Should you play Genshin Impact in 2021?

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Genshin Impact, fantastic free solo open world adventure, or money hungry gacha game?

Both? both.... both is good.

Should you download and play Genshin Impact, a free solo RPG with multiplayer features, in 2021? Yes.

Yes you should, you should enjoy the adventure and when you feel the urge to spend money to become a top1% player you should stop.

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Biggest genshin trap is having a good team of 4 characters that are level 80, and then you get a random free wish, and its a new shiny level 1 five star.


Basic math: "Brain dead"
Memorizing everything you need to upgrade all your characters: "Galaxy moment"


In most MMOs to progress you need to sell a kidney but a really pro gamer move would be to sell both and after that all your worries will be over .


I’m somebody who really loves stories, and everything about Genshin Impact’s lore, world building and characters, screams of being something I’d hyper fixate on in a big way. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a game I can lose myself in to the point where I can almost taste the air, and I really miss that feeling… but I can’t let myself play this game. I know myself well enough to know that loot boxes and hyper fixations are not a combination I should explore. Instead I’m just left with a sad longing, standing in the weird position of wishing a game I want wasn’t free.


I like Lisa, she's good at climbing


10:56 That is incorrect. The only way to upgrade a character constellation is to wish and obtain again that same character, it will be converted to the appropriate stella fortuna. There is no way to upgrade constellation in dungeons or with world bosses.


Can't stress enough just how fabulous the music is. CHEN Yu Peng really put a lot of heart and soul into composing.


I don't think it's right grouping anemoculos with the currency. They're collectables, and as far as I know you cannot buy them for anything. You can only find them.


After 60hrs and doing every story and side quest the true end game is waiting for the next content patch...and gathering materials


I had a lot of fun with this game until around level 40. The 30's were a grind. Now that there is more content available, I bet there are a lot more hours of enjoyable gameplay, but still. Gambling addicts beware.


Having watched this before I started playing Genshin and a few months after, I think this video oversells how complex Genshin's monetization scheme is.

Aside from Gacha Pulls and a few character skins, more IRL money really only gets you more of the timegating resource, Resin. There's some stock of some materials that can be bought, but the game still locks many character/weapon upgrades behind materials that require actually hunting down mobs/bosses or picking up materials during exploration.

Many resources are also completely timegated. Many resources have some sort of timer before they can be collected again such as weekly boss drops. There is no option to get rid of the timer using money.


been playing this game since day 1, burnt out of it twice, always came back because farming artifacts and exploring is addicting to me, whenever i play this game i just feel at ease, one of my favorite F2P games out there.


I've been playing this 100% free for a while now. The beginning is actually still quite different from what you eventually inevitably end up doing - all the fun exploration stuff ends at some point. Searching for the remaining chests is a chore at best.

You can definitely play this game free, no issues. I rolled plenty of 5* characters, but I only use one of them in my team. Getting your characters set up takes a while if you aren't spending boatloads of money to be able to grind more for a day. So this game will not be your "main game". You'll login each day, spend your resin, do your daily stuff and work on any current event stuff. Rinse and repeat. You are looking at 1-2 hours a day, with some rare stuff where you can play more, like when a new area releases. Events often come with minigames that sometimes are actually quite fun, like the tower defense one or the hide and seek minigame.

If you do not have a lot of time to spend on gaming, this may still be a fun experience for you.


"Begin with finding a lost cat and end with killing a god." I'm having flashbacks of ff7 remake.


"15 to 20 hours to reach rank 16"

If that's the case, you're REALLY doing a lot of extra content or something cause making a beeline for AR16 should take a few hours tops.... That's the point where you're expected to decide on keeping the account or rerolling for better stuff.


NGL my brain started fogging over when you got to the monetization.


It's so much easier to treat the game as a side piece while playing an hour a day. You get all the primo you can with dailies and events while getting the characters you mostly want or doing gear.


The anemoculus, geoculus and electroculus work more as a collectible than a currency, they are scattered around the map and you need to find them by exploring and solving puzzles, they have nothing to do with gacha since their rewards are set on stone, you can't buy them or make the process any less tedious and they are entirely dependant on your ability to explore, not on your wallet. Same goes for sigils, you can get them by opening chests and in Liyue's case, by picking them up off rocks as if they were fossils. I wouldn't call them currency persé, and you can in no way buy those two from the actual in-game store.


ok, as a genshin player, I must correct you: many, many characters you can get for free, just by playing through events. And upgrade materials are not found in wishes. Weapons and characters are, and you can sacrifice weapons to power up your weapons. But it should be noted that you don't have to, and the game never requires a character from any of the banners to succeed


I think you were referring to Constellations when you were talking about “star sign charts”. Just so you know, you don’t get those from dungeons. You get them from the gambling. If you get a duplicate character, you can unlock one of their constellation abilities up to 6 duplicates. So to fully max out a character, you’re going to need to spend hundreds(and sometimes thousands) on gambling, hoping that you get a duplicate.
