Reviving A Stuck & Rusted Skateboard Bearing - Complete Teardown & Rebuild

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This is how I've always cleaned and reused older skate bearings. This method is for bearings with removable shields and Delrin/Teflon crowns. Besure to properly dry and lube bearing after cleaning, as stated in the video, if you skate a bearing right after this process it has a better chance of getting completely dry and falling into that good bearing groove where it just works. With older bearings always keep a few handy because they are of course more prone to blowing out. Hope this helps somebody!
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1. Disassemble
2. Put in vinegar 6 hours
3. Reassemble 1/2
4. Put grease in there
5. Reassemble 2/2


I found you're method reassembly a real saver for me as I was struggling to get the bearings all back together. Cheers.


Yes! only tutorial explaining this. Rest be like: don't bother going this far. Well.. than there is you and me and the likes :D


My method
1.remove 1 shield
2.soak overnight in vinegar
3.remove bearing from vinegar and lube with 3 in 1 oil
4.insert to skateboard tighten as much as possible
5.rotate the wheel until it frees up


Using a good gun oil works great for removing rust.

I usually do that then after I use dawn dish soap and put it into the back side of the bearing and add just a little water and spin it until it starts feeling smooth.then I take the bearing under a water faucet running all the way and I spin the bearing until I see no more suds.i then shake all the excess water out then put the bearing into a bowl of 99% isopropyl alcohol for a few hours to degrease and make sure when I remove from liquid no trace of water is in the race.i run older bearings unlubed but otherwise would add bones speed cream after then boom you have a restored bearing


Thanks Brother! Took me 20 minutes to get it back together but it works just fine now. Right On..


Literally first try, lmao!
Why haven’t I seen this video until just now.. thanks for the vidja!


I found a hack. I put autosol metal polish leaving it in the bearings to polish and grind out the rust. Later cleaning it out.
So far it works out saving stuck and rusted bearings.
Also it removes and polishes out the bumps caused by the rust and makes it spin better.

Try it and let me know how it works out.


A lot of work on 32 bearings but better then buying a new set.


I realized this is gonna be very hard to do with balls that are the size of a needle point after I took it all apart


I lost it as soon as I saw the red nail polish 😂💀


some rust remover and oil will not hurt either but good video otherwise


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The true gospel is the good news that God saves sinners. Man is by nature sinful and separated from God with no hope of remedying that situation. But God, by His power, provided the means of man’s redemption in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 2:8-9

For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of GOD, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Romans 10:9

9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

JESUS CHRIST can come anytime.

REPENT OF YOUR SINS Just Believe ❤️ Love you and GOD BLESS
