If Mary Never Sinned, Why Did She Die? w/ Orthodox ☦️ Fathers, St. John Damascene & St. Augustine

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1:24 What Happened to Mary's Body?
2:09 Gregorian Sacramentary on Mary's Dormition
3:15 Orthodox Tradition on Mary's Dormition
4:20 St. Augustine- Why She Died
8:02 St. John Damascene-- Why She Died
12:50 Adam's Pre-fallen Nature (Immortal By Nature or Death Apart of Nature?)
17:07 Orthodox Majority View on Mary's Dormition
18:33 Vladimir Lossky on Dogma & Mary
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I was protestant as well my whole life, Pentecostal, and was taught just about nothing on so many topics. And as I've learned more and more after finding Orthodoxy my mind is blown at how neglectful we were about many people but especially Mary or Theotokos. You're almost not supposed to even mention her name. I can't believe how truly amazing she is and how I've never been told about the holiest person just below Christ himself. There's something really wrong about that. God bless.


Very good explanation of the theology in simple and understandable terms. Good job and happy Feast of the Dormition!


The best explanation I have seen of this topic.


Lovely meditation for the Eve of the feast. Thank you!


As a protestant who is prayerfully considering switching to orthodoxy, I find that the life of Mary (and indeed all saints) is something that I just have never been taught much about. What sources can you point me to that I can learn more about her life and the sources for orthodox beliefs concerning the Theotokos specifically her sinlessness as that is a mystery I'd love to know more about.


Assumption means she did not suffer corruption. Like her son she died but no decay which will we will suffer. That’s fair because none of us match her faith.


Thank you for this wonderful content about our bless Virgin Mary the mother our God.


According to the Mystic Ven. Mary of Agreda in the book now called "The Mystical City of God". Mary revealed to her that God offered to take her body and soul to heaven without having to die. But Mary in her humility said to God that she did not want to be more privelged to that of her son Jesus. God was pleased. In short Mary died on a Friday at 3:00 PM and remained in the tomb until moments after midnight on Saturday. Just as her Divine Son. Our Lady told Mary of Agreda that what caused her death is that she loved so much, that that love would have killed her but God was sustaining her. When God removed the sustantaion, it was her love that killed her body. Then Our Lady's Body was reunited to her Soul. That the happiest in heaven were Adam and Eve, they done great pennance after the fall and through God's mercy they attoned for their fall.


As the new Eve she with the new Adam dies to defeat the power of death.


All have sinned according to Paul Roman’s 3:23 including Mary
Christ is the one n only sinless being.


Mary was a human being, like all of us. She died. The Roman Catholic church posits that she was "assumed bodily" into heaven. With absolutely no Scriptural basis. She is not the Mother of God. She was the earthly mother of Jesus, who was fully God and fully man. She is not to be worshipped. The line between reverence and worship is a fine one. But both Roman Catholics and Orthodox believers have crossed this line by essentially worshipping Mary. I was raised in a devout Roman Catholic family, and I can personally attest that the devotions given to Mary were tantamount to worship. That is the definition of idolatry. Tradition is not dispositive about Mary. Scripture alone is.


How can we trust these sources? How late are they and how different on they compared to the gospels. What is the scholarly consensus


O boy crazy thoughts by silly people. Perceptive irrelevance.
