Why I left the Seventh Day Adventist church.

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This is my story , I'm not speaking for any other member or former member of the SDA.
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Proud SDA Christian writing: If you are reading this, please realize that God's son if struggling to understand even the things that he is trying to denounce. The enemy is attacking Him, with confusion as he is attacking you and I with our darling sin. Pray for me, pray for yourselves, and pray for him. God WILL take us across Jordan, if we only TRUST him to step in the raging floods, THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, SAVIOUR, AND SOON COMING 👑.


Don't go to church expecting heaven to open its doors to your wants, it is where you repay God for the Love he has done you on the cross


God knows all of us, He knows our heart and thoughts, we have to trust and obey Him, we of ourselves are failure, 🙏🏼♥️♥️♥️


Why do people make these public displays to leave a particular group? I always wonder who they're talking to...Why tell the whole entire internet?... (It almost appears like many are lost and regardless of what denomination they are with they'll still have the same confusion. Things aren't based on feeling or people because those things are not constant, they change..Pray and look for the love of Jesus in the scriptures. Compassion is great, if your looking for fluffy feeling you get when you help someone ..just remember there are many who help others and get the fluffy feeling and hate Jesus at the same time...So don't rely on feelings to be guide whether something is truth or where you should be..The bible and the bible alone is the guide.


If the reasoning becomes: It's people within, not the program... Leave. GOD isn't captive.


Great video! It’s so nice to see people walk away from stuff that just doesn’t make sense and isn’t as good as it’s meant to be.


You are confused my friend and grow up. You haven't found out the truth of the SDA.


I am considering becoming a Seventh Day Adventist. I believe you were thoughtful, and you didn’t appear to have an axe to grind when you explained why you left the church. However, I got the impression that you would have been better off getting involved with a nonprofit organization; it would have provided you with an outlet for your compassion without you having to adhere to specific beliefs and behavior requirements. Keep in mind that you won’t find perfection in anything that humanity touches, . Only GOD is perfect!


We will remain Adventist till Jesus come, God must be our judge


I feel that we shouldn’t blame a whole denomination or religious group because of the faults of people within it. I’m a Seventh Day Adventist, and I know that there are times where I have went against my own religious in no way is that the fault of the my own selfishness and wrong doings. We need to remember that even as Christians we are NOT perfect. Religion itself is not what gives us salvation! It’s our relationship with God. We can go for years searching for the “right” religion, but if our heart isn’t right with God, then that’s what we should really be searching for. There are faults with EVERY religion on this earth, not just the SDA religion, so please keep that in mind. Also as Christians we should NEVER tear down another religion or group of people. Or say “this religion is the wrong religion” or “our religion is the right one”. Thankyou so much for this video and I am sorry that you have left the SDA church but I pray that at the end of the day it isn’t religion that you are searching for....but that it is the Grace & Love of God. Blessings.


Thank you for your testimony brother. SDA is Bible-based & its not a perfect church and I agree that no church should claim that they’re the only true religion but I'm glad to be part of this church. There’s still a lot of rooms to grow for sure in terms of implementing some rules in the church and you just need to be open to how you really think & feel about it to your leaders as well to the other members so both members and the leaders grow together and avoid misunderstandings or separation in the church . I hope and pray that you will find the church you're looking for and that’s right for you and continue your walk with God. I totally understand where you’re coming from and I respect your decision but you’re always welcome to our church anytime. God bless you brother! :)


Amazing how people take zero credit for their own spiritual malaise. The fact is, each person is responsible for their own salvation. Blaming a church speaks volumes to where their heart lies.


Be encouraged man. It's simple. Christ and Him alone. Don't worry about some profit attached to a religion. Just follow Christ and read your bible.


God don't like confusion brother and you seemed very confused. We ought to serve God and not self.


I hear you brother...

1. You joined the SDA church for the wrong reasons.. You don't need to join a church to be more compassionate..

2. You need to study the history of the SDA church when it comes Especially to racism. Racism was around before the SDA church was born.
3. You need to study the background of Ellen White because obviously you are speaking from a point of view hearing and knowing about her.
4. Study the book of Daniel and Revelation... The Bible is clear as to who the beast and his mark... KJV Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (The titles of the Pope adds up to 666. (So the Beast is a Man)
The beast commit blasphemy.... As the pope commit blasphemy.... Yes... Putting himself in the place of God.. (Being able to forgive Sins)
The beast would think to change times and laws.... Was this done.. Oh yes.... By changing the commandments of GOd. And trying to Institute a Sunday You may deny this but HIS LAUDATO SI page 237 does not.. Study brother...study for yourself....

5. Our prophetess Ellen White has not given a false prediction.... If you have referenced please give that to me Sir....i would love to know if I am

‌I could go on and on but no point doing that brother. We all have to pray for each other.... It is a battle between Good and Evil 😈. It's also a battle for our I know you are somewhat confused. But I pray you will come to the truth of the word of God before it is too late.
‌I can say of a truth.. The SDA church is the remnant...
‌KJV Revelation 12
17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
KJV Revelation 19
10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

God be with you in you search for truth...


Hi I was just wondering, are you still a Christian? And do you still keep the sabbath?


When you have the wrong motive in the wrong organisation, ends won't meet....your material views qualifies you to join an Social Aiding Group or NGO, Not a church...Your motive has been wrong from the start


Thanks for sharing. As a 3rd generation ex Adventist, I'd say you're spot on.


I myself am going to join it coz I know the truth that the forth commandment talks about it. Am not going to follow The beast .which changed the laws of God and all the world obeyed it. May God guide me


Hello, can I ask if your a Christian now, who simply believes in God of the Bible, the Son of God and the written Word of God? (Alone). I am a Christian who does not belong to a particular denomination.
