3 (More) Reasons Why I LEFT the Seventh-Day Adventist Church | Part 2

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Building on the first part, I'm back with another three reasons why I left the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. What is the Law Gospel distinction? What is Arianism? Is the Adventist Church the end times Remnant? Let's take a look...

00:00 | Introduction
00:29 | 1. No Law Gospel Distinction
05:33 | 2. The Movement was Started by Arian/Semi-Arian Heretics
07:41 | 3. Slandering the Christian Church is Foundational to Adventism
09:08 | Outro and Sign-Off
The Gospel of Jesus Christ:
Man has broken God’s Law (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8) and our sin has separated us from our Maker (Isaiah 59:2). In His grace, God entered into His own creation in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1-14; Col. 1:19), born of a virgin (Matt. 1:23), and lived a perfect and sinless life, fulfilling all the Law’s demands (2 Cor. 5:21; Matt. 5:17), on a mission by God the Father to save sinners from condemnation (John 3:16-18, 6:37-40). He paid the penalty for sin which is death (Romans 6:23) and bore the sins of His people in His body on a cross (1 Peter 2:24), making propitiation by His blood (Romans 3:25). He died, was buried, and resurrected in the same body He died in on the third day for our justification (1 Cor. 15, Romans 4:25; Luke 24:39). By a living faith (James 2:18) in the Person and Work of Jesus (Romans 10:9-10), God graciously declares a person righteous (Romans 4:5), they are reconciled to their Creator (Romans 5:10-11), sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13), and have peace with God (Romans 5:1). They are born again of the Spirit (1 John 5:1, Titus 3:5), adopted into His family (Eph. 4:5–7), and are granted eternal resurrection life in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:11), set free to do good works that please Him (Eph. 2:10; 1 John 2:3-4). Jesus will physically return one day to judge the living and the dead (1 Peter 4:5; Acts 24:15; John 5:24-5) but His people will be spared from the wrath to come (1 Thess. 1:10) to dwell in union with God forever (Rev. 21:3).

#testimonial #jesustestimony #seventhdayadventist #sda #sdachurch #answeringadventism #adventist #adventism #threeangelsmessages #apologetics #reformedtheology #protestant #religion #christiantheology #apologetics #thegospelofjesuschrist
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I was saved at 42 years old. I am 45 now. I was raised Adventist. I went to Africa with Doug on a medical mission. But I never knew the gospel. All I heard was Ellen G White, don't eat pork, the Catholics changed the sabbath, we are going to have horrible last days and be persecuted for going to church on Saturday, be vegan, and they are the remnant church. Three years ago, I heard a sermon preaching who the real Jesus is. And suddenly, it ALL made sense. All of my doubts I had about the SDAs, were confirmed. I have since been studying, growing in my walk, and praying for discernment. I believe hearing you is some discernment being given to me, and I will research this. BTW, I dont know about your church, but my church was full of horrible people. Gossips, it was very cliquish, and was not pleasant for me at all. I personally, at this point, do not believe ANY particular "religion" is remnant. I think the true believers in Christ, are the remnant church. Not organized religion. But we will see where God leads me on that too. <3


Thank you so much for this channel. I left the sda church February of this year. I left because I started reading the Bible and saw how simple/easy salvation in Christ is. I was never sure of my salvation in adventism. It was like a breath of fresh air becoming a Christian. Then talking to my sda friends, I was shocked to hear how many don’t even know all of sda beliefs despite being born into it. Now I’m involved with FAF and recently started listening to your channel. Please continue your ministry. It is needed for so many. Thank you 🙏


SDAs always see former Adventists as just bitter people who just want revenge or are angry.

What they’ll ironically find, is MOST of us actually left simply because we started reading the Bible and seeing the absolutely blatant contradictions for ourselves!!
That’s what happened with me! After 27 years of being steeped in Adventism and going to Adventist school kindergarten through college, church every single week, I literally knew nothing else. I was also a fourth generation Adventist. I knew all the Bible stories, I knew many verses by heart, lots of Bible characters. I THOUGHT I knew the gospel.
But there’s one thing that I started doing two years ago that I had never done in my entire life. And that is reading chapter by chapter of the Bible in context especially the New Testament. Also reading portions of Leviticus and reading the book of exodus in context. What do you know, an entirely different narrative started to unfold right in front of me. I thought to myself surely it can’t be this blatantly obvious of a contradiction from what I know about SDA teaching and what the Bible is actually saying in front of my eyes. Down the rabbit hole I went and my cognitive dissonance, by a pure miracle of the grace of God of the veil lifting like in 2 Corinthians chapter 3, I saw for myself that Adventism in EVERY doctrine/28 fundamental beliefs was purely a false teaching based on demonic doctrine and rooted in visions, and has been kept alive and running by powerful Adventist men who are saturated with pride, the love of money and power, and will not repent.


Myles, I am so grateful for your channel and the work you do. I keep you and several other groups/ministries that are doing the same work in my daily prayers. We need each one of you. I am learning the truth for the first time through you and others like you. Proclamation/FAF and Academy Apologia have been such a tremendous blessing to me, and now your ministry through this channel. God Bless you, your family and this ministry.


In Sabbath school one morning, discussing Revelation, I said there was no good reason to say Hell was temporary. The word in Greek for the duration of Hell and the New Earth are the same and mean ‘forever’

I was told by the pastor, in no uncertain terms, that the words of Scripture are not inspired, only the thought behind them are. As SDAs we had Ellen to bring out what John was truly trying to say here—and it wasn’t forever!

At that point I realized why I couldn’t make sense of SDA theology as I firmly believed in verbal/plenary inspiration and the two lead in opposite directions.

It also became immediately clear that the Old Covenant/New Covenant distinctions I had learned at the Church of Christ I was going to on Sunday, now made sense. The reason, again, why it seemed to go against SDA teaching, was the flawed SDA hermaneutic, The New Testament interprets the Old Testament, as in the New Testament is found the fulfillment of the shadows of the Old Testament.

Put these together, and the SDA way of salvation is horribly flawed. You only become conditionally saved, because there is an investigative judgement going on that you are subject too. Ellen said that we can never say ‘we are saved’. Only by working to perfect our character by keeping the law and overcoming every sin can we be saved—-and we can’t know if we did that!

And the rest of the rotten SDA beliefs crumbled down as well. There isn’t one belief that isn’t tainted with heresy. I left 23 years ago, my membership is with the Lutheran (LCMS) church and I’ll never return to the SDA church.


Yep! They combine justification and sanctification. They make it to be salvation. But just like you showed, they’re wrong.
I left because I learned that EGW was a false prophet with failed prophecies, and because I learned that investigative judgment isn’t in the Bible. Those were first things that made me study more my Bible. The rest is history. I’m worshiping with the Body of Christ now and I could never go back the SDA cult.


Dale Ratzlaff said that Adventist are programmed to become agnostic when they leave. Has anyone else noticed this trend?


I’m currently transitioning myself out of the SDA church and they all basically think I’ve lost my way. Someone said to me “but don’t you know Jesus is still coming back..”. This solidified my choice to leave.


I left because it was biblically bankrupt and found wanting theologically.

I am now a reformed Baptist.


Myles, This is your calling from God and you are doing a wonderful
God bless you brother!!


I left Adventism after the constant condemnation in EGW's writings. I had no love, no grace, no atonement, no forgiveness in this system. I figured at first that I was not a devoted Adventist so I studied the writings of EGW and when I was reading Desire of Ages, I encountered some Biblical contradictions. I asked me 'learned' Adventist friends some tough questions and got no answers, just got transferred from one 'theologian' to the next. In a nutshell I ended up taking 3 years to study my way out. Called the Northern CA Conference and removed my membership. 18 years later I am still shocked at the outlandish things in the SDA system. If I had good reason to leave 18 years ago I would have a multiplicity of better reason to leave today.


I found Jesus in 2020 and the only Christian I knew was my stepmother who is an Adventist. I asked her help re: Christianity and the Bible and she referred me to a really nice Adventist lady. We met for Bible study and she and her husband attempted to indoctrinate me into their religion. They're wonderful people and I love them. They were doing what they thought was right.

Everything made sense to me as a newcomer and I was into conspiracies. Adventism was right up my alley! But then I read Paul's letters and Hebrews which obliterate much of the Adventist message.  

Also, I grew weary of hearing them call other Christians apostate. That's just dumb and unhealthy for anyone's spirituality.  

The papacy is on the move! The daughters of the harlot are wondering after the beast! The earthquakes are increasing in intensity! Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!

All this externalizing threats is a waste of precious time better used on repentance, and acquiring the gifts of the Spirit.

After 3 years I'm quitting Bible study and hope to become an Orthodox catacumen. I know I can't tell my Adventist friends because of their prejudice. It's sad that they're stuck on this Ellen White merry-go-round.


Even though my SDA upbringing was toxic. This wasn't the primary reason I left.

A large chunk of my reasoning mainly comes from my baptism journey and everything else that followed after that.

This is the very general version of my baptism journey so some context might be missing. I won't get into Walter Veith even though he played a big part.

This will be long...

As a kid I was never a good Sabbath Keeper. Also to add further context I am a big nerd in my personal life so I think you might know where I am going with this.

As a kid I often broke the Sabbath by playing video games. I often brought my Gameboy Color or Gameboy Advance to Church. My Sabbath School teacher kept harping on this since my Kindergarten Days.

Keep in mind gaming was all I had as a kid. The nonsense I had to endure in public school didn't help matters either.

My Sabbath School teacher nagged to me about games on Sabbath for years. She was often very nosy about it.

My congregation in general was a mixture of paranoid and power hungry so the dynamics were not at all healthy compared to the other 2 SDA congregations I occasionally attended.

I also went through abuse from my babysitters eldest kid (my babysitters were part of our congregation until around 2005 or so...).

My Sabbath School Teacher and the elders didn't do anything about it. My Dad (who was also an Elder) didn't do anything either because he didn't want to pick a fight. When they left the mental damage was already done.

If you are wondering why we didn't change congregations it is because we knew the people there already. My Dad also tried to claim he could feel the holy spirit more there. (Which is laughable for all the wrong reasons when I look back on it now).

The vast majority of my congregation were also fully baptized members (this includes my Dad, my older brother and my Stepmom).

What scared me into baptism was Doug Batchelors Final Events. This is the one thing that left an impression on me. I even had nightmares about being lost.

Next Sabbath I confronted my Sabbath School Teacher about getting baptized. She agreed to give me the same lessons my brother had.

A couple of weeks later I was taking "It's my choice" (which is a very ironic title for the lesson book since it felt like I was being psychologically coerced on the basis of fear.

For me the lessons lasted several months to a year. I don't remember absolutely everything in the lessons because of how long it's been since then.

But I do remember being taught that Wine was Grape Juice and all that other stuff.

The way I was taught about the Investigative Judgement was very generalized. The Millerite Movement was also taught in a generalized way. Ellen was rarely brought up surprisingly so I barely saw her significance at the time.

Fast forward to my baptism day. I was determined to give up video games on the Sabbath because I figured it would save me.

Fast forward to 2010 which was my second year of High School. I won't get into any huge details but me and my brother were beginning to "crack" on Sabbath keeping.

Hormones were also kicking in if you know what I mean. Hormones kicked in in ways I never expected them to (take this for what you will).

After a few weeks of questionable sermons me and my brother left the church together much to my Dad's irritation. We left Adventism in March 2010.

After that came years of deprogramming and this was not easy. I still had traces of the Adventist worldview in my head.

There were times the Sunday Law paranoia would be brought up by one of the more hysterical members of our church.

2015 didn't help matters either. When one of the members of my old congregation called my Dad she mentioned that the Pope was going to address the US congress...and of course naturally I don't have to provide any context here for obvious reasons. But I will say it did open up old wounds.

Sometime later I discovered Owen Morgan (Telltale). He is a former Jehovahs Witness. Please note I discovered him years before I discovered Jim Baber and Former Adventist Fellowship. From this time this is when my true deconstructing began.

Owen was the one that first taught me what the BITE model was. He also taught me that JW's also came out of the Millerite Movement and that's something I originally never knew as an Adventist. I want to note that to this day I still watch Owen's content.

I didn't discover Jim or Dale until a couple of years ago. When I discovered them they helped me deprogram the rest of my Adventist worldview. The deprogramming was a cathartic experience in more ways than one.

There is a lot more but I think I got the general story down. If anything sounds fragmented I am using my phone for this and proofreading and editing is a gigantic hassle on a phone.


I left the Baptist church and was led by GOD to the Adventist church. So many loving people in my old church. Did I ramble on about why I left, no. I went out quiety, nicely, and respectfully.
Revelation 12:17
King James Version
17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The only church who meets this as stated by the Bible. I am so thankful to GOD to be shown this !


The seventh day Adventist church is rediculous along with this video.


Your channel is awesome. I pray that many Adventists will stumble across your content and discover the truth of Jesus Christ. Keep up the good work, brother!


I'm not an Adventist but alarm bells started ringing when I noticed they confused the "little horn" of Dan 7 ( ie the final Antichrist) with the little horn of Dan 8 ( ie Antiochus Epiphanes IV). How an entire organisation could make such a staggering error is. .well, I'll leave that for psychologists to answer;-)


My story is really complicated but I have basically left in everything but body. Throughout my journey I already knew of flaws in Ellen white and prophecy but what kept me was the sabbath thing. I had no problems seeing other Christians as bro/sis in Christ and prayed in many of their churches. My main 'awakening' was when I looked at church history and what the early church and reformers actually said. This shattered me. I feel I'm still recovering, but this was hard. Understanding that nearly everyone, Jews, Early Christians and the reformers all knew that sabbath was ceremonial/ritual law. The fact that SDA taught it was moral hurt me. What also hurt me was going on websites like sabbath truth and realising how much misquoting takes place there. This made me feel like I was really lied to. They also packed a lot of theology in it. And they gave that nonsense explanation about Colossians 2.... URGH.

The saddest thing is most people in church that I know don't know Adventist doctrine apart from the sabbath and not eating pork and shellfish. Most people my age in Europe that go to Adventist churches are just Saturday Christians. Probably no different to a seventh day Methodist if they existed. These people are probably the ones who give Adventist a good name. These people don't know of the 1919 bible conference, The prophecy of 'Cleansing the sanctuary' and how the translations of those passages are misused, the fact that modern sda scholars today know Ellen white copied historical errors in great controversy (and wrote a whole book about it) and there are plenty more, its just gets me very annoyed with the leaders. Sigh.

Anyway I was initially drawn to Eastern Orthodoxy - who helped me see how sabbath was understood in the early church and how they currently view it, but I cannot get over their theology of Icons. So I'm mentally and theologically aligned to the Anglican church. I tell my friends in church that I am Adventist Anglican.


i was born into the SDA church and never felt right about it. near the end of my stay in the church i started to feel unsafe. all of my schooling - besides kindergarten - was in SDA schools or homeschooling. my parents and siblings are all still in the SDA church, but i left shortly after meeting my husband. he introduced me to Messianic Judaism and we've been such for almost 7 years now.

i've never liked reading any of EGW's writings and i always felt that the visions she claimed to have were heavily exaggerated and that she herself was very narcissistic.

i'm not sure if i remember correctly, but i heard a story of her (or someone else in who was involved in starting the SDA movement, please correct me if i'm wrong) being told "by God" that if she didn't accept the call from God to be a prophet that he would give the job to a black man. hearing this made her - or whoever - accept the "calling" because they thought that black people were too uneducated to do it. as a black woman, i took offense to that. i was also told by a friend that she was also pretty antisemetic.

leaving the SDA church was such a relief for me. i've never felt happier, safer and closer to God. my parents (my mom mainly) aren't too happy about my choice, but they've accepted that i'm never going to be SDA again. they're just happy that i still believe in "Jesus" who i now call by His Hebrew name, Yeshua


Thank you guy's for your Ministry. My family, my sister's families, my Mom studied St.Pauls Epistles. There were some things that just didn't fit right W/me about the 1844 Date. The reason is that St.Paul writes that Jesus was (seated at) PAST TENSE, the right hand in the heavenly places. If the 1844 date is true, then Ephesians 1:20 SHOULD READ that Jesus (shall be entering) at the right hand. I think that this is the future progressive tense. Rom'.8;34 Paul writes...Jesus Christ...is at the Right Hand of God Present Tense...also (intercedes) for us...PRESENT TENSE. Paul definitely doesn't use the future progressive tense. His writings occurred somewhere between 49 & 68 AD. This is way before 1844 AD.
