What Did God Make in the Beginning?

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In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. As a young earth creationist, I believe that Genesis is a historical record of creation. In this new series, I will explore each of the days of creation. Today, we look at the creation of the earth and its formless state.

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FYI, Adam to the flood was around 1756 years, Gen 7:11.
Then, from the flood to Abraham was just a few hundred years. Shem out lived Abraham Genesis 11:10-11.


Frate!!! Noi am venit pe pământ ca să învățăm binele și răul. Doar ca lecțiile au fost foarte grele și am căzut în capcana suferinței și a fricii și a religiilor mai ales. Acestea ne-au convins că suntem păcătoși și astfel sa ne creăm propriul iad atunci când greșim. Cei care ar fi trebuit să ne ajute cu evoluția nu ne-au ajutat prea mult... Am fost prinși ca într-o capcana din care nu am putut să ne salvăm.... Suferința omenirii nu a fost considerata ca atare. Pentru cei care ne asistau noi eram un experiment. Au regizat toate evenimentele după cum au crezut fără să țină seama de suferința noastră reală.


In the begining God created the heaven(singular) and the earth.


Precizez ca toate astea s-au încheiat. Acum suntem liberi. Trebuie sa ne unim pentru binele comun al tuturor de pe pământ.


So you believe the creation descriptions in Job are metaphors. Why are you so sure those in Genesis are not?


Or maybe those older cultures stories are lifted from story of Noah. 🤔


To physicists it’s nonsensical to say “beyond time”. Can you elucidate what this means?

As very simply all time is, is a measure of change. So if there is no time then everything is static.

Was god static and unable to do anything? What is “beyond time” mean

And if space and matter was created by god. Then god was in literally “nothing”. What does that mean how is there god when there was “nothing”

Creations always says “beyond” time space and matter but never explains what this means.


The god of the bible condones slavery, rape, and genocide.

The story of Noah's is lifted from older cultures.

Yaweh used to be the son of El, an overgod of the region.

It's just so obviously written by bronze age peasants.
