Why Dispensationalist Are NOT Reformed | Theocast

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What is the difference between a dispensational understanding of the Bible compared to a reformed one? Why being a Calvinist is not the same as being reformed. There is MUCH more to Reformed Theology than just Calvinism. Find out why.

Introduction to Covenant Theology

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"Reformed" is not the standard of truth, Christ is.


I'm reformed but I lean progressive dispensationalist premil. The reformers were worried about doctrines of grace and church structure and worship. Eschatology was a back burner issue


Absolutely, I am a dispensationalist and Dispensational Pre-Trib Premillennialism has nothing to do with Reformed Theology.

If anything, the Bible clearly shows that God had to work with a rebellious people, who by there own free will and choice refused to heed the Prophets. It shows that even through all rebellion and exile that God's plan of salvation. Not election, but bringing Jesus into this world and still keeping the Nation of Israel as a people for over 2000yrs so that all the Prophetic truth that has still to be completed. This despite of all of Satan's attempts to annihilate the Jewish People. Despite Rabbinical Judaism taking the place of Temple Judaism. God still wants what his Prophets prophesied to come to pass. That isn't overall sovereignty. That is specified sovereignty. The bible has made a way of salvation for the Gentiles. But after the Rapture of the Body of Christ. God still has a lot he wants to accomplish with the Jewish people. That doesn't concern the whole world. That concerns a specific people. Hence there is a specified sovereignty for Israel despite the free will God has given everybody. God alone still brings everyting that he has purposed the come to pass. Specific Sovereignty. God's sovereign will is only focused on Israel to fulfilling prophecy depsite all the obstacles that man's free will has put in the way or the body of Christ after being saved not before plus Christians still make free will decisions despite being in Christ and will continue to do so in the body until either death or the rapture, this has nothing to do with the calvinistic 'elect'.


Salvation was the same in the Old Testament as it is in the New Testament. They (Old Testament believers) looked forward to the cross; we look back to the cross.


I am a 5 point Calvinist, and I am a dispensationalist. I also believe in the pre tribulation rapture of the church and the the premillenial return of Christ to earth to set up His literal 1000 year reign. So to say all reformed believers are not dispensationalist only covenant theologically is not true. Actually the premillenial view fits much better with Gods sovereign election.
There are many reformed pastors who are dispensationalist and pre mill. John MacArthur for one.


Are you suggesting that Jan Hus was Covenantal?


Disagree. Eschatological views do not change the fundamental views of reformed theology such as the 5 solas and the doctrines of grace. Macarthur is not covenantal and is absolutely reformed.


How silly does this sound... if you aren’t covenantal, you’re going to teach works based Christianity... what?!?


Covenant theology, like replacement theology, essentially denies God the sovereign right to elect Israel to salvation the same way Reform Calvinists insist applies to themselves. It is quintessentially an Anti-Semitic view that carries on from Augustine's and subsequently John Calvin's animosity towards the Jews of their day. I know of no Dispensationalists who would ever teach that there is any other way to salvation except through the person of Christ, and this by God's grace, not by works, whether Jew or Gentile, despite what Reformers may like to say Dispensationalists believe. The problem is, many who hold to a Covenant or Replacement theology, cannot differentiate between the question of salvation and God's fulfilling His promises to the Jewish people, and they distort Paul's teachings in Romans 9 through 11 to fit their own narrative, as they do so many literal teachings in the Old Testament, most notably those that speak to Israel's future, yet EVERY fulfilled prophecy has only ever been fulfilled literally, elsewise, how would you recognize it's fulfillment? So why then do Reformer's deviate from the scriptural precedent and spiritualize away the literal meaning as it regards future prophecies?

God has every right to establish a future Israeli state from which Christ will rule for a millennium. This understanding flows quite naturally from a literal, grammatical interpretation of scripture where words are assigned their natural, face-value meaning, without having to introduce rationalizations or prejudices that spiritualize away the meaning. Morphing for example the teaching in Revelation that God will set aside 12, 000 men from each of the twelve tribes of Israel in the future to mean anything else results not because we cannot understand what the words mean, or who they pertain to, but because we, by conditioning of our religious indoctrination, reject God's promises to the Jewish people, and wrongly make the Church (i.e. Christians) the new recipient of ALL God's promises. Millennium means "One Thousand Years", not 100, not 5000, or any other number. Believing differently again results not from the text, but by a need to make it fit our preconceived ideas that do not arise naturally from the text and that require long, convoluted explanations to defend. Satan asked Eve, "Did God really say?". Well yes, God really did say, and honestly, I find myself increasingly frustrated in these last days with fellow Christians more interested in defending denominational positions than the clear teaching of God's Word. As a consequence, Covenant Theologians cannot see all the prophetic detail because they reject the text's natural meaning in favour of their soteriology, which only blurs and confuses the underlying truths, yet I am confident that God will fulfill His promises precisely as given, and not in some vague, unconnected way conducive to the thinking of Replacement theologians.

It is sad that when Israel was born again as a nation in 1949, against all odds and after all the demonizing Jews experienced at the hands of even Christians, that many sects in Christendom did not wake up and celebrate the long awaited fulfillment of prophecy. Instead they hid themselves inside their systematic theologies, denied the relevance of the event, and broke the heart of God for His people. For shame! If God does not fulfill His promises to the patriarchs and their people, in precisely the way promised, then neither should we who are Gentiles think that God will fulfill His promises to us who have put our faith in the very same Jewish Messiah they rejected 2000 years ago. So many today in the church cannot think biblically on these matters if it also means violating their own denominational systems of theology, but God will not wait on any man's permission to fulfill His promises to His people Israel, that is, the Jewish people, and I, as a Gentile Christian, will celebrate with them when at last they receive their Messiah as we have, the adopted Children of God. After years of study and research, the most intellectually satisfying understanding of salvation and prophecy for me came not by submission to the ideologies and "isms" of men, but by simple acceptance of God's written Word as given, in all its utterances, and not just those cherry picked verses that favour the arguments of Arminians or Calvinists, but the full council of God's Word. I do not read the Bible through a denominational lens, but merely as a simple disciple of Jesus who believes.


If you change your DNA, are you still redeemable? Does the blood of the 2nd Adam cover you? Just a question.


These two men attempting to explain the definition of Covenant Theology do a very POOR JOB at it. They make Covenant Theology basically sound as if it is equivalent to Dispensational Theology which I adhere to. Thus, the question was NOT adequately answered.


These categories are not stated in the Bible, no "covenant of works" or "covenant of grace" or "covenant of redemption." eisegesis? I know "Trinity" is a word we uses but I have no problem with never using the term since it isn't in the Bible. Redemption seems to be a narrow term for all that the Bible is.


Is this important? So if not “reformed” then what? Not saved?


As to “works” covenant…..No no no no. That’s not my understanding of reformed that I’m coming to learn about the past three weeks. We absolutely understand that it is by grace alone. It is by God’s divine intervention alone. Absolutely nothing we do saves us, keeps us safe, or makes us to be saved. It is by Gods grace and the gift of faith that GOD gives to us……alone.
Reformed thinkers and I hate labels, reformed thinkers don’t say we are saved by works and we have to do this and that and the othe.
No! we understand the freedom in Christ that we have and we say don’t dare abuse that. Grace abounds but that doesn’t mean we get to sin. God forebid as Paul I think said.
And if that is what reformed thinking people say well then I disagree with that part of being reformed.

It is not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy …..more than people think or understand actually ….that God saved us.


Please, explain why, concerning the unfilled prophecies of the Nation Israel, you treat allegoricaly but the prophecies that have been fulfilled, you treat literally? If Israel was the foreshadowing of the Church, why did Jesus first introduce the Church in Matt 16?


Calvinistic/Dispensational- is a leaky Dispensationalist aka John MacArthur


My response is oh brother to this whole nonsense of labels! I am totally confused. A child supposed to be able to understand, lol.
God made a promise to Israel. I’m not going to fuss or wonder about who “Israelites” are specifically. I do know that we’re not special and God is not going to punish Israel separately during some seven-year tribulation after we have a get out of tribulation free card.

Pre-tribulation rapture is absolutely not in the Bible. That much I do know and will say and will debate.

As to Salvation: God chooses us. We are saved by grace alone. It is absolutely a gift of faith that God gives to us. It is not a gift that we are even able to reach out and take. We cannot. We are unable to do that until, unless, except God quickens our DEAD IN SIN spirit.
Many scriptures categorically state this! And we are not special because we are chosen either. I mean look at Paul, look at King David, look at Peter etc. etc.
This makes me tearfully fall down in humble gratitude at the feet of Jesus thanking God for choosing me.
As to prayer and sharing the gospel and wondering about that. Don’t wonder. Simply trust and obey the commandments that God gives us in the Bible. God‘s thoughts are higher than our thoughts. It is not for us to figure out. It’s for us to simply submit an surrender and obey.
God chooses. God said “I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy”
Mothers and fathers and grandmas will continue to pray and God will listen and God will answer in his own way and in his own time.
It is not for us to dare to question the sovereignty of God. The pot is not to dare question the Potter as to what he is doing with them or with anyone else. That is also in the Bible ……..Romans 9

Just like the song says……. trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey 🤗❤️🕊❤️🤗


Not to be rude, just pointing out the obvious: you didn't address the question, nor does your discussion have anything to do with the title of your video.


Calvin that great theologian who was both a liar and a murder…
