How to Shape Wide and Short Nails [Nail Shaping Lesson]

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It is refreshing to find a nail channel about repairing and perfecting the natural nail. That’s what I’ve always wanted to do. Excited to do more exploring.


I have become a devoted watcher of The Salon Life. You are an excellent instructor, comprehensive in your approach to nail health, anatomy and physiology, treatment, and management of different issues. I suffered from acute renal failure last year, and my nails became brittle, and were peeling and ragged. I also have wider nailbeds. I followed your instructions, stopped using nail hardener, used Jojoba Oil every time I washed my hands, a nourishing nail cream at night, and learned to shape my nails watching your videos. I also bought the ultrafine diamond nail files you recommended. Six months later, my nails are healthy. I am so appreciative of everything you have taught me. Thank you ❣️❣️❣️


Absolutely love that you do the shorter natural nails, so refreshing to see.


I love how passionate and committed you are to staying up on the science of anatomy and nail care!


Your a "wonder find " my nails and hand condition have improved with your practical advice thank you me and mrs salon life x


Thank you for confirming that glass/crystal files do not seal your nails. I have used various brands over the last 15 years or so hoping to seal the nail edge to stop them from peeling, they didn't work. I do like this type of file but you and your videos have done so much more for my nails than these pricey files. Your knowledge is astounding 😍


Thank you SO MUCH. I have short hands and wide nails and I've always thought they looked awful. Nail salons don't really seem to understand my shape so I'm glad I can do at least the shaping myself


I’m so glad I found your channel. The skin around my nails is already improving in just a couple of weeks!


Such a fantastic teacher for beginners and also experienced technicians 👏


I found this channel recently, maybe a few weeks ago, and I’m a housekeeper/chef, not to mention a nervous nail picker and biter so my poor hands and nails usually look absolutely mangled. I’ve been taking your advice seriously and diligently caring for my nails every day and they already look so so so so so much The cracks are healing, the skin around the nail is looking healthier and my nail beds are even improving. So grateful for this channel, thank you!🙏💕


Hi Anna: Could you please show us how you hold the nail file to maintain the correct angle? How do you file the sides of the mail without making it weaker? Lastly, how much pressure are you applying to the nail edge as you file & how do you know if you are pressing too hard on a client’s nails? TYVM


I love my glass nail files because they give me a good result, are easy to clean and last a long time . I never bought into the hype about them though, just thought they worked great for me.
I use coarser, bigger glass nail files to smooth out the edges of my giant breed dog's nails after clipping, a couple swipes each side does the trick.
Honestly, I think that whatever file works for you is best, for you.


Hello, i just wanted to say that I just love your channel so much!! Your work is so meticulous and clean and just so so beautiful. The natural manis you make are honestly perfect and I've learned so much from you, im simply obsessed with your watch me work videos haha. I hope you have a great day and keep up the amazing work


Thank you Anna for this video! I struggle with shaping and filing my nails. 😢 I like my nails short and neat but they tend to come out uneven when I do them so I just cut them off with nail clippers. I will keep trying at it! 🤞🏾Thank you for all your in-depth informative videos! Appreciate you! 🥰❤️


Thank you! I like my nails short as I play guitar. Hearing that filing in one direction and using a glass file have been debunked was helpful. I struggle with shaping as my nails looks longer on one side or another depending which direction I look at them. The cutical oil treatment after each hand wash from your other video also extremely helpful. I hope to see better condition and shape following your advice.


I have learned so much from watching you.


Hello! It's so nice to see someone with my nail shape being shown!! If I wanted a more oval/almond shape to my nails would you recommend that? How can that be achieved with this nail size/shape?


The gel polish color that you’re client had on het nails looks really nice. After filling and a another (gel) polish color you’re clients nails look amazing. I wish that you could do my nails. I learn some much from you’re video’s ❤


I’m was literally thinking to my self, I hope she does a video on nail shapes… I come to the page and VOILA!!!! Thanks!!


Thank-you! I have ways described my nails as bell shaped and the always crack and break and the quick. I'll try a more rounded edge. It's hard thought since I have such a deep C curve too.
