Best Eye Drops for Dry Eyes - My Top Picks!

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Are you struggling with dry eyes? In this video, I'll share my top picks for the best eye drops to soothe and relieve dryness. Plus I will share some info and tips about how to save money on your eye drops and how often they should be used!

⚡️ Eye Drops that I use for my dry eye symptoms ⚡️
Ivizia Eye Drops
Systane Hydration PF
Optase Dry Eye Intense Drops
Optase MGD Advanced

✅ Other great eyedrops
Refresh Mega 3 (Great for MGD)
Systane Complete PF
Refresh Relieva

🔵 My favorite gel eye drops
Ivizia Gel
Systane Gel
Refresh Celluvisc

🔴 My favorite eye ointments
Optase HyloNight
Retaine Ointment
How to use eye ointments!

SAVE MONEY on eye drops
👉 Check out MYZE (they frequently have sales on eye drops)

PRN Omega 3 for Dry Eye
(Save 10% with Code: EYEHEALTH10)

Check out the NanoDropper for your eye drop medications!
Use Code ALLEN10 to save 10% on your first order!

Shop Eye Drops (Hard to find ones too)

✅ Recommended Videos and playlists:

How to put in eye drops!

Info on Manuka Honey Eye Drops

⚡️Dry Eye Resources ⚡️

My favorite Eyelid Cleaning Wipes

My Favorite Warm Eye Compresses

💡 Videos for frequently asked questions:

Dry Eye Treatments at home and for beginners:

Best Vitamins for Dry Eyes

Omega 3s and Dry Eye

Dry Eye Home Treatment Tips

Advanced dry eye treatments for severe dry eye


Let’s Connect! Dr. Allen on Social Media:
TikTok: DoctorEyeHealth

Want to stay up to date on eye health science & vision products?

⚡ Doctor Allen is now scheduling new patients at

#dryeyes #eyedrops #doctoreyehealth

DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences, and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the site. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or its description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. All non-licensed clips used are for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes.
Рекомендации по теме

What are some of your favorite eye drops? Was anything a game changer for you?


After a month of using castor oil on my eyelids I have noticed the following: improvement in my dry eye, less puffiness above my eyes in the above lid area, faster growth of eyebrows, and increase in brow/hair growth where applied, and a huge improvement in in discoloration/age spots on the lid as well as on my cheeks. It seems my crow’s feet are also somewhat improved. I was trying to improve a huge patch of floaters that developed and did not resolve after cataract surgery and one round of laser treatment to break up the patch.Unfortunately, it did not go away, HOWEVER, the darkness of some floaters in the patch completely lessened and overall, my eyesight seems improved, and my dry eye is much improved. The patch of floaters is less bothersome, although I do plan on visiting a retina specialist to have them removed (simple procedure, in-office).

I never put the oil directly in my eye, only above and below the eye. This Dr. is great, he tells truths, puts terms and ideas in context and doesn’t talk down to us - I will try the eye drops with castor oil going forward. But, I do plan on continuing 100% castor oil to reduce signs of aging on the skin. It truly is miraculous stuff. Get preservative-free, cold-pressed, organic oil in a glass (NOT PLASTIC) bottle, on Amazon-about $12 a bottle.


Thank you for this wonderful video. My husband and I both have dry eye. He is a retired family physician and has watched this video 3 times. He said is was good enough to teach doctors. Thank you again. Charlotte


The iVIZIA lubricant eye GEL for severe/night dry eyes work very well for me. I do not close my eyes all the way at night so I use a weighted satin mask I purchased on Amazon that helps keep my eyes closed. The gel comes in preservative free single use vials. I also use the gel drops in the evening after a day of computer use and that can help too. I do not find this gel gummy etc. just blurred vision for about 5 minutes. Remember everyone’s experience can be different. I really appreciate your videos Dr. Allen!


I have very severe dry eyes, I’m always watching to see if you are trying anything new, you have helped me so much, thanks for keeping us updated. Oh and I love your beautiful blue eyes!


I live in Montana, where it is always dry, known as the high desert country. My eyes are always dry, I am also 76 and I’ve had cataract surgery, which seems to make my eyes more dry. The best product that I have used is Systane hydration PF. The one that comes in the bright blue box. Thank you for your video.❤


great video Dr. Allen!! I had cataract surgery a year ago and have suffered with dry eye ever since. Miserable!! I ordered Systane Hydration PF which has the active ingredient Polyethylene Glycol and it has changed my life!!!! No other eye drop has helped my condition. For some reason, this one is my Cinderella's slipper. My comfort level is dramatically better!! No more mucus strings and irritation. I thought all OTC eye drops were going to give basically the same outcome. Lesson learned. It is trial and error. Thanks to you, I tried a new one. Changed my life!!! Thank you Dr. Allen 🥰


Thanks for the Ivizia recommend. Works so much better than the typical store stuff. Cheers.


I’ve had severe chronic dry eye for about 10 years now, starting when I was around 14/15. Where I’m from, Twin Cities, MN, the winters can get quite dry and exacerbate my symptoms. It is absolutely true that dry eye is very complex and full of numerous different factors. At least for me, discovering TheraTears (primarily the single-use vials) changed my life. I also just recently began using Ivizia which I’ve found compliments TheraTears eye drops very nicely for my eyes. No burning sensations and longer lasting than other eye drops. Using these along with consistent, daily warm eye compresses at night have helped tremendously. 😊


I was experiencing a lot of blurry vision and discomfort for around two months. I went to the doctor and recommended the Refresh Omega 3, Systane (complete) and a gel (think Systane). I bought all three. Both these two eye drops would make me feel discomfort in the eyes. Would help for a few minutes with my blurry vison. The gel was totally awful. I would feel a little pressure and even dryness during blinking.
I bought Ivizia eye drops in Walmart for around $10.00. It is very good. But would work better in the beginning. One thing that I noticed of this one is that I do not feel discomfort. Ivizia helped with blurry vision but then not that much. I stopped using eye drops altogether. My blurry vision has improved. But I still often have red eyes. I noticed that hard water was affecting my vision as well. . I cleaned my faucet that was partially clogged. Just leave the faucet for two hours submerged in vinegar. There are plenty of videos on youtube on how to clean them. Now that my vision is practically back to normal I will try Ivizia again. I feel that might still be suffering from dry eyes.


I developed dry eye a few years ago and have experienced some relief using a small amount of olive oil at night. It is mildly irritating, but that does encourage tear production. I am prone to sinus infections and wonder if dry eye syndrome may be a problem w/ the microbiome in the eye. The only thing that cures my sinus problems for about a year is inhaling a small amount of kimchi liquid a few times a day for about two weeks.


I'm going to get a bottle of Ivizia. My eyes are torn up right now with pollen season on top of dry eyes. I need something without preservatives so I can use more throughout the day than the Refresh ones I currently have. Thank you for the recommendations!


I have tried so many drops over the years my eye Dr has recommended, and Systane Complete helps me the most along with ointment at night. Some others made my eyes more dry.


I tried Ivizia drops because of your recommendation and I LOVE them. The dry eye relief seems to last longer. Thank you for your outstanding information.


I am using ivizia based on your previous recommendation. They are fantastic.


I suffer from MGD and was recently prescribed Cequa a couple weeks ago. I actually notice a positive difference with these drops. My eyes feel better when I go outdoors or change location indoors (humidity changes). They don’t tear/water up as much as they used to without the drop.


I've been trying out Ivizia eye drops (8 hour relief) for about a week now, and while they don't seem to solve all my dry eye problems, at least yet, I am impressed with them. When i first used eyedrops i just never used them frequently because they were the cheap ones and seemed to make irritation worse.

These ones seem to last for me legitimately all day, significantly longer than 8 hours; I also think they might be lasting more than 24 hours, because I have been waking up and feel the sticky sensation like the eyedrop has been in. Seemed slightly concerning to me, but maybe im just imagining that part. I suppose that would be a good thing if they did last that long anyways.

Appreciate the recommendation as well as the drops being a reasonable price


Loved this! My previous optometrist suggested I use drops for dry eyes when I’m using screens a lot but only told me to avoid ‘red eye’ formulas. I bought some drops and experienced irritation and worsening symptoms so I went back to the pharmacy and bought something else that had different ingredients. Lo and behold I just checked the ingredients and I switched from a product containing benzalkonium chloride to a product containing polyethylene glycol and sodium hyaluronate. I knew I had an improvement and now I know why.


I haven't tried Optase or Ivizia but Systane Hydration PF is the only one I use and its a game changer for me.


I wear eyeglasses ... and have mild rosacea which did cause an ocular rosacea bout at one time ... Was treated with Restasis and Doxycycline ... but my daily drop for eyes which is usually first thing in the morning is Refresh Optive Mega3. Seems to work very well for me.
