I Asked 1000 Older People for Advice and Learned...

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I Asked 1000 Strangers for Advice this year and Learned A TON of life lessons... here are some of the best life lessons I learned this year.

Chapters for Advice
0:00 Intro
0:50 80 Year Olds
2:55 New Yorkers
4:49 Japan
8:28 Ex-Corporate Nomads
11:06 Goal Setting
13:55 Married Couples
16:11 90 Year Olds

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If you could give any piece of advice to someone, what would it be? 💭


“When an elder dies a library burns to the ground.”—African proverb


When she said “You can’t just lay in bed and eat cookies” I felt personally attacked


Being healthy is a huge plus in life. I’ve been sick most of my life & I don’t really enjoy life bc I’m in pain all the time. If you have your health, your life is rich.❤


I heard a great quote that stuck with me (said by a hospice patient who was dying). “At the end of life, there are no do-overs, especially with your health.” Take excellent care of your body. You only get one. ❤


Here my advise: eat healthy, exercise, 7-9hours of sleep, do not stress and get rid of ANYTHING that causes stress, do not compare yourself to others, go into a career you enjoy, less is more, and travel.


My advice: Learn the difference between: career, job, and vocation. They are all distinctly different things and I think this causes a LOT of stress and wastes a LOT of people's precious time. Define what 'success' looks like for YOU, whether that means living in a tent or a mansion, don't let others opinions influence the decisions you make.


If you find someone who loves you & you love them, never let go of each other. Learn each others love languages, be gentle with one another, hold hands everyday, kiss each other every hour (or as often as possible) check in with them often & never ever be violent in any way with one another & no yelling. Also, be patient & curious not impatient & critical.


That guy who wanted to be an actor needs to take his own advice and do it now! He obviously was good when he was young and had the talent, pursuing dreams is not only for the young - go for it 💪🏻


“I could nitpick to death but I choose not to do that because it doesn’t expand the relationship!” This lady delivered some golden nuggets 👏


I’m 71. I loved my job, which was being what most people describe as a cog in a big company, but I loved being a part of a team, belonging every day. You can always learn more about your industry - always. I retired and now devote myself to an animal shelter. Both experiences have been wonderful!


I’ve been a bedside nurse for 10 years. Having lost my grandparents and dad at a young age, one of my greatest gifts from work is talking to older patients and visitors and asking for their life advice!


My advice to younger people is that if you want to travel, do it while you are young and healthy and have energy and curiosity. I always planned my life to assume that I could travel when I was older or retired, and got a mortgage at 21. I wish I had paused for a year or two to go and travel before tying myself down financially, because my health has taken an unexpectedly bad turn the last few years and at this stage I don't know if I will have the mobility and energy to be able to travel in my older years, whereas I could have in my younger years. Basically - don't put things off if you really want to do them, because you don't know what challenges you'll have as you get older that may stop you from doing them later in life.


I love advice from "older" people (LOL. I'm 58). It's all so genuine and heartfelt. GRATITUDE... that's important. Not sure where I read this but it always resonated with me... Instead of beginning each day with an attitude of "Ugh, I HAVE to do this, " change the thought to "I GET to do this." I think that if we are grateful for simple and mundane things, our brains get re-wired from negative to positive, and life becomes much richer. Faith is also important. I'd love to hear more from folks in the interviews about that. Great video! Thank you Will.


I’m 69 now and I don’t have any major regrets. I was lucky to have many fun experiences in my 20-40’s. After that I worked hard making my money by selling my artwork, self employed. Was able to move to the country with my partner and have a couple horses. So far I’m happy with my decisions. 👍


In my humble opinion being grateful will make the biggest change in enjoying life. Remember you’re not rich until you have something money can’t buy.


My one word for finding “Love” is find someone that makes you laugh at yourself and often. I wake up in the morning and look at my beautiful wife, and know that the day will be great. 😊😊😊😊


Fight hard to learn to love and accept yourself. When you do that, you'll be too damn strong to let anyone who tries to make you feel "less than" overstay their welcome in you're beautiful life. LOVE YO SELF!!!!


Don’t let a sourpuss steal your dreams. I wanted to travel abroad in college and learn Spanish. My Spanish teacher said to the whole class “don’t even thing about going abroad unless you are at least an intermediate level of Spanish.” I was a freshman and in beginning Spanish. I dropped his Spanish class, never took another Spanish class, and didn’t go abroad because I didn’t think I was at the appropriate “level”. Big regret. Just because people have a bad experience in life doesn’t mean you will too (ex- marriages, having kids, etc) ❤


I’m 32 and for almost the entire video I was captivated by sadness, but they’re all so optimistic and happy. These people are absolutely beautiful.
