Feeling Stupid? Then You Must Be Doing Something Right! Here's Why.

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You can assume we all have felt like a fool before; not just on April fool’s day. And it can be easy to feel stupid at. It’s normal to feel stupid, but it goes wrong if we let it define or derail us from chasing our goal. At times, when we begin to feel stupid, we try to eliminate what made us feel so, or quit doing what makes us feel so, or we go at it head on. I can assure you the latter is the best.
You Are Your Biggest Critic
First of all, you are your own biggest critic and the fact that you are watching this video now is an indicator that you are really hard on yourself. No matter how stupid you may feel, know that everyone make mistakes – even those who you think are so smart they can never do any bad, I bet you they have felt stupid at times. So, avoid trying to compare yourself to them, and instead focus on learning from your mistakes. Doing so will only make you better and smarter.
You Were Hired for a Reason
You may be feeling stupid at your job and even question why you were hired, but here’s what you need to know: “you wouldn’t be hired if you weren’t so smart.” It’s common for people to feel they don’t fit in or have the impostor syndrome. You take a look around where you work and you are thinking how did I fit in here. What causes this can be traced down to the fear of failure – thinking we will fail way before we have begun. But what shows our strength is when we give it a try, and even if we fail, pick yourself up and go at it again. This says a lot about us. It says that we are resilient and not ready to back down or take NO for an answer – despite people thoughts or opinions.
It’s Easy to Feel Stupid
It’s easy to feel stupid when people around us think so. For example, you desire to learn to play the guitar and therefore signed up for guitar classes, on your first day, you may have played so poorly at guitar lessons so much that everyone laughed and you at once felt stupid. But here’s the thing, the fact that you signed up and tried your hands at playing shows you are willing to go after what you love and have a passion for. It says much about you than those who laughed. You have gifts so embrace them. They just require really good practice. And besides what makes us good and even perfect at certain things like playing the guitar is practice and more practice. You are only as good as you try.
A lot of things can make us feel smart, dumb (or stupid). But feeling stupid isn’t an excuse for quitting or giving up. So, let’s agree it’s okay to feel stupid – it doesn’t define you in any way.
What has made you feel really stupid in the past? Please share in the comments below.
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I just want to say that even if you feel stupid, you bring so much value to the world!!! ❤ Bear Minimal has re-branded and re-launched after a break, so be sure to subscribe and check out our new videos to help you live a happier, healthier, and more enjoyable life.


I feel stupid. I feel like I’m the dumbest one in the class and I have to have things carefully explained to me or else I won’t understand it. I’m always the last one to finish homework and I fucked up on my homework just now and now I’m mad and embarrassed. It’s like I’m different from the rest of the class.


I feel stupid in the sense that I can never express what I want to say out loud


I feel stupid because I don't challenge my self enough.


I feel stupid because I feel like I’m learning nothing at school and that I’m just wasting my parents money :(


I feel stupid because my thoughts keep revolving around few subjects, I‘m not creative at all, I’m lacking the ability of talking fluently and I‘m a really quiet person because I have nothing to say. I‘m really afraid someone might recognise how stupid and untalented I am but I still manage to hide that. When I listen to discussions I’m often very quiet because I have nothing to say or just don‘t know anything about it. When I read an article on something my brain keeps to „jump“ lines searching for essential information but all I do is read through the same lines over and over again without actually understanding the matter.
I‘m having a huge problem with actually being a stupid being and I would appreciate any advice on this matter.


I feel stupid when i am with my friends, I don’t understand their sarcasm sometimes, some others they lie to me as a joke and i believe them and some others i just can’t follow what they are saying it makes me feel so dumb😔


To everyone feeling stupid in the comments: I love you I know exactly how you feels. It is one of my biggest insecurities too that keep me up at night and make every little failure of mine a huge issue. But we all need to keep hanging in there and trying. You have to be “stupid” before you can be smart. Just keep trying. You all are capable of doing whatever you want If you continue to keep trying.


everytime teachers ask me simple questions, i get blank


Here to comfort myself after being (metaphorically) called dumb by my professor in a spoken exam.
Life goes on, remember brains aren't everything nor they mean success. I find having manners and humility way more important...


I feel stupid when in meetings I couldn’t catch information quickly 😔 it really takes some time for me to understand something 😔


I feel stupid bcs i have bad grades.
+ My mom just takes me down with my grades.
I sometimes want to be dead.


I don't think my feelings of stupidity stem from comparing myself to other people, but from comparing myself to some ideal version of myself that I can never measure up to.


I feel stupid every day at work as a new doctor, there’s so much I have no idea about and I just feel so dumb


Just now, I felt am very stupid. That's why I'm here trying to look for motivation and heal the embarrasement I felt.


I grew up lacking a lot of social skills. A parent called me "stupid in a way."
I also thought the answer in this Spanish game was right. When I held up my answer, another relative said it was wrong and exclaimed "stupid!"

I have Asperger's Syndrome. Depression and anxiety and possibly ADHD don't help, either!


i feel stupid when i'm with my friends. they are ready for any arguments. they have many scientific proofs. they know many things to talk about and prove themselves right bcz they have scientific proof. I feel so stupid while I try to defend myself by a stupid proof or by smth I heard when I was little .I feel confused:(


I feel stupid and akward cause i can barely communicate with other people in real life


"You were hired for a reason"
Me: "unemployed"


I got a D on my second biochemistry exam.
