Experience/Advice dating Men as a Trans woman

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Straight trans girls are our strongest soldiers fr 🫡


'Can i talk to them about avatar the last airbender' is the perfect compatibility test


My old comment has been updated... so, pure admiration for u and ur channel! I recently started dating a trans girl, she the kindest person I've ever met! im really trying to be better for her, your videos are helping me to better understand what she goes through. Thanks! I'm realizing how frustrating it can be for her, simply being herself. The world is unfair, but Im here for her... I know you will find someone who loves you Allie, exactly the way you are! cheers from Brazil.


Your videos are so informative. I don’t know much about everything so it’s refreshing to learn. As a straight guy I’ve always been attracted to femininity and the female form. When I see you, I don’t see a “trans person” or someone who used to identity as male. I simply see a beautiful woman. Someone who stood tall and strong for what they believed in and what they wanted in life. Someone who went through adversity and came out on the other side kicking butt. That in and of itself is also attractive to me. 

I think other straight guys who are very rude to you act that way simply because they’re confused and scared. They look at you and realize you’re attractive but have also transitioned. Their brains can’t handle it so they lash out in an attempt to bury any of those feelings deep inside. They’re afraid what others will think or that it makes them gay. That’s no excuse of course.


I've been with my Trans girlfriend for about 4 years now. When we started dating, i could tell she's been dealt hard blows for most of her relationships. I always made it a point to let her know i see her humanity, quirks, and luckily, we had mutual interest. It was hard for me to deal with some behavior that she would exhibit in times of conflict, but i knew it came from some place, and i patiently walked with her through it. Anyone of you who are transitioned or are going through a transition journey, i want you all to know you're special and are worth it even if the world seems to be against you.


I'm very lucky I started dating my fiancé before I transitioned... AND he chose to stay with me through it and after. I definitely dodged a bullet, I feel very blessed 💛


Thank you for posting this. I came across your video and a few others over the last week or so, and they’ve come at such a really important time for me. I’ve been bisexual for forever, but I’ve always leaned more toward other women, but for some reason over the last few months I’ve been far more interested in men and it’s been super confusing and the idea of trying to date a man has been a bit daunting. But I want to, I think. This video and the others have helped me a ton <3


It's a myth that we wil find someone that will love you. I'm older, not attractive, there is no one for me. But that's okay, i didn't transition to have sex with men, i did it to be myself. If that means being alone, i'm good with it.


fellow trans girl here, thanks for the vid


You are definitely very pretty.. I'm glad i found your channel. I enjoy just hanging out and listening to your stories. But, yeah; never change for anyone. Life is too short and we are not here for very long. 💗💗💗💗💗💗 I hope you keep posting.


It's totally legit for your tastes to change. Eventually we discover that the person is more important than the wrapper.


I am trans and I was desperate for a relationship at first until I got into one and we were together three years for him to cheat so please don’t be desperate because you’ll end up with somebody that is probably the worst for you


Thank you for sharing, I’m sorry you had so many bad experiences with relationships 😢 I don’t have as much experience dating men so this really helps me get an idea about it. I struggle so much with the fetishization too 😭


Hi! I am also a trans chick, just wanted to say I really enjoy your content. You're hella real ngl keep it up girl


You have such a beautiful soul. There will always be the perverse out there that just want to express their perversity. One day you will find someone that sees you for you and sees the light that shines so very brightly through you. You are beautiful. You are strong. Your person will come when the time is right. 💙☺️


I related to almost everything on this video specially the doing anything and everything to prove I’m lovable or worthy of love… still going through heartbreak but there’ll be someone out there for me (I hope) 💗 also love your hair!


Thank you for sharing your experience, it´s helpful since it is tough to navigate for both the dudes and the trans... I believe in general even if you´re searching for an F-buddy to start public, and then test on a bit more private place, like a cozy café or a not crowded restaurant, if it seems psychotic bail-out if not, stay and then you can go private. A lot of risk is involved going straight for the smash.

I like your advice to other girls to keep mind of what they want with their bodies first and not go for whatever a random dude wants.... I think anybody asking you to modify your physical aspect in any way adds points on the jerk scale, sure you might have a more chiselled jawline or flat chest or large hands, whatever... whoever likes you will know how to love those features as well, keep the guy that makes you feel better and not worse or insufficient (and this thing applies to Girls, Trans, Boys, whomever, hell it even applies with friends) Be with whoever feels like home.

Sorry for going on a tangent Allie... I liked your voice a lot, would be sweet if you make storytelling content or anything else, as long as we get to hear you longer!, not creepy hitting on you or anything, I just legit thought you sound awesome!! If you like anime I wouldn´t mind reactions or watch togethers of whatever series you like.


You are laying your soul out on here your level of bravery is over 9000❤ I know you’ve been through some serious 💩 (mad respect for sharing that) I am afraid to ask or comment for fear of making any of that worse. You know that stuff wasn’t at all your fault right?


My gf is trans, been over a year & the future looks good. Dating in general is not easy but it's definitely possible to find someone special & have something powerful. We both love your channel btw 🖤


thx for telling things as they are!
as a relatively freshly out tgirl im happy that im into other girls, cos dating men seems super dangerous!
A lot of what you said seems very helpful and I very much share a lot of the negative thoughts you spoke about, but im hopeful that the hormones will do their thing.
You're beautiful and stunning and everything, at your point in the transition you can absolutely take those thoughts to "the farm upstate"!

1 additional piece of advice id throw in there is to not to write that you're trans in your dating profile and instead when you mach with someone, first, before even talking, do some osint to figure out if its safe to tell them. this way a predator won't be able to target you for being trans. (if you pass ofc)
