The Problem with Reformed OT Hermeneutics #shorts

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#shorts #reformed #hermeneutics
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Spot on! Thanks for pointing this way of reasoning


The new testament shows us how to interpret the Old Testament. The whole idea that we will just go off in some weird direction to interpret any passage however we want is not correct. The Apostles and New Testament authors tell us how to interpret the old testament and give us mountains of specific examples. For instance. Acts 2 shows us that Christ's resurrection and ascention to the right hand of the Father was Him sitting on the throne of David which was fortold in psalm 110
Many dispensationalists would say that Psalm 110 is talking about a still future Millennium when He will be sitting on a throne in a rebuilt temple. But the scriptures teach here in Acts 2 that Psalm 110 was speaking about Christ's resurrection and ascention where He is ruling and reigning right now.
Just a thought. I hold to a amillennial position and covenantal Baptist theology. But I go to a calvinistic dispensational church (my pastor went to Grace Community and graduated from Master's Seminary and I absolutely love my pastor and my church) I say that just to let you know that I say this with no hostile spirit but just to engage with the conversation abd respond to what you said.
Curious on your thoughts concerning Acts 2. Do you agree with that interpretation or would you say that it's speaking of a future millennial reign there. I know that theres a lot of differences between the traditional dispensationalism from CI Scofield and kinda the more calvinistic dispensationalism of John MacArthur which my church holds to. So I dont want to assume. But I guess I am curious now that I think about it and have expessed my view.


Please demonstrate your assertion. So, what Reformed author said this? Because as usual in order to fight what the anti Reformed man wants to fight he must misrepresent the Reformed perspective. Reformed Theology has never in all my thousands of hours of study, ever said what you just said. The Reformed Tradition says Sola Scriptura. So what does the scripture say, being you are speaking about the scripture itself.
2 Peter 1:21 (NASB)
"For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."
And plus you very quickly say "some" reformed guys. So what's the point? Couldn't I just make a video about some Arminian guys? Or some classical/ traditional guys? I mean it's a straw man argument sir. It holds no value for the discussion.
