How to make wide nails more narrow.

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Watch this next ➡️ How to Shape Natural Nails
Also: ➡️ Gentle Shellac Removal and Manicure [How nail shape can change after polish wear]

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This was the first time I've personally heard anyone talk about oval nail beds and how they should be shaped to create the illusion of or in fact promote length of the overall nail! I love my short nails, but they are wide nails, thin and fragile, with oval beds. I know very little about shaping, and the first time I tried to do anything at home was a disaster. This at least gives me hope that I can maybe encourage a better, longer *looking* shape with better technique. Thank you!


This is great! I have flared nails too and I think part of what’s going on for me (besides shorter nail beds and an overall u-shape) is that the free edge is flatter than the part attached to the nail bed. It’s not actually widening, it just looks that way because less of the width is taken up by curvature. I think I see the same in your client’s photos.


I have “fan” shaped nails as well and the nail plate is flatter with some uneven curves so I’ve always had shaping issues. I’m definitely going to try this more consistently!


This has been my experience too! Gently shaping the outside edges of the nails, just ever so slightly is plenty. Love using a glass file for this.


I always file my nails into an oval shape to give the appearance of longer nail plates. The difference you showed here is remarkable! Thanks for the video!


I have exactly the same problem! Right now I have my nails VERY short (to prevent damage from a lot of gardening work), but once the garden is put to bed for the winter, I'll try your suggestions for how to handle these types of nails... Your results were spectacular!


Brilliant results there Anna ❤ It goes to show what regular care can achieve 😊


My nails were just like that, but I watched a previous video of you demonstrating this correction and I’ve been following your advice and now a couple months later they’re no longer wide. Thank you so very much for this, I’m no longer embarrassed by my nails. Truly does work.


I have very wide nails and was obsessed with making them thinner and pointier. Recently I have been leaving them in their natural shape and I now prefer them wide. When they're long they look "big" and I love that.


WOW so interesting. I have nails like that. The result is absolutely fantastic and I feel so inspired right now. thank you


a few of my nails have this shape and i’ve found that having my nails grown out for a long period of time can also help this issue. the hyponychium grows out over time and i feel like it can round out the curve of your nails so they don’t look as flat.


Can you stop reading my mind please ? I was just wondering how to shape my nails in a different way so they wouldn't seem so large 😂 a video of how you actually do it would be great but that's already a lot of advice so thank you thank you thank you, you're amazing ! ❤


I love your videos and advice! Thank you for teaching us so much about natural nail care 🤗


this is incredible, thank you for sharing. I am a nail tech and I noticed that since I've been doing cuticle work and better shaping, my nails look so different.


I wish we could see you doing the filing. I would love this same look, and I am forever thankful for you turning me on to Dazzle Dry, what a game changer!


I followed your advice about how to look after my nails and it's true because my nails changed the shape after 6 months. They're more curved.Thank you very much for your advice.


Would love to see a video of you shaping wide nails


I have the same issue. My nail tech did the same thing you did to hers. Unfortunately I had to stop going to her and my nails started growing out wide again. So I’ve been working on them myself and they are starting to become a little more narrowed. Inherited those nails from my dad😊


This is my situation too!
Thank you so much for teaching this


I found that regular daily oiling and weekly dry manicures with cuticle remover; as you promote 😊 had a similar effect for me. It was as if all the extra dry skin and just overall dryness was preventing a natural curve and the result was wide, splayed, flat looking ends if the nail. Sort of like leaves on a tree that are starved for water and they open up the surface area to they to grab any bit they can😅
