The BEST Fish For Every Aquarium Size

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It's great that you're giving some love to Mollies. I've been keeping fish for 30 years and kept so many different fish over those years from Discus to puffers but I've always kept a tank of mollies. They eat out of my hand, they are always pleased to see me and as tame and friendly as any fish I've kept. I can cup my hand in their tank and they'll line up and fight to be the one to jump in my hand and interact with me. Guppies, swordtails and platies get loads of attention on YouTube compared to mollies and although I do keep guppies as well, for me mollies are a big step above in personality. My favorites are the dalmation lyretail and I have some that are more black than white which have a kind of dragon scale which are stunning.


Feels great to see the old tried and true format. I will watch these over and over for some reason.


My favorite combo of fish is rainbows and angels in planted tank. I got a 75 gallon tank with 21 rainbows, of different species, 6 Congos and 4 angels. with a good filter and weekly water changes, it’s definitely a stunning tank.


I would love to have Discus, but I can literally not afford them, around here you’re looking at $65-$80 for tank raised and well over $100 for wild caught per fish.


Hmmm... I'd have to disagree on a 10 gallon for zebra danios. I don't think anything smaller than a 20 long personally. They're so high activity a 10 seems a little too small imho.


We moved from Virginia to North Dakota ourselves and I gave away my fish before we left. I'm glad I did too as it's all about the water. Now I have my 55 set up as a heavily planted angel tank.


About the suggestion of putting 50 Corys in a 150 gallons, I must admit if not Corys I'd actually put 50 small schooling fish in it... I love them that much.


Ain’t no party like a Danio party because the Danio party don’t stop!

And platies are awesome!


I've recently upgraded up to a 29 gallon here in the UK that's about 110litres, so far got 1 bristle nose, neon tetras, dalmatian mollies, guppies, black skirt tetras and some ramshorn snails next on the list I think will be some honey gouramis


Oh Lisa my heart breaks for you. Your discus were the most beautiful I loved when you added tetras they looked amazing in the black water. I cry over losing guppies I couldn’t imagine beautiful expensive discus. I am truly sorry. Now that John has RO water perhaps when you are ready you can have discus again.


8:12 As a proud Dalmation Molly owner, I totally endorse this statement! They are active, curious, and very eye catching day and night (they look great under the blue light!) they are in a 30 gallon too, it fits!


I would keep Zebra Danios in at least a 15 gallon tank, or 20 gallon going standard sizes.

They are hardy and absolutely survive in a 10 gallon, but it's very limited with their energy and swimming speed.

Keep them in a 20 gallong for the same reason you keep Comet goldfish in something bigger than a 75 gallon.

And I think it's a good thing the Oscar was bumped to the 150 gallon tank size, 125 is ok for a single one, but they really shine in a bigger tank... preferrably even a 180 or larger!


I like 10 gallon for planted shrimp tank.
55-75 gallon for angelfish community tank with tetras
When angels get in the breeding mood that’s when the 20 gallon come into play.


Yeaaa at no point did I think you were going to say anything but Oscars. You are the reason I am saving to buy a 300 gallon with sump from Customer Aquariums and putting like three in it. I’ve even pick out the three lol. It’s going to be my new center piece after we move from PA to Delaware after my oldest graduates high school


I have mystery snails and green fire tetras (Aphyocharax rathbuni), and the males have silver tips on fins and tail, with a partial streak of red. They can look really dull at the store but they shine in a planted tank with a dark background and substrate! And mystery snails are charming and hilarious. I never expected to fall in love with snails. They are my sworn enemy in the garden. But these guys just jump off the tank walls and go "parasnailing" with their foot as a parachute, floating back down. 2 of mine figured out that if they let go in a bubble column, they can get shot up to the top and THEN parachute down. They seem to like to be around each other, too. Surprisingly adorable for creatures who only have primitive brains.


55 with Angels and Tetras…. It took me 3 years, but that is what I have… finally 🎉 … full with live plants, a massive canister and in-line heater… love it!!!


I like goldfish I think they are amazing


Mollies are awesome. The Black mollies are my favorite because they can be put in salt water and their color tend to pop even more when they are in salt water. They were my first " Sort of " salt water fish I got in September 1976.


Only if I could show you guys, I just don’t have the stamina to deal with people dipping their hands in my aquariums. I move things according to size temperament and compatibility and I have to admit, I don’t wanna be a typical fish keeper and I don’t want to be problem case either, I literally watch my tanks everyday like it was the news I can tell you when it’s time and I got an answer for them whether it be here or at my shop. I might be alone in my thinking but I’m not giving up just because things get hard. I have learned too much and see that the tanks other people have just don’t interest me. But I’m out what ever I posted is gone and has been replaced and or is waiting to be moved in a month or 2 to a pond. And you would hate my page but I didn’t put it there for that reason, I’m showing what I’m doing that is all


Hi John and Lisa love your videos and your store iam a member. Jim Marcotullio of brick NJ. Just bought my wife a betta. We got a 5 gallon tank to put him in
