How to get Guilding Lands Level 7 All Region ( Complete)
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Its have 2 Method( #Recommed Method no.2)
#Method no.1
1. Must have at least One level 7 Region.
2. Fix Region
3. Killed or Captured 480 monster(any monster & any region)
4. Unfix region
5. Hunt 1 or 2 or 3 Specific monster(depent on condition) in Region U want to level up
6. Repeat step 2~5
7. For the Last Region(U have 5 from 6 Region Lv.7)
7.1 Fix Region
7.2 Killed or Captured(Recommed) 480 monster in Region Level 7
7.3 Unfix Region
7.4 Lure Specific monster to Region U want Level up(Specific monster such as G. Jagras, Kuluyaku)
7.5 #Used Trap only #Dont Hunt #Trapping Specific monster until U Region level up
7.6 back to step 7.1
#Note: About 480 monster condition
1. Killed or Captured 480 monster in Region lv.1 only, after that Unfix region and then Hunt 1 Specific monster to the Region U want Lv. Up
2. Killed or Captured 480 monster in Region Lv.7 & Lv.1, after that Unfix region & then Hunt 2 Specific monster to the Region U want Lv. Up
3. Killed or Captured 480 monster in Region Lv.7 only, after that Unfix region & then Hunt 3 Specific monster to the Region U want Lv. Up
#Hunting Specific monster can Used Trap 1 time.
#Method no.2 (Recommed)
1. Must have at least One Region Lv.7
2. Fix Region
3. Killed or Captured(Recommed) 480 monster in Region Lv.7(#Any monster)
4. Unfix Region
5. Lure Specific monster to Region U want Lv. Up(Specific monster such as Kuluyaku)
6. #Trapping Specific monster until U Region Lv. Up
7 Fix Region
8 Back to step 3
#Some GamePlay from Live
#Method no.1
1. Must have at least One level 7 Region.
2. Fix Region
3. Killed or Captured 480 monster(any monster & any region)
4. Unfix region
5. Hunt 1 or 2 or 3 Specific monster(depent on condition) in Region U want to level up
6. Repeat step 2~5
7. For the Last Region(U have 5 from 6 Region Lv.7)
7.1 Fix Region
7.2 Killed or Captured(Recommed) 480 monster in Region Level 7
7.3 Unfix Region
7.4 Lure Specific monster to Region U want Level up(Specific monster such as G. Jagras, Kuluyaku)
7.5 #Used Trap only #Dont Hunt #Trapping Specific monster until U Region level up
7.6 back to step 7.1
#Note: About 480 monster condition
1. Killed or Captured 480 monster in Region lv.1 only, after that Unfix region and then Hunt 1 Specific monster to the Region U want Lv. Up
2. Killed or Captured 480 monster in Region Lv.7 & Lv.1, after that Unfix region & then Hunt 2 Specific monster to the Region U want Lv. Up
3. Killed or Captured 480 monster in Region Lv.7 only, after that Unfix region & then Hunt 3 Specific monster to the Region U want Lv. Up
#Hunting Specific monster can Used Trap 1 time.
#Method no.2 (Recommed)
1. Must have at least One Region Lv.7
2. Fix Region
3. Killed or Captured(Recommed) 480 monster in Region Lv.7(#Any monster)
4. Unfix Region
5. Lure Specific monster to Region U want Lv. Up(Specific monster such as Kuluyaku)
6. #Trapping Specific monster until U Region Lv. Up
7 Fix Region
8 Back to step 3
#Some GamePlay from Live