Staying Calm When Talking to A Narcissist

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I often have clients asking me if MAYBE they ARE the problem. They want to know if there is anything they could say (or not say) that would make it possible to have a rational discussion with the person they love, who they also suspect is a narcissist. In this video, I provide 9 communication strategies to give you the tools to communicate effectively so you can eliminate any doubt that you are the problem. When you remain calm, it will allow you to see clearly that it is NOT possible to have a rational and productive conversation with a narcissist no matter what you do.

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It's my intention that everyone who watches gets at least one important take-away. 🙏

About Me
Hi! I'm Lise Leblanc. I am a therapist, life coach, and author of 9 self-healing guides. I have over 20 years of experience in therapeutic, educational, and leadership roles.

#narcissist #npd #covertnarcissism
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It took me over 50 years to realise that it's an absolute waste of time even trying to communicate with a narcissist.


You don’t talk to a narcissist, you walk 😅


Don't communicate just leave. You don't need evidence or proof of lies or manipulation. You need to respect yourself and your selfworth. If someone is making you feel bad about being you get out.


It’s scary how fast they change their tactics, once you catch up to one, they go to another in the blink of an eye


One observation i have made is that the Narcissistic person will first create the problem and then blame the other person for their reaction. That is a 'tell tale' sign that narcissism is present : (


I have decided that I will no longer identify as a victim . I need them out my life for good ✊🏻


"They will burn the evidence faster than you can find it" my God


Take these tips and have 1 last conversation. Tell them its over and walk away forever. Trust me its the only way off the hamster wheel of madness


I feel exhausted just listening to those instructions. You can't seriously believe a narcissist will have a patience to listen to any of your requests or reasoning 🤦‍♀️


One of the ways I stopped the madness was to openly audio record our conversations. However, the only effect this had was to get them to stop attacking me. It did not open communication. It shut all communications down. With a more violent person, they would probably have just destroyed the recorder. I’m good at cornering people. You should not need to corner your partner. Be well.


I have better advice than making all the futile effort to communicate with a narcissist.
Just do everything you can to get away from and out of this toxic relationship


My covert narc ex wife would listen to logic and reason and tell me she was in complete agreement. Then she'd just go and do the complete opposite.
It took years to realize that her goal was never to achieve the best outcome for everyone. Her only goal was to be able to portray herself as a victim.
She could have walked away with tens of thousands of dollars, but she deliberately chose to lose money and take nothing in order to be a victim. She cost me six figures to do it as well. And she cost her own kids just as much. All so she could portray herself as a victim to her friends who don't really even care about her very much.
Some people are just plain crazy and can't be figured out.


My wife routinely fell into rages during conflicts in our relationship, whereas my approach was always to stay calm and try to reason together to solve the problem. When I would ask her, "Why are you getting so angry?" she would shriek, "I'm not angry! I'm passionate!" Then she would say, "I can't be as manipulative and unfeeling as you" if by trying to solve our differences in a supportive and loving way I was somehow trying to trick her or something. Crazy making stuff.


This is top notch advice! I feel I have been blind emotionally for a decade at the least. Unfortunately, I married narcissist woman. The insanity is too much to post, but I am glad I am awake to being played all this time and now have a strategy for moving forward. Unfortunately, she is brainwashing my kids as I type. I pray I get them out of her abusive, condemning, belittling tactics. Anybody listening, please pray for them at ages 2, 6, and 8 😞


I never dealt with a woman I couldn't get through too... she has no empathy. She only cares about her feelings and nobody else.


In my life experience I have NEVER EVER seen or heard of a case of a narcissist really changing. Like it or not they will ALWAYS be who they are up until the day they draw their very last breath.


This is like a trip to the gym to build 'immunity to narcissist' muscles! lol I love it! The biggest challenge is going to be my own pride and defensiveness.


“See.. this is why I can’t talk to you” just wow😮


Sadly it's not possible to talk with a narcissist. They never view you as a person so relating is no go. Wish them well. (Dot)


From my experience for all the good it does to try to get through to a narcissist you might as well be trying to strike up a conversation with a mannikinn or statue. In summary a narcissist is a TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE YOUR TIME ON.
