MHW Guiding Lands Fast BIOME Levelling 'Exploit' (possible solo)

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We talked about doubling your shinies for the materials. We talked about capture-quitting for materials, MR and biome levelling. Now we finish the trifecta with a dedicated area levelling method that can reach insane speeds if you have a team, while still being perfectly possible solo.
It's not really an "exploit" as much as it's just an overpowered strategy, but it definitely fits the mould of "unintended use of legitimate and properly functioning game mechanics to gain unintended results/advantages" which is what I see as the common definition of "exploit"
All you do is spam traps lmao, it's that simple. Bring a set with scholar, and bring both traps and the combines for two more shocks, and go to town. If you get 4 people doing it together, the growth rate is insane, but even if its just solo it's still pretty fast for what it essentially 0 effort. Use farcasters to return to camp quicker, and the tailrider to get to the monster faster. Additionally, the closer the monster is to a camp, the easier it is to maintain a full lockdown, which can even prevent the monster from fleeing the expedition I'm pretty sure
Don't forget, I have a spreadsheet which collects all sorts of data on MHW Iceborne that people ask about a lot - things like the materials needed to upgrade the best charms (e.g. handicraft, expert etc), a list of all the guiding land monster drops and gathering nodes (plus it's searchable), what materials you need for every possible augment (attack, affinity, defence, health, slot, element/status) in the game, etc:
Feel free to point people to this doc if you think they would find the information useful :D
Nag me on socials if there's any video content in particular you'd like to see
It's not really an "exploit" as much as it's just an overpowered strategy, but it definitely fits the mould of "unintended use of legitimate and properly functioning game mechanics to gain unintended results/advantages" which is what I see as the common definition of "exploit"
All you do is spam traps lmao, it's that simple. Bring a set with scholar, and bring both traps and the combines for two more shocks, and go to town. If you get 4 people doing it together, the growth rate is insane, but even if its just solo it's still pretty fast for what it essentially 0 effort. Use farcasters to return to camp quicker, and the tailrider to get to the monster faster. Additionally, the closer the monster is to a camp, the easier it is to maintain a full lockdown, which can even prevent the monster from fleeing the expedition I'm pretty sure
Don't forget, I have a spreadsheet which collects all sorts of data on MHW Iceborne that people ask about a lot - things like the materials needed to upgrade the best charms (e.g. handicraft, expert etc), a list of all the guiding land monster drops and gathering nodes (plus it's searchable), what materials you need for every possible augment (attack, affinity, defence, health, slot, element/status) in the game, etc:
Feel free to point people to this doc if you think they would find the information useful :D
Nag me on socials if there's any video content in particular you'd like to see