America's 80 Year Olds Share Their BIGGEST Mistakes

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I ask a mix of retired and young millionaires from the ages of 40 to 80 what their biggest mistakes and regrets are, how it feels to be their age, what advice they'd give to someone younger than them, and so much more. Filmed in Laguna Beach, California.

👋🏻 William Rossy - Sprouht


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What’s YOUR biggest regret? What lesson did you learn from it? Let’s start a thread👇🏻


"Stop trying to be all things to all people, instead be true to yourself" Awesome!


I remember when I was in my young 20's and talking to this dude and he said " There isn't a billionaire alive who wouldn't give almost everything they have to have what you have now " And I was like what's that?". He goes, time and youth. The older I've gotten and more successful I've become he was exactly right.


In my 40s, my advice would be to stop wasting time in jobs that don't pay well. Even if you have other ambitions and you're doing the job just to get by, still prioritise a good salary.


Favorite line: no regrets; just learning from it and move on. My mentality exactly. We can't know what we didn't know then.


That 42 year old sounds like a very balanced and well rounded guy


Impressive video. I started a bit late (graduated from my doctorate program at age 30 in 2016 with 170k in school loan debt). Managed to pay off my debt by 2019 and currently have a house and 250k total in investments (combo of profit share, 401k and a brokerage account). I'm not very knowledgeable with investing, so I have all my capital currently vested in index funds but considering the dollar dumping and current inflation crisis. How optimal would this be beneficial long term?


“Chasing a positive experience is a negative experience and accepting a negative experience is a positive experience in itself”


No one on his deathbed ever said, I wish I had spend more time at the office…huuuff! Something to think about when setting GOALS in our lives… Great material!


I’m 62, blessed with health and happy. The key is to keep moving, keep engaged and get perspective to truly realize how blessed you are. I love these interviews because there is so much wisdom and introspection out there to learn from. So many smart people out there. That 42 year old guy has a very healthy perspective on life.


Among all the good advices given in this video, the last one is pure gold: "a relationship with a partner, long term, is incredibly essential to a person' life". I think that being with the right person through your adulthood also determines how much you succeed (and viceversa) and become the best version of yourself.


Society is too much wired around work, and spending 5 days a week working during 40 or 45 years is way too much. We should have more time to enjoy our passions and loved one. That's why I do firmly advocate for the 4 days work week.


If I can add my two cents at my tender age of 59! I would say to my younger self, be patient, things will always work out fine if you make the efforts, don’t rush anything, get an education and once on the labour force then keep on learning new skills. Then find the right life partner, a person that shares your values, don’t rush it and make sure it’s the right person otherwise stay alone. Discuss with people up to a certain point but avoid lengthy discussions and arguments, they will lead nowhere. Always be respectful to people and not tough to anyone because everyone has an internal battle to fight. Money is important so spend your money wisely, never compare yourself with others, hang out with friends that share your values and stay away from people that are judging the way you spend money. Invest wisely and keep in mind that very high rate of return don’t exist. Learn to invest by yourself is very important and don’t rely on an advisor, they usually don’t know more than you. Finally, you have been given only one body and soul so take extreme precautions that means absolutely no drugs, very little alcohol, exercise every day and good food only. I wish I had followed these advice throughout my life. I did for the most part.


It's interesting that a lot of these people said what they loved about their job was working with people. In an age where things are now becoming less and less about people and more and more about working from home and minimising human interaction through a computer screen. I think it's a lesson companies should keep in mind before cutting all human interaction opportunities in the workplace.


The wealth you accumulate is not what you are remembered for, it is the people in your life


I am 70 years old and I and can honestly say I have very few regrets I've had probably a hundred jobs I probably had about two hundred vacations I have had over 100 different kinds of vehicles and I went out with so many different girls that I liked I can't even name them all what I would say to anybody have fun don't take life seriously laugh all the time and if you got something bringing you down get rid of it you got a job you don't like quit you got a partner you don't want to be with get rid of them you got a car you don't want get another one when you look back you can always say I did what I wanted and I didn't even care because I did what I wanted and here I am and I'm 70 and I'm telling you it goes quick it goes faster especially my last 20 years went by in a snap of a finger do exactly what you want and don't listen to nobody that tells you not to do it you can always say I did what I wanted❤


1.Trying to impress people who never gave a crap about me in the first place.
2. Putting other people before myself.
3. Relying on unreliable people
4. Not loving myself
5. Expecting others to love me more than I love myself.
6. Abusing myself because I felt so low as a person.
7. Begging people to love me
8. Not living my truth
These are my biggest regrets in life.


"At ones death bed no one wishes they would have spend more time at the office" hit me like a ton of bricks.


I wished that I could have recognized people with mental health issues such as with, narcissism before it became toxic. Several members of my immediate family are narcissistic and I didn't realize it was a red flag.


Wow the 82 year old women looks amazing for her age.
