What Is Stoicism? (Philosophical Position)

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A description of the ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism, including The Stoics' views on the emotions, but also on logic, ethics, free will, metaphysics, epistemology, physics, and religion.

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Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy and more!

Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy and more!
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It's a shame stoicism is so little appreciated and so commonly misunderstood by people who think it's about being a badass. The Stoics valued humility, compassion, tolerance, and duty -- they believe human beings were created for one another.


I actually read a book recently called "Stoic Warriors" which put the philosophy in context to the militarily lifestyle. I'd highly recommend it because more than anything it proves that Stoicism is still a needed philosophical school. It's even been touted by one of our former defense secretaries in the US and the author, Nancy Sherman, served as an honorary chair of Ethics at the United States Naval Academy for two years which is where she draws allot of her topics from.


So the Stoics were basically pantheists? This would make sense why Spinoza loved Seneca and the Stoics views on the necessity of the world. Spinoza loved Seneca's comparison of humans and dogs on leads being lead by the necessities of life in a range of directions. Seneca claimed the more one pulls against the necessities of life, the more one is strangled. This type of Stoic philosophy I realise now lays in many ways at the heart of Spinoza's philosophy. Spinoza himself though was not a materialist at all and seemed to subscribe to dual aspect theory.


Your videos are really informative thank you very much.
but I think only having the key words or simple symbols on screen instead of having the whole speech would make it easer for the listener to focus.


When will you do a video about Epictetus?


Hey, in watching this video I started to wonder... Are propositional attitudes considered emotional states? I mean, what's the consensus view? If a propositional attitude is an emotional state, and the Stoics recommended that we should not allow emotional states to influence our reasoning, then it seems that the Stoic would say that propositional attitudes should not influence our reasoning. But if propositional attitudes should not influence our reasoning, then how would the Stoic assent to the truth of any proposition that they would wish to use as a premise in one of their dogmatic arguments?


Sickness is not bad in all contexts? What's the counterexample? I don't see it.


Carneades.org no longer loads as a webpage??? 🤔


oh my god... or someone else-es. Is this where the Dark souls mythology comes from? It sounds so similar.


HAHAHAHAHA!!!. Wow, thank for reading off the slides word for word; there is no way I could of read it myself. lol, what a fucking joke.
