd
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I recently found your channel and you're the 1st person I've ever heard describe the same feelings I've had all my life. I always knew other people probably felt this way, but when you have this disorder you sometimes feel like no one else on earth is like you. Your channel has taught me a lot because I didn't know there were different subtypes or functioning levels. I have to say I'm very impressed that you have the ability to even make these videos. I haven't found many Youtubers with AvPD, probably because we're too scared to go on camera and open ourselves up to criticism. So thank you for having the nerve to put yourself out here and talk about this disorder because not enough people know about it


"these aren't stages like lifespan of a frog or something" I appreciate that comparison
You constructed a helpful breakdown of the spectrum!! Hearing the range of symptoms encourages me to reframe conflicted/anxious feelings as a sign of growth from no longer shutting out everything in life. Interweaving your perspective & experiences to this video adds so much -- thank you for sharing. To me, it's clear to hear the ways you are working on yourself & challenging your thoughts/beliefs -- hope you find value & strength in continuing!
Last year, I tried to focus on listening to my emotions & intuition (needs/wants). This year, I aim to improve my self-expression in face of others. This includes trusting/articulating positive emotions & practicing vulnerability.


thanks for the clear, concise explanations! This was helpful


You've got such a way with communicating great video!


Thank you so much for making this video. I was the one who requested it. Super interesting. I hope you’re well ❤


I work in a really big us tech company. I think we can all have the potential to work on anything, ofc at the prize of energy and extreme anxiety, and depending on that specific day (my emotions can fluctuate a lot and I have really terrible days. But the next day you can start all over again). My avpd is something that I never discuss with anyone. I feel that social issues are like a muscle, the more I expose to it, the smoother it is, but it also goes away VERY quickly. I even worked on sales for 3 years! I took advantage of my looks to distract with that. Some days there was normal anxiety and other days it was horrible, but I made sure to have short interactions so my avpd remained hiden under the rug. I hope that you can pursue, next to a therapyst, your game development career :). I know the feeling, trust me. And I know that most of the time we want to stay in our houses, and is difficult to be out, but we have the potencial to achieve it. All the best :) btw. I'm a new sub


I totally relate to the 'conflicted' and 'hypersensitive' subtypes, but I think I've improved a lot on the later


Hey Jake. I acquired a copy of a textbook (Den ængstelige personlighed/The Avoidant/"anxious-avoidant" Personality) written by Danish researchers N. L. Nørgaard and S. Sørensen pb. 2019. "Anxious-avoidant/evasive" is the Danish translation of AvPD - "Ængstelig-evasiv personligsstruktur". They also have a section of subtypes, but they are different (though maybe somewhat analogous?) from the source you are using. The subtypes are: The purely anxious, Anxious with strong traits of BPD, the anxious-dependent, the anxious-compulsive, the anxious-schizoid, the vulnerable-anxious narcissist and the anxious-paranoid personality. The book also have descriptions of how each personality subtype usually presents, how each usually causes distress, and how the clinical course usually unfolds. The book is not translated into English, but if anyone think it's helpful I wouldn't mind writing it out and translating it. I at most find it interesting. I am not sure how useful I think these distinctions are. It's common knowledge that personality disorders are highly co-morbid with other personality disorders. Also everybody sometimes have delusions of grandeur, paranoid thoughts, fear of abandonment etc. etc. The book is pretty interesting, though I maybe also suffer from some psychology-fascination disorder.


I also Thank You, for all your videos and the book. You are author, self-psychologist and Very Nice Person.

I have ADHD, AvPD (not typical I'd say... for example I'm not so afraid to meet new people and talk to them, but feel nervous deep inside due to restless and high anxiety due to ADHD and AvPD). I am pretty good in communication, but due to my ADHD combined type, I can talk a lot and very energy, but at the same times I nervous to talk to anyone. I most dislike and generally afraid to meet people from my past... schoolmates, people from collage and university and a lot of present neighbors... I have no friends and in intimacy life I have had no sex during 20 years (and generally I have had just some women and no real romantic/sexual relationships). By 35 question scale test of Fear of Intimacy I have 114-117 scores, whereas US average for women is 80 and for men 90 (I am 48 yo man from Georgia country, USSR in past). So... Thank You Very Much! Oh and I have some OCD (not OCPD) symptoms... and between Mild mood disturbance (scores 11-16) to Borderline clinical depression (scores 17-20). I have 16-18 (~ 17)... Good Luck Jake.


Thank you! Not a lot about this subject out there from those who live it :)


This disorder sux! You really dont get to experience life! depresses me deeply!


have you ever watched 'Welcome to the NHK'?
it's an anime with a pretty funny take on the Hikikomori phenomena, which is basically Japanese AvPD.
I think people with AvPD should watch it, it's actually really good. It's equally funny and depressing.
It's always good to have a character in media who you can relate to. It's like a cathartic thing.


This subtype concept is neither useful nor does it map cleanly to the reality I know. I think it is best ignored.


Hello Jake, I wanted to ask a question.
Do you feel like this around everybody or does it depend on the age of people maybe?
Like do you feel better and more confident around adults or older people in general?
