Why Men Pull Away When Things Are Good | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and 5 reasons men pull away when things are good



3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

What to Say When a ?Vanisher? Comes Back


7 (FALSE!) Reasons You?re Still Single

Funny First Date Story! Gotta hear this?

What NOT to do on a First Date (Strange But True)


Why he acts interested, then disappears?(The inside answer most don?t know)

Scared of getting hurt again? Use this mindset?

When Should You Sleep With Him?

The Kind of Confidence Men Find Sexy

5 Unusual Signs Your Man is into You!

How to tell if he is emotionally available


3 Affirmations to Attract Love

3 Ways to Create More Self-Love

Uncool is the New Cool (5 ?Uncool? Things I Do)



Mat Boggs Bio:

As a sought-after dating and relationship coach for women and international speaker, Mat Boggs has helped thousands of women understand men, improve their relationships, and attract the relationship they want.

As the best-selling author of Project Everlasting, and creator of Cracking The Man Code, Mat Boggs? dating and relationship advice has been featured on national media including The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, Oprah and Friends, and many more.

Mat?s Mission: To increase love in the world, one heart at a time.

As a dating coach for women, Mat believes that your history does not determine your destiny, and that you are more powerful than any circumstance you are facing. The relationship dream in your heart really can become the life you love living!

Mat Boggs highly acclaimed relationship programs have served women around the world in all age groups from 20yrs old to over 70yrs old.

Directed and Editing By: Alexis Garcia
Written By: Mathew Boggs

Related Topics:
Dating Advice For Women
Relationship Advice For Women
Relationship Coach For Women
Dating Coach For Women
Dating, Relationships, understanding men, Dating Advice, Love Advice Relationship Advice, How Men Think, What Men Want, What attracts men, How to attract a man, how to create lasting love, how to know if he likes you, signs your man likes you.
#DatingAdvice #MatBoggs #RelationshipAdvice
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Quietly pulling away instead of open and sincere communication shows how immature they are. Don't waste too much time ladies!


I was with a guy who promised he wanted to get married and have kids, but then he would back away soon after bringing up the topic. After 2 years of that, I said goodbye. I'm now with an amazing man who loves me and my daughter very much! It may be hard to walk away from someone, if you feel you've invested so much into them, but I promise that it'll be worth it!


This is the story of my life and at 31 years old I am sick of it. To all future men I may meet: If you're not into me like that, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE. Do not flirt with me, play off our strong chemistry and conversation, and act like you're so into me and are alluding to dating....then not follow through and expect me to chase you. I wish I didn't get so attached so easily when I meet a good looking guy and we seem to hit it off. But I get attached because I want that special relationship/connection with a guy so bad 😔


I think my old guy had all of these qualities. Really never was so heartbroken by a man before. It really changed me as a person, i've moved forward, but there is still a hole in my heart that never quite mended. I am sorry to any woman that has felt that pain. It gets better with time <3


Damn...and men think women are psycho... Men are no different.


Thank you for putting an old couples in your videos, because old people can be in love too 🥰 wish you the best, love from Greece 🇬🇷


My bf pulled away for a time, about 1 year in. But this was a long distance relationship at that time. He said he couldn't be the boyfriend I needed or deserved. Soo we talked, agreed to be 'friends'. I did 30 days no contact, and then sent a txt saying Hi. Thought about you today. Was out with my girlfriend and had lunch at our favorite restaurant. Remembered the great times we shared there. Hope life is treating you well. Have a great day 😊
BOOM txt back right away and we've been going strong ever since. I made sure I told him 'you are enough'
We have to appreciate a good relationship and a good partner.


I once dated a guy I met at church. He was almost 22, I was 20. I was his first girlfriend and thrilled to be dating him. After 1 1/2 months of what I felt was a perfect relationship—he was attentive, considerate, patient, kind and I was that way back to him; he disappeared. He stopped calling me, stopped coming to see me, I never saw him at church—he just "poof, was gone." (That is what people now call 'being ghosted".) I waited for 2 weeks for him to re-appear but he did not. I wrote him a letter asking him why. He found me at church one day and asked if he could give me a ride home. He apologized for disappearing like he did and told me what was wrong. He said he was starting to have sexual feelings for me and felt wrong about having those feelings and avoiding me was his way to stop feeling sexually attracted to me and guilty about those feelings. I never saw him again after that ride home from church. I thought about our relationship, his feelings for me, and the guilt. It occurred to me that he had the emotional maturity of a 12 year old boy—never ever having a girlfriend before or dating, or anything of a romantic nature. What did I do? I cried, talked to my friends about it, but I did not eat ice cream! After about a week and a half, one morning I woke up and all my feelings for him were gone, just like that.


As a man I learn more about love and relationships watching these videos. I find that I learn more about myself seeing from a women's perspective.


I met this guy that seemed amazing. Treated me great, showed all signs he wanted a relationship. He even asked for exclusivity. Then he says he isn't sure, doesn't know if he is able to form real romantic attachments. I felt like the rug was pulled out from under me. He asked to hang out and figure things out. This video made me laugh because his name is James.


It’s very healing to listen AND look at your videos...especially the ending.
The last 3 months I’m walking as soon as a date start sending mixed signals. When they think I’m gonna chase them I’m walking away. Before I would make so many excuses for bad behavior I don’t any more. I treat a man with super integrity and respect from get go if he doesn’t show the same - I rather be single. I had a psychopath (sexaddict, , a liar, a manipulator) in my life for four years you - I had a lot of professional help to move on and now after two years I’m finally dating again. With my boundaries completely polished and watching these videos help to see that there is men out there that’s intelligent, whole hearted, respectful and loving. Thank you


"remember this: it is NOT your job to try to change these guys, to convince these guys or even to coach these guys to become better men than they currently are.." AMAZING, DEEP, WISE WORDS.


Yeah i just noticed a shift in him this weekend and im hurt by it. Hes the second guy in the last couple of months to do this with me. Its so hard to not to take it personally....


If he pulls away, it's time to start dating other men, if you aren't already!


My ex is definitely a text book love avoidant. Once I started asking for more he shut down. Now that I know what to look for I hope to attract healthier relationships.


I have experienced this "pulling away", however, I just said, "That's his loss!"


Great video. This describes many guys I’ve been with lol. I tend to pull away after the guy starts to pull away or when he stops treating me the way I deserve. I of course try to talk about it but it never seems solve anything. After watching this video it all makes so much sense now.


Lol. The guy whom i believed was my true counterpart, my twin flame, ghosted me a few years ago after making me believe that he felt the same way about me. I have got heavily into psychology, self- growth and spirituality since then and i have learned and was able to understand a lot. So everything that Mat said in this video has actually confirmed my own thoughts on the matter. His name was James as well. That's some funny coincidence or is it?! ;)
Anyways i just love Mathew Boggs's videos and works. I find him simply amazing, - so intelligent, wise, perceptive, funny, knowledgeable. And you can tell that he's got a great personality too. I find myself binge watching his videos these days and i fell very grateful and privileged to have come across his works on the internet.
I feel particularly joyous when i see him together in his videos with his just as amazing and gorgeous wife Irene. It just brings me this true joy to my heart to see that amazing couple. It also restores my faith that there are still men like that out there and that you can find an amazing partner, as long as you keep working on yourself to become that very amazing, confident and aware of your own worth partner, remain patient and scrupulous in your dealings with others, work on eliminating your limited beliefs and have confidence in the Intelligence of the Universe.
Thank you for all the great and BRILLIANT work that you do and share with others, Mat!!! :)


When you give too much attention without they being equally invested in you


The last part of this video is my best part; you singing and dancing with your girls...so beautiful.
