Why Jesus Had to Die to Save Us

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Jesus Christ saved us from sin and reconciled us with the Father. Why did it cost him his life, poured out in crucifixion on a cross? Was this just inevitable punishment from God the Father, inflicted on his Son instead of us?

Dr. Edward Sri unpacks Christ's atonement for us and shows us how Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was not just the result of holy retribution but a pure act of divine love.

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I strengthened my faith in Jesus through (GodLogic Apologetics) channel and (Ascension presents) channel.Thanks God for the blessings of these channels .


I love you Lord Jesus Christ❤ and One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Ave Maria


I have been thinking about this a lot and for me it helps me to understand that God brought us into a fallen world knowing that we would suffer through the misfortunes of life such as poverty, loneliness, cancer, disease and eventually have to die. All of the curses that came into the world because of the disobedience of Adam and Ever we have to endure but God in his great love also became one of us and he also endured all the misfortunes of life and did it without sin. He healed the sick, brought back the dead and gave sight to the blind and then when he was in the prime of his life he was arrested, falsely charged and executed for crimes that he didn't commit BUT because he was God he knew this would happen and he allowed it to happen and decided to make it a sacrifice instead of just a execution and while in the grave he made a new rule and that rule was that death would no longer have authority over us humans and that just as he rose from the dead so would we!


Thank you Dr Sri and AP for sharing this message with us today.


Last week, a lady in our Bible study accidentally pricked herself with a sewing needle. She said she 'suffered' all day until...until...she went to Adoration. Where she gazed upon the Crucifix, while Adoring she realized she hadn't suffered at all. 🪡
What a good lesson she shared with us. ♡


It is not Jesus dying at the cross that saved us, but our reaction at that injustice and our turning back that saved us. Not only theoretically in our souls, but the boom to change our society for the better that nobody suffers the same way. And it might be true that such injustice still happen, as we keep denying our humanity to our enemies even. But it’s our look back in horror our willingness to change, that will ultimately save us. It’s still amazing to me how such word got back to us and reached us in our time and all around the globe in an age where their was no media. And still their are many in power that twist the message of the cross to their advantage their power and greed. But to turn back to our humanity is never to late, to question ourselves, as the world is sadly infinite in the acts of inhumanity and injustice we also pass on.


I am loving these videos with Dr. Sri!!!


Remove obstacles? Who put those obstacles in place? God. Why will He come down to remove the obstacles he put himself in place to separate him from us.


Cross, Jesus dying and suffering apply on those who accept Him as their own, that's how His sacrifices are applied to cleanse our sins, and His infinite love can redeem us, transform us...

If one doesn't accept Him, then it's not applied to them, and that's why the whole world cannot be saved because not everyone trusts God, not everyone puts their faith in God and accepts his willingness to suffer for us to save us.
His love indeed is the core cause of this but still accepting Jesus into our lives. That's how it is redeemed. Love is cause.
Accepting His help, his solution, his life giving sacrifice is what joins/determines if his sacrifice is applied on us.


How does the blood of Jesus saves me? How does it sanctify me? I accept his sacrafice, but I don't understand the power of his blood. I understand that he lived a sinnless life in a fallen human body, winning over sin, so he can win over sin in me, but why couldn't he ascend to heaven instead of letting the people to cruxify him? I'll appreciate your thoughts in the mistery of the blood. Please be aware that the explanation that the punishment for sin is death so he died in our place doesn't answer for me the question of saving and sanctifying function of the blood. Why would he need to die to appease his Father's wrath? Couldn't the father just forgive those who repent and ask for the Holy Spirit. The Father loves us after all just the way Jesus does. Thanks. Wojciech


Greetings Mr.Edward,
Thoughts :-
-> Message reflect with, "The Holy Cross is The Symbolic Representation of Lord Jesus Christ's Passion in every sense in all aspects."
-> Thanks for the Kind Message Mr.Edward, Team Ascension Presents.
With regards & Prayers,
Ranjith Joseph (R.J)


You know, this still did not give me an explicit answer as to why Jesus had to die. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason jesus had to die is because he loves us so much that he even still loves us when we want him dead and gone from our lives. God did not crucify and kill Jesus, humans did. Humans not only killed God, but wanted to kill God. Jesus so loves us that he continues to offer us love and mercy despite this seemingly unforgivable atrocity. That is just how unconditional his love is. The cross is the blueprint for the mechanics of sacrificial love.


Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree. (Deuteronomy 21:22-23 and Galatians 3:13)

As then both he who hanged on a tree, and he who transgresses the Law, is cursed, and as it was necessary for him who is about to relieve from a curse himself to be free from it, but to receive another instead of it, therefore Christ took upon Him such another, and thereby relieved us from the curse. It was like an innocent mans undertaking to die for another sentenced to death, and so rescuing him from punishment. For Christ took upon Him not the curse of transgression, but the other curse, in order to remove that of others. For, He had done no violence neither was any deceit in His mouth. (Isa. 53:9; 1 Peter 2:22.) And as by dying He rescued from death those who were dying, so by taking upon Himself the curse, He delivered them from it.”

St John Chrysostom


But if one drop of His blood would have been enough, why did Jesus have to suffer so horribly, cruelly?

I would appreciate any words of wisdom that can ease my mind and heart on that point.

Blessings. ✝️🙏✝️


The problem with this answer is it does not answer the question as to why it was fitting for the person of the son to become incarnate and die on a cross. This answer speaks to the spirituality of the cross but gives very little insight into the fittingness and reason of the cross and not some other means.


Not just because He was innocent? Wasn't that the point? He was the Lamb, the Innocent taking the place of the guilty.

"Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53.4-6

Love to the end? In what way? If it not's because of Atonement, then what is the loving thing? What is the gift of love? Offering a gift of love atones? In what way? Frankly, this explanation falls VERY short.


Matthew 21:11
And the multitude said, This is Jesus the PROPHET of Nazareth of Galilee.

John 9:17
So they said to the blind man again, “What do you say about Jesus since he opened your eyes?” And he said, “He is a PROPHET .”

Luke 22:42
42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Matthew 24:36
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but ONLY the Father.

Matthew 7:22-23
On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’


Jesus death on the cross was due to the fact that the chosen people, prepared people didn’t receive Him. The need for Jesus to go the way of the cross was necessary because of faithlessness of the chosen people to receive Him. Jesus victory was in his resurrection, which opened the way for a spiritual salvation only, that’s why He promised that He will return. If the chosen people were to receive Him, the salvation would be completed then, however it was prolonged because of peoples faithlessness of that time. In order for humanity to be saved, it wasn’t necessary for Jesus to die on the cross, Jesus could forgive sin while being alive. Jesus suffered physically so that’s why humanity suffers to this day, so Jesus needs to return and bring complete salvation: spiritual and physical.


But this leaves out that God does not need the cross to save us, he could have simply say "All is forgiven" like he did with many before crucifixion as stated in Bible and he would not be acting unjust, given having no one above if He forgives who will say other than say He is merciful.


Humans offfended God with our sins. Now God is good and He wanted to forgive us, but He just couldn't bring Himself to do that until we scourged His son (Himself), crowned Him with thorns, spit on Him, made Him carry a heavy cross through the streets while being mocked by crowds of people, after we nailed Him to the cross, pierced his side with a spear, gave him vinegar to quench his thirst, and killed Him, then, HEY! Now God could forgive us for offending Him. Why does that make sense to anyone?
