
Defendant Laughs During Sentencing | Court Cam | A&E

'Oh, NO YOU DIDN'T!' Judge IMMEDIATELY Revokes Bond | Court Cam | A&E

The Crown Court

Mother Denied Paternity When Better Man Came Along (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

Court Cam: 'Get Him Out of Here!' Judge Sentences Man for Heinous Murders | A&E

Fired Up Judge Revokes Probation of Rude Defendant | Court Cam | A&E

Classic Divorce Court: Wild Rollercoaster Ride

Court Cam’s BEST MOMENTS of Season 1 | A&E

VERDICT: Knocking Neighbor Murder Trial | FL v Susan Lorincz

Defendant Threatens to Sue Judge | Court Cam | A&E

Sovereign Citizens Make INSANE List of Demands for Judge | Court Cam | A&E

Selling Other's People Property | The People's Court

Snatching a Car | The People's Court

Structure of the Court System: Crash Course Government and Politics #19

Doing What She Wants | The People's Court

Judge Shuts Down Triple Murderer Ranting About His Innocence | Court Cam | A&E

Judge Dumbfounded When Man with Suspended License Attends Court While Driving

First criminal sentencing televised from Crown Court

Emotional Scenes as Jimmy Wanjigi's Family and Lawyer Storm Milimani Law Courts!

Tripping Up a Twin | The People's Court

Eye-for-an-eye sharia justice returns to Afghan courts | AFP

Court Cam: 'So Long, Pal' Judge Sentences Repeat Offender | A&E

Flying The Coop | The People's Court

Living Room Tussle Lands Ladies in Court! | Part 2