Leaving Dispensationalism | Theocast

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Our listeners have been asking for a podcast about leaving dispensationalism. We try to give the people what they want! Jon and Justin talk about why we are not dispensational. We talk personally and theologically, covering topics such as: the redemptive-historical framework of Scripture, covenant theology, law/gospel distinction, sanctification, and the ordinary means of grace.

Semper Reformanda Podcast: In our first ever Semper Reformanda podcast, we talk more in-depth about the differences between a confessional, reformed perspective and a dispensational perspective. We tell a story or two and share some of the things that we most want our listeners to know.


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The biggest danger of dispensationalism is that most dispensationalists don't know they are dispensationalists


My biggest issues with dispensationalism is that it has turned the modern nation of Israel into an idol in the evangelical community. It has provided an excuse for many to not participate in the work to be done on earth.


This is the same story for so many, including myself. It’s what we were taught and what we learned if you grew up in an evangelical church. When you make a deep study of it yourself with humility, it’s just not there and you can’t unsee what is in the text.


Just left dispensationalism. It’s amazing how much richer Scripture is to me through the lens of covenant theology


I am brand new to Covenant theology. I've followed dispensationalist preachers and the churches I've been in are dispensationalism or they don't have a stance. I'm 61 been in the church all my life and wasn't aware of CT. how did I miss this?....now attending a 1689 Baptist church. Devouring your videos. Thanks


My moms head exploded when she heard me listening to this podcast. Shes a hardcore Baptist. Ever since i was little it seems they have been looking for signs of the rapture and end times. I hate how shes been indoctrinated into thinking that anything esle the differs from her beliefs is the devils way of leading you estray


You should do an episode on the origins of dispensationalism, pre-Darby. People need to know.


This discussion was very helpful. Thank you for making it so simple, with such a loving tone. I really appreciated it!


4:37 - introduction & Dispensationalism background
7:06 - Jon talks about his training at Dispensational Masters Seminary
9:23 - difference between CT & Dispensationalism
11:45 - Human authorial intent e.g. Moses, Jeremiah & the Ultimate Authorial Intent of God, 1 big Story
17:00 Christo centric vs moralistic hermeneutic, shadows, Israel centric hermeneutic, NT interprets OT

20:00 - 3 major covenants, "Trinity" as a word is not in Scripture, Biblicism,

23:35 - allow the NT interpret OT, open theism,

24:50 - Dispensationalists openly disagree with CT Framework. Dispensationalism is a Framework of 7 Dispensations, Schofield study bible

28:30 - Israel is the centre?, is the Church the parenthesis? Rapture?

32:44 Law & Gospel distinction- this was so good. Legalism, antinomianism, John MacArthur Hard to believe books beating up readers, covenant of works, demands in Gospel? 3 uses of the Law in Dispensationalism, Gospel according to Jesus, RICH Young Ruler is a Law passage or a Gospel passage?

40:00 - sanctification is synergistic or monergistic? How do we grow in grace? Sacraments


I just read through the Bible, OT once a year, Epst. & Rev. twice a year, Gspl. & Acts 3 times a year. I see good things in Reformed Theology, see good things in Dispensational Theology, see good things in Baptist Theology, I've been reading the Augsburg Confession lately, good stuff there too. I test all of it by the Bible, The Word of God, here I stand I can do no other.


Keep up the great work guys and may many come out of this unhelpful system of beliefs and see that a Christ- centered, redemptive historical narrative is totally biblcal ;) to God be the glory


I’ve a very controversial question that I know it may make many to feel uncomfortable in their skin! But it’s a question and I’ve to get it out of my chest and find a answer for it. Remember that this question has nothing to do with antisemitism, it’s just a question about the theological views that impacts the world.

Question: how much dispensational movement and world view played role or impacted the rebuild of the country of Israel in the 20th century, directly or indirectly?!


The hyper fixation on Israel in dispensationalism concerns me for political reasons as well as the neglect of the present moment to basically divinate for an idol, in my opinion. Christian tarot.


Hi, on the opposite, sanctification used to focus on monergism in dispensationalism because of antinomianism. My research thesis was exactly about that. On the other hand, in covenant theology, some perspectives focus on synergism, while others in monergism.
If we analyze exegetically sanctification, it is participative (God and man), progressive, and focus on synergism. I am a theologian with a the New Covenant perspective. It is hard to explain everything here, but you can study more about both perspectives as you did, analyzing and comparing sanctification with both perspectives in a deeply and exegetical way. Just as it took time for you to realize that Dispensationalism has many mistakes, it can take time to realize what is exactly sanctification biblically and theologically. At the end, you understand why synergism is according to God’s Word.
Thank you for the podcast!


Jack Hyles. Wow, that's a blast from the past. I worked at the Hammond Public Library, right down the street from Hammond Baptist. They had quite the reputation.


Dispensations are just periods in time where God chose how to move. The time of Adam and Eve was completely different from Abraham's time, Abraham's time was completely different from Moses and Moses time completely different from the time of the Church. The church time will be completely different from the tribulation and 1000 year reign. I'm so confused how one would not see this. Am I missing something?


Really appreciate this podcast. Ive been trying to really work out the differences between covenantal and dispensational viewpoints and this was so clear and simply explained. Thank you


Grew up in Macarthur’s church, learned about post mil theology and became NCT, then I officially transitioned into 1689 Reformed Baptist theology.


Wow you came out of the IFB! (Ex ifb here, love your guys podcast!)


One of Ligonier's recent youtube videos had Dr. W. Robert Godfrey answering the question " What is the greatest difference between Reformed theology and non-Reformed theology?"
One man left a comment that the greatest difference was the Reformed had not " reformed" their eschatology. In my interaction with him, everything revolved around Israel.
He had graduated from DTS. I was just " vomiting" out what I had been led to believe. ( I am Orthodox Presbyterian.)
He used the phrase " Palestinian covenant." When I replied the Bible does not have a "Palestinian covenant, " I was told I had not been " formally educated." Deut. does have a land is part of the Abrahamic covenant. That small portion of Middle Eastern land ( Promised land) was a shadow that pointed to the new heavens and new earth. Dr. R. Scott Clark, Westminster Seminary, is not Moses.
