Why did God use Adam’s rib to create Eve?

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Why did God use Adam’s rib to create Eve? Why didn’t God create Eve from the dust of the Earth like He did Adam?
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Be blessed all those apart of this ministry in the Name of Jesus Christ!


“Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart be loved by him.”


Rib is a translation. The Hebrew definition found in Strong's H6763
and translated rib once from 5 other instances. The etymology of the word pronunciation Say-law (rib) has a closer meaning to curve which we get the idea of rib.
The complexity picks up because the other instances infer the complete side, like the side of the ark or the door post.
The idea is more complex than using one word, rib, and some translations try to stay true like NEB. I believe it says took Adam's side.
The ancient Hebrew is better explained as drawing pictures with speech. In the Old Testament when you read a color like blue or red it would be a translation similar to us saying her dress was the color of a Cardinal, the bird.
I believe the intention is that Eve got Adam's curve. When looking at both healthy genders which one has the curves?
Front, side, back, the other side, and from above healthy women have curves. Men from armpit to ankles are straight down are a slight V shape. Let's be honest enormous chest muscles and biceps aren't the norm for ancient times.
Good bless


The word is used numerous other times in the OT to mean "half". It is not used to mean "rib" on any other occasion in, or OUT of the OT.
In an instance when we know for sure that "ribs" was meant, (Daniel; the bear had 3 ribs in its mouth) a different word was used.
God took HALF of Adam to make Eve and when they were together they made one flesh.


It is not the RIB, but the "FEMUR" (thigh bone) is the strongest and longest bone in the body of the Human being that can withstand a significant amount of force, making it difficult to break...
God's WISDOM of choosing the RIB bone of ADAM (1st Man) means "not too strong, not too weak, " so as not to overpower the strength of ADAM, making "lesser strength" in the Physical Character including Emotional and Mental Attributes of EVE (1st WOMAN), which means "Taken out (came out of) from Man."

Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically, Scientifically, and Medically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ... Amen.


Suitable helper, and helpmeet.What a beautifully idea, creation and thought. I wish it existed in the real world. Never been around a healthy marriage, probably never will. Thanks for the video


Rib is a poor or even evil translation. The word in Hebrew (everywhere else in the Old Testament means "side". As in, "the ark of the covenant had two sides! So, God literally took one side of Adam (which means man or mankind) and made the female and the other side and made the male. So the original Adam was both male and female in one body. And he was made in the image of God. Further proof of the truth of this is in Jesus statement that. "From the beginning God made them male and female, and these two shall join together and become one flesh!"


What about... "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;male and female he created them"? No ribs involved in this account of the creation of humans.


Naturally, God chose the very rib that Adam used to read minds.
And another thing . . .
It wasn't an apple, it was broccoli.

God: "Don't eat broccoli. Satan designed it. If you eat it you'll wish you were dead."
Satan: "Eat the broccoli, Eve. It'll make you skinny and you'll be popular with Democrats, vegans and New Agers."

Well, that's all it took for Eve. Pretty soon they were persona non grata in the garden. Thanks, Eve.


Look at the cross section of mitochondria. That is Eve. Eve joined with Adam (pre-cell) and that was your 1st cell that then divided. Wait for more revelations


I like how they referenced this in Hazbin Hotel 😂


If, GOD removed Adam's rib to create Eve. Did he do the same for animals? If, not then how where animals created?


Adam was made from SOIL. “Dust of the ground” was referring to dirt.


I wouldn't go for a literal interpretation of this text because even when ribs regenerate and all, Adams rib DNA would be a male DNA (XY) so wouldn't that imply Eve is a male too?


Because Hebrew words have symbolic, relational and spiritual meanings, not just mundane physical ones alone, meaning is contextual & the Adam & Eve story is primarily a relational story. The word used for rib means beside & along side of another. It describes the close & supportive relationship between husband & wife. I didn't watch your video, so how do you think I did with that explanation? well I don't care, I am just sick and tired of Christians missing the entire point of the creation story.


In Japanese 肋骨🌛💪🦴
including 🌛月(moon)×2


He didn’t use a rib. The word for side was used. The word for rib appears multiple times elsewhere. Not the same Hebrew word.


The ribs is the only bone in the body that can regrow if surgically removed by a licensed surgeon


The Bible did not say that was the reason, why do you lie?


Time stamp 0:40 King James Version: God breathed into Adam the breath of life, (God’s Spirit) and then Adam became a living Soul. The breath of life returns to God who gave it originally, when man dies. The Soul sleeps in the grave until the last day of Earths history. (John 5:28-29) 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the dead in the Christ will rise first, then those who are not asleep (alive) will meet the Lord in the air. John 3:13 say’s that no one has gone to Heaven now, except for a few of documented cases in the Bible Enoch ect era. The Glory that God comes with, on his second coming. Is the Glory of God, his Angels. Billions and billions of them will light the sky.
