British courts 'endangering domestic violence victims'

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Victims of domestic abuse are being put back in harm's way by the courts, sometimes because of simple administrative errors. Campaigners now want a change in the law to give victims better protection.
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Guys, please Listen ! If your Partner is working with anyone to get out a DVPO on you, do not bother trying to argue about evidence or proof in Court, do not waist your money on Lawyers either. Just wake up and fully realise She is using this because She wants to get rid of you, so just leave Her instead.


The UK justice system is not fit for great strides have been made. Probation department let perpetrators off if they say they are too busy to attend appointments, dont arrange community service, courts dont enforce perpetrator programme or follow up to see what happens with participants afterwards which means there is no evidence these courses make any differenceif they even bother to go to them. CAFCASS are not thorough and say things like "they are saying the right thing" as if that can be trusted. They are not trained behavioural psychologists or psychiatrists who may be better judges or true character traits and body language. Cafcass interview children aged 5 asking them what they think is best for them so if the kid doesnt know about the fathers convictions and has been protected from the hurtful reality they will evidently say they want to see daddy...and seeing daddy is fine if daddy doesnt use contact arrangements to control, if dad isnt interrogating children about mums movements whilst drumming into their heads mums shouldnt go out, have time to themselves or stay overnight at grandparents...its fine if the dad doesnt turn his phone off then not bring kids back at agreed times, showing up smirking and saying what's the matter?
Family court also doesnt investigate financial abuse ongoing during the cases they are handling letting people get away with fraud and deception at the while saying all the right things and nodding their head when they are told to....
Family court cases with disputes regarding domestic violence only allow the respondent/victim to give 5 points to consider. Then despite evidence provided allow abusers to say things like threatening to kill my ex was a joke and oh yea, forgot a battered her on that occasion ASWELL as her mate, I was thinking of another times I beat her unconscious. Sorry about denying that...
I've got so much evidence in my case but a male friend of mine was given custody of his 2 daughters after their mum allowed them to be abused by their maternal grandad, and yet in recent cafcass report, same dad was denied any contact with his 2 children by a new relationship despite the mother being know to social services, 2 recent suicides and the mother being found guilty of making up false allegations towards the dad to prevent access and having to go on a parenting course


It's some men who need protection against false allegations. My ex wife could not stop lying to anyone and everyone, family, friends, solicitors, police, courts and in statements, MY EX DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, she is the human equivalent of a nightmare. Goes into court after she has broke court orders, damages my possessions, then lies to police about my items, then lies in court 16 times under oath. IT'S US WHO NEED PROTECTION. Poor me, woe is me, its all about me me me, I'm the victim( No your a narcissist ). You, and you alone cause a problem, then jump back into the family of lies you've created and blame me while I can't have my say. I understand women need protection, but you should never get a restraining order for sending flowers, a few nice loving and supporting emails trying to stop her unbelievable behaviour. Well, you do if you live in Northamptonshire. Then after she lies 16 times under oath, the court clerk stops me having a McKenzie friend, stops me producing evidence she has just lied under oath, stops me reading my opening statement out. Now the court clerk is lying to her own dept, well done Northamptonshire CPS. So, you condone that behaviour. Northamptonshire police would not give her a caution, despite me telling them for 34 months about her behaviour, breaking court orders, lying and manipulating everyone around her, damage and theft of my items, yet she is sat in our house and home of 18 years, has her own pension and bank accounts, has everyone running round her because she cannot stop lying, well done you. Your right, the system is a joke. This is just the tip of a massive iceberg she has caused. Sorry to hear about your situation, and I'm not making light of it, just wanted you ti hear the other side, i.e., my story.
