3 Reasons Why I won't leave the Seventh-day Adventist Church

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I grew up in adventism and I am proud to say after praying and asking God for truth I can no longer support this doctrine. The first sign of deception about his second coming in 1844 should have been enough to wake me up. The sda church is so quick to point out other churches fault but they are to skilled at covering up there own faults. If the foundation is faulty then I can't see how the whole structure will stand..


I am so grateful to see faithful Adventist men like you who are willing to stand firm in the truth and defend our beliefs in the word of God. We need more men like you in our churches, especially during this time of difficulties with covid where most of our leaders were not supportive. May the Lord continue using you as His vessel.


It's, ''He that endures until the end will be saved'', NOT, ''He who bails out when the going gets tough will be saved.''


Well said, brother. Where else should we go after knowing the Truth? Departing from this faith is tantamount to giving the enemy access to doors and windows to perdition. Thank you for making this video brother Andrew. This is an eye-opener for all of us. God bless you always. Shalom shalom


No one should leave the church over one issue unless that issue is the denial of Jesus our lord and savior.


Maybe Adventists should tell the truth about The Law & about Christ?


I'm leaving when they kick me out.


Well said brother. We can't allow evil in the body of Christ because it's our leaders who are bringing it in. We should stand firm in the word against the entire world if we have to.


How do you justify Hebrews 9:12 (alongside Hebrews 9:3 and 6:19-20). The Bible in those verses makes it very clear that Jesus went into the most holy place once for all at his ascension and then sat at the right hand of God. I could quote another 20 verses that make it clear he sat at the right hand of God as well at his ascension. But Hebrews makes it abundantly clear regarding Him going into the most holy place, AT HIS ASCENSION. Ellen White and the Adventist church teach that he went into the most holy place in 1844, which is the entire root of the investigative judgment doctrine and why they had to save face for Christ not returning to earth and 1844. How do you explain that ? if you could please provide biblical evidence only for me, refuting the book of Hebrews on why Jesus actually went into the most holy place in 1844 according to your belief, I’d love to hear those verses!


You are right 100 over 100. Not leaving


I used to think that way too but if we go by the Bible and the SOP then we would have to leave.


You're so right, thanks so much for your encouragement specially when I know that what our church teaches is Biblically for the most like no other Protestant churches. 🙋‍♂️


I've been watching some Dr. Walter Veith videos since last year. It's been very good for me to understand what's going on in our world and this is encouraging me to prepare myself better for what's coming soon. Let's study the prophecies, brothers!


When the worship of a foreign God enters the church, many errors enter along with it. Elijah is a good example for one who went against the church. Or even the disciples and Paul.


I left. Love the people. Do not like the deceptive positives and false doctrine. I enjoy your videos though. Would love to to interview you on my ‘show’ SDAQ&A. Please consider it. Cheers


Who do you think went over to Africa and converted tribes of people who already had spiritual beliefs dating thousands of years before the Adventist church? Perhaps meddling in foreign cultures should be avoided if all you’ll do later is criticize them when they’re left to modify their newfound beliefs. Why would anyone even leave the church over that? It’s an odd point to being up when it has nothing to do with the core tenants of the church to begin with.


My mother used to be an SDA.. Then I started talking to her, she is now an atheist;) you should be as well, stop lying to yourself and start thinking for yourself.


I'm leaving it for my final destination only, "heaven"...


Im halfway done with your video and it, as always, has earned a thumbs up from me.any people can't stand your aggressive, to-the-point, truth speaking. But I understand it. You have gone through the appropriate channels for years without success. So now you must present the straight, unvarnished truth. It's true, even I have to take a break from you sometimes because your messqge is correctly forceful and powerfully true. It's hard to get bad news all the time. But there is good news too. That one lady that spoke at the meeting for the new guidelines (when Doug batchelor shared his concerns about paragraph 6) was upset when the new guidelines came out and they weren't what she thought they would be. She is learning and growing. I pray she manages to be a help to the cause of fixing the guidelines that you have ecposed, Andrew. We must pray for our leaders and contact them about this situation, encouraging correction. Demanding correction! 🙏


Maybe Adventists should figure out what angels are? You know... those supernatural beings that people find so awe inspiring, that they tend to fall on their faces (and err) by worshiping them?