Protect Your Heart: Preventive Strategies for Lifelong Health | Over 50 & Flourishing

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Welcome back to Over 50 & Flourishing! This week, I’m joined by Dr. Tracy Paeschke, a board-certified cardiologist and health coach with a passion for preventive care. Dr. Paeschke shares actionable insights on how to protect, strengthen, and even reverse the effects of heart disease. From simple lifestyle changes to a holistic approach to cardiovascular health, this episode is packed with tools to help you take control of your heart health and live your best life. Don't miss it!

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#DominiqueSachse​ #Podcast #HeartHealth
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I am so happy to hear that Dr. Paeschke recognized the great need to have screenings done to give a Doctor and a patient the kind of information they need to prevent a heart attack. I have experienced a heart attack and the Friday before my heart attack I had an ECG done by my PCP and it didn't show any abnormalities. That Sunday, I was rushed to the hospital with a heart attack and had 3 stents placed in my right coronary artery. My PCP was aware that my family on my dad's side all had CAD. My PCP just seemed to discount my concerns about my family history. Heart screening should be as common as colonoscopies!


Seriously A, this podcast is so informative, at the end of the day, yes the world has moved on, but your heart is not going forward, still inthe same place, you need to look after your own heart, food, stress, inflammation etc.She is so experienced TAKE NOTE!!


Dominique, thank you for this podcast on such an important issue that I and hundreds of women are so concerned about. This doctor was clear and clear on the details👏🏼✨


Congratulations and thank you Dominique. I have lost my dear father at a young age from a heart attack and I know first hand how devastating for a family such a sudden loss can be. Thank you 🙏


I totally agree with eating whole foods but now I’m hearing about the importance of women eating animal protein for strong bones. Beef is apparently the best source. I am eating more steaks than I ever have my entire life, though I like chicken and fish, too. I need to be carnivorous while eating plants and grains. I have osteoporosis and will not stop eating meat. Read Gabrielle Lyon, Forever Strong, A New Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well. Seriously, there are so many approaches to take; it can be conflicting but what’s important is understanding your own body and what works for you. Dr. Lyon would be a great podcast, also. This was informative. Thank you.


Such an informative podcast. Thank you do much for hosting a functional cardiologist.


Boy oh Boy does this hit home! I have been on this exact journey since July- randomly requesting a calcium score and doppler of my carotid just to make sure I was healthy - in turn, opened up a whole can of worms I had NO idea existed. I am not overweight, cook most of my own meals, have NEVER had a bad cholesterol panel and have NO history of heart disease that I know of, in my family. I was In shock when I was told my calcium score was 230 - in short, I have atherosclerosis!! I have requested a CIMT and was completely dismissed by my PC and my cardiologist -ugh - thats ok, I am headed toward wearing a Holter monitor for some strange arrhythmias first - then I will be seeking help from a Dr. on Youtube! smh - Good grief - imagine if I had never gone down this rabbit hole? Absolutely Women need to take heed to all of this! Thank you for making this video - so many lives could be saved. Scheduling a consult NOW!


Five ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐stars Dominique!!!! We need this information for our health and that of our family. Thank you. Prevention and Preventative measures are more manageable, than the medical intervention that is needed during the medical crisis, when its often too late. Education AND knowledge is KEY !!!! 🙏♥️😊


I loved this episode! Reaffirmed my transition to wfpb in 2020 where I got all my numbers in line and no medication within six months. now at 62 years old. Not to mention I’m more active now than ever. Thank you Dominique❤


With regard to good sleep, how you react things and how you take care of your mind during the day, which starts after you woke up till you go to bed, will influence the quality of your sleep at night. Our problem is that we sometimes forgot to tame our wild reacting mind triggered by multiple stress levels during the day. Unstable mind will certainly drain you down even after 10 hours of sleep. If your mind is clean and balanced during the day, less than 7 hours of sleep can give you enough energy to be able function the next day.


Great pod cast!!! Thanks for great guest!!!❤


Great conversation. Thank you so much.


Keto and Carnivore is much better. My arthritis and other inflammation have all but disappeared!!! I 💜 it and won't go back to grains ever again.😊


THANK YOU for this. I recently had a spike in BP, only realized it when I went to 'urgent care' for something else. Worrying about any of this was NOT on my radar, despite family history (paternal), which I dismissed as not applicable to me because I eat very well, get lots of exercise, great cholesterol numbers yada yada. I need to hear everything y'all discussed and make lifestyle changes (instead of living in a kind of denial because my clothes still fit and I can go-go-go). THANK YOU. What a nice doctor, too. I'd definitely go to her.


This is such a great podcast! Thank you for all the helpful information.


Keto diets fight inflammation! The studies are out there and it works for me ❤


Awesome video and thank you for this great topic!!


We all know what we need to do for heart health. Exercise, limit red meat, eliminate processed foods and sugar and be aware of our numbers. You can do everything right, and still have issues.


Why don’t you take insurance, Dr. Paske?


wow, i found this fascinating, thank you for such a great talk today Dominique x
