Why I Left the Seventh-Day Adventist Church - Part 4/4

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In this video, I go into more detail about what my life looked like after leaving the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Both theologically as well as practically.
I also discuss my view on conversing with Adventist's and how I view them.
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Hi Scott,
I officially left an awesome Adventist church last month that basically most of my family and great friends attend, because for over 2 years studying with them I cannot accept the Adventist doctrines especially when it takes away soooo much of what Christ did on the cross for me. I’m now at a wonderful Non denominational church that I prayed about and attend on sundays it is so freeing to be amongst other brothers and sisters in Christ.I have had a discussion with one of the bible study leaders as to why I’ve left and when she confirmed that Satan will take away our sins I was like right that’s the nail in the coffin for me. Now I have a pastor coming to my house this week to “chat” to me and I’m sort of intimidated because he is so smart and has all these degrees and experience. So thank you for your videos because it reassures my position. Please pray for me thank you


I hope you keep putting you thoughts up here. My Wife and I are on this path as well. Thanks for being open with your sharing.


I just laughed with amusement at your comment that current Adventists throw proof texts at you as if you haven't ever heard of them before. I left Adventism in 2001 and the main thing Adventists argued is that I just didn't "know" Adventist doctrine. Another very interesting and bizarre thing they will say is, "Well, your argument hasn't convinced me." That expression always left me non-plussed. THEY came to me wanting to debate the truth of Adventism--I assumed to convince me that I was wrong--and they would always leave the conversation acting as if I was coming to them trying to convince them to leave Adventism.


I'm in the process of leaving the Adventist Church for good. I have not been to church, since COVID happened, but I was feeling anxiety with the faith, since 2018. I am 4th Generation Adventist. My siblings left the church years ago, but I went back to the church after getting out of the Marine Corps. I felt free when I wasn't going to church, but I want to rid my mind of what the Adventist Church believes. I'm not sure what Church I would be willing to go to in my new path of truly learning the Bible and our love for God, as I'm afraid they will teach things from cherry picking the Mosaic Law. I have read Greg Taylor's book over the past few days that opened my eyes to things I had not researched over the last few years.


This is really good. Very clear and validating. I made the decision to leave the church too. I tried to go back briefly but was convinced that I no longer belong and I never will. Thank you for this.


Seventh Day Adventists offer good advises about dietary laws, but in my opinion they are Old Testament Christians, worshipers of the Sabbath, and when it comes to the New Testament they focus mostly on the Book of Revelations. They don't want to hear about John 3:16, Colossians 2:16 and when Jesus Christ said "It is Finished". It is evident that their Pope is Ellen G. White since they refer to her as the "Infallible Interpreter" of the word of God. The Seventh Day Adventist Church is not a denomination based on Sola Scriptura because they based their theology on the writings of Ellen G. White whose visions and writings contradict the Bible. Romans 14:5 "One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind". Colossians 2:16-17 16. Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17. These are a shadow of the things that were to come, the reality, however, is found in Christ. That verse is clear, but I know that most Adventists won't even want to talk about Colossians 2:16-17 because it will debunk their theology about the obligation to keep the Sabbath. They always try to debunk Colossians 2:16-17 by going to the Old Testament which doesn't make sense.


Hello brother. So I was reading acts 12 and I don't understand :21 could you please share with me some passages I can look at to better understand acts 15:21? What about Isaiah 66:22-23?


I appreciate your commentary. I face family and friends trying to get me to go back to their SDA Church. It is never about a relationship with Jesus or faith. It is always about the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments and Daniel and Revelation. Everything brought up to me are all things I know and have heard many times before. Like you, I used to say these things as well. I think it is important for us and other former Adventist to have fellow believers who understand where we came from in order to help us and others coming out to move forward and not get discouraged. I have had support this way. I believe I would have been discouraged otherwise. I, like you, loved being SDA, believed it, loved Sabbath so I could see my friends and family and hang out with them through the day. I was not angry and left. It was very hard to leave even after I truly knew the Gospel truth. I finally could no longer stay and listen to so many sermons on the Sabbath and Ten Commandments. Thank you for being brave enough to speak out!


Exactly what i realized after leaving that cult.
John 6:44, the father has to lead them towards Jesus, and we always have to be prepared for a kind and loving answer


Wow what a wise and deep man of God.
Thank you scott!


So true..what is important is our relationship with Christ. ❤🙏


Jesus spoke to the thief on the cross, beside him..."TODAY, you will be with me in paradise"!


Interesting video! I also was a former Seventh-day Adventist and left that denomination for similar reasons. My departure was a lot more drastic, but God inspired. I gave a brief testimony on my channel entitled “Righteousness by faith vs Righteousness by works parts 1 and 2. I agree with you about the religious aspect of the denomination that makes it somewhat appealing to those who may not understand righteousness by faith. Would love to share experiences if you’re up to it. God bless!


I've been out for several years and some of what you say rings true with me. I actually do have some quesitons I'd love to ask a former elder, that I cannot get answered with anyone currently in the church.


Galations is AWESOME! I’m so surprised!


Thank you very much for your testimony, my second marriage is with an sda, i am christian and i discovered too the false doctrines when accompanying him sometimes at church, what a burden they put on people to observe the law.generation sda my husband knows only that and i tried to show im truth he doesnt want to see.I dont want to do anything with their cults but unfortunately when its too far or near seaside my husband want me to come with him, but i cant tolerate hear their messages.I was thinkiing about telling my husband i dont want to be hypocrite and listen to them cause i know truth.His family members and him are nice people but they want to stay sda, they judge those like me going to church sunday wrong ..what you think i shall do?in fact he likes me being with him knowing i will not participate in their things ..


Hi, I hope is okay to share your video with others? Like I said earlier, I find them very helpful and believe those who want to grab assurance from the law need to here your testimony.


I’m curious which text you’re referring to where it talks about Jesus coming on the clouds with his first fruits. I was following along up to that point but you lost me there. Can you elaborate?


Where did it say to worship on the Sabbath day? Under the law, you weren't supposed to leave your house. If you did you weren't to go very far. So they break it anyway.


I disagree with you on the state of the dead. Take out the investigates judgement and study scripture about death, the 1st and 2nd resurrection, how God deals with the condemned Rev20 and death being sleep as the Bible teaches is correct. Where you are lost in some things are when Christ was resurrected the Bible says the graves were opened and so some went up with him. Matt 27:52. You obviously have thrown out man created from dust became a living being. Your soul doesn’t exist without the breathe of God but hey, you’ve heard it before right?
