This One Failed Promise Should Stop Christians In Their Tracks! 'And The Sick Will Be Made Well'

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Today's episode is a response to Sean McDowell on biblical healing. Sean tries to make an excuse for why god does not consistently heal everyone when they ask, despite what the bible says. I say we should expect god to do what he says; if he doesn't, let's talk about what that means. This is an important one, and I hope you'll follow along.

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0:00 Preview
0:47 Intro
3:16 Sean's Video On Healing
3:56 Who Are These Videos For?
4:51 Consistency Of Healing Issue
6:18 Father/Son Example
9:55 Giving God Too Much Credit
11:11 Theology Time
12:05 Verses About What Illness Is And Where It Comes From
16:01 Biblical Illness Vs. What We Know Now
18:32 Focus On James 5:14-15!
22:56 Other Verses On What To Do When Sick
24:25 Verses About Asking God For Things/Prayer
26:43 My Salvation As Proof Of God Keeping His Word?
27:31 Final Thoughts
29:40 Patron Thank You

#biblicalhealing #faithhealing #jesusheals #mindshift #atheism #atheist #exchristian
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I have schizophrenia. I was wandering around one day, hallucinations, delusional. I had been suffering for some time. The hallucinations and delusions were religious in nature. I believed I was an angel...Finally when I realized this was not the case ...I thought I was demon possessed. So I passed a church and it said on the sign outside, "expect a miracle." So that Sunday I went the church to get healed. I went with child like faith in god, the bible clearly stated, " go to the elders and they pray over you and ask god what the matter is...they didn't do anything but made me confess my sins and etc. I went to the alter and started crying because I was not being healed and elder said I was crying tears of joy.
I could go on and on but it was a literal hell until I checked myself into the VA and got help. An anti-psychotic was prescribed and I was symptom free going on 13 years now. I am now a atheist and a social worker helping people make real progress in their lives.


I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when I was 7 years old. My parents had the church elders come in, lay hands on me and anoint me with oil. I'm still diabetic. For years, I heard every vile thing the church says about those who are not healed. We're told to have faith like a child, but even as an indoctrinated child I didn't have enough faith? Eventually I came to the conclusion that diabetes is more powerful than god... and then that either there is no god, or that whatever god there is, it is either incapable or evil.


Everything good that happens is because of God. Everything bad that happens is your fault. That's basically what I was taught growing up in the church.


My family member was in a near-fatal car accident. The airbags saved them. Most of my family were thanking God profusely, believing he saved the victim for a reason, and so on. My contribution was unwelcome: Thank the engineers who invented, manufactured, and installed the airbags! Thank the politicians who mandated them! Thank the first responders who rushed to the scene! Thank the surgeon and nurses!


My dad died of lung cancer in 2010. He had an initial successful surgery, and I (already an atheist for many years) had to listen to family friends exclaim to me “God is so good!!”.

His condition quickly deteriorated and he eventually died. Silence from the faithful. It still pisses me off when I think about it.

That experience is also what I cite when someone pulls the “no atheists in foxholes” nonsense. I wanted him to survive more than anything ever, but never once did it even occur to me to ask a deity for help. Not Thor, not Vishnu, not even gentle Jesus meek and mild.


I was diagnosed with epilepsy as a child. My mother took me to many faith healers. They took her money and all of them told her they had healed me. But they knew good and well that they hadn't because they always said that if I had another seizure, it was because I let the devil back in and my mother should beat me to drive the devil back out. I had more seizures, of course. So the church blamed me and called me demon-possessed, as did my family. This caused me severe depression and trauma on top of my suffering with the seizures. Faith healing is just blaming the victim because Christians dare not blame their lying god. When I realized that god isn't real and became an atheist, I was finally able to start healing from the emotional trauma that the church had caused me.


When someone gets better: "God's plan in action! Hallelujah!"

When someone dies of cancer: "God's plan in action! Hallelujah!"

They literally can't lose.


Honestly, this is the only channel that I hang on to every word. The main thing that started my deconversion was the many times I’d hear people thanking god for something that involved a tragedy. An example I always use is a true one. A family had their 8 y/o daughter kidnapped, rap*d & murdered. After a year of the police, FBI, science & attorneys working in unison, the killer was found, convicted & sentenced to life w/out parole. The mother, in a press conference said, “We thank god he was found. God is good!” HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN RAP*D & MURDERED!!! The desire to credit god in this case and so many like it is disgusting!


Sean: is the lack of healing the result of a lack of faith?

No Sean, it's the result of a lack of a god.


Thanks to the new blood test, my dad was diagnosed with early stage of prostate cancer and with the advancement of medicine, we all knew it was a curable cancer. My siblings, born again christian aka evangelical, ask me to join them at their life centre aka church for prayers so my dad can heal in the name of Jesus, I declined the invitation. After about 10 sessions of radiation, my dad was cancer free. Of course they said their prayers worked, it was a miracle and we should all get together to thank the Lord. Sigh!!!

Few months after my dad went into remission, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer. I heard nothing from my siblings about praying for her!? Is it because they knew it was an incurable disease and no amount of prayers will heal her?


If you replace “pray for something “ with the words “hope for something “, then the con trick becomes more obvious.
In reality, if you hope something happens, it either happens or it doesn’t. Simple.

If you pray for something to happen it either does or it doesn’t, but the religious con you by saying “god has reasons why “

They’ve played us as gullible fools for centuries


When my nephew was paralyzed in an auto accident about 10 years ago, my sister and brother laid hands on him and "claimed healing in Jesus's name" . When he remained paralyzed they decided that God must have a purpose for the affliction so that's why he wasn't healed. They never have to doubt that way.


I am in the beginning / questioning phase of all of this. I have binged all of your videos from the beginning over the last 10 days and am finally caught up 😅 - Thank you for doing these by the way!
I have been in the non denominational /Pentecostal / fundamental vein since the early 80’s.
After ‘battling for my husbands miraculous healing’ for 7 years, we lost.
At the end it got very bad. He was in ICU - literally dying in real life - but we (myself, my husband, the entire extended fam, and our church body) simply refused to accept reality from EVERY SINGLE medical staff…and there were lots. Daily, each and every specialist, nurse, and med team told us that he was not going to make it….and every single day I would tell them that even though it looked so very dark, that our god was a healer and a miracle worker, you’ll see!
In the last days he was alive I would have periods of fear and doubt (which I felt so guilty about) and during one of those frustrated fearful times said to our pastor ‘I don’t get it!!! It’s seeming to me that either god can’t, or he won’t. And neither of those are ok with me.’
I got a ‘loving rebuke’.
But turns out, it’s looking like I was right. That was 11 years ago. I’m just now digging in to educate myself. Again, thank you for the content you are making. I’ve never been exposed to anything like it.


It drives me crazy when Christians say that God "never fails, " or that he "always keeps his promises." Yet if you point out a clear example of God failing or not doing what he says he would do, they just give excuses. There is absolutely no condition under which God could ever possibly fail in their eyes. If a child with cancer gets better, God gets credit for healing them. If that child dies from cancer, praise God, because that child is in Heaven now, where there is no pain or suffering. There is literally no conceivable situation where God can fail. He can sit up there on his throne, doing absolutely nothing, and he gets credit for it. No matter what bad thing happens, "his ways are higher than our ways."


Back in middle school, I had a classmate that lost a long battle with cancer. She came from a religious family, born and raised Christian much like I had been, but we belonged to different sects. We sat next to each other in the one class we had together and were good friends. She would sometimes be absent for like a week or so, being treated by doctors. I still remember the teacher walking in to tell us. As I was processing my own pain and hurt from this, I sometimes thought about her family. I don't think I could even possibly begin to understand the depths of their grief. But I usually always found myself thinking "Why do these parents have to bury their child? Why did my friend die so young?" I wasn't able to accept any excuse that would allow for it, if her purpose from birth was to suffer from an incurable illness and die young, if that was willed by some divine all powerful all knowing entity, then I do not think that entity is "good".


I stopped taking ADHD medication through the nudging of a prophet of God (who later was found to be having an affair with his secretary). It kind of ruined my 20s. I went from Dean's list to dropping out of college and falling into debilitating depression and agoraphobia. Luckily I got my BA in my 30s and I'm slowly building back my life. I take responsibility for being naive enough to think it was God's will, but that proposition shouldn't have been before me to begin with.


To all health care workers THANK YOU for all your work especially during the recent pandemic.


My appendix ruptured back in 2015. My mom waited until 24 hours later from my first symptoms because my parents thought I was being dramatic, until I was sick all night and was no longer able to roll over easily the next morning. Mom also "didnt know what to do to drive me into the ER" until she called the doctor's office and they said "go into the ER". After surgery, my mom said "God saved me" and that pissed me off. The surgeon and medical staff saved my life, modern medicine saved me as my abdominal cavity had been filled with the bacteria from my appendix rupturing and it had been flushed with antibiotics. God didn’t do shit. I laid in bed for 24 hours and only got worse, only praying and waiting would have resulted in me dying.


The chores analogy would be more accurate if the kid has never met his dad and his neighbor brought over a note saying “your dad wrote that you should do my chores and if you have a good attitude he’ll pay you when he gets back”

And it’s written on the neighbor’s stationery.


I saw a license plate yesterday that said “prayer changes things”. It was a handicapped license plate . Irony impaired.
