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@Snaddy I'm currently leveling up Amaterasu to 10 (casuals), so I've checked out your Amaterasu play. I don't see her OP because currently ppl are playing gods like Cupid, Medusa, Aphro, Baron or Sobek on the solo lane where either they heal like hell, have tons of CC and/or anti heal. In all matches I need to rely on my jgl to follow gank requests otherwise you'll never get a kill. On the other hand their CC makes you voulnerable to their ganks. Her early game is terrifying weak compared to the named opponents.
Of course she's strong late game, but it's not like an Erlang Shen in Smite 1 where you're probably unkillable if not 3v1ed.


love to see these vids, btw Vegas is in January and not only will this past week's releases be live, they will also be getting the January patch build early to hopefully use some or all of the first wave of January gods according to the HiRez guys on TitanTalk


The Athena hate here is wild, she is possibly the strongest Junglers in the current meta


Thanks for the list! I main jungle and yeah Loki is still the king, he’s like the only consistent “pure” assassin jungler.

I otherwise play Than.. I have been completely unable to make Nem work, should I build her as a tank?


Just got into smite 2 after maining smite 1 any solo recommendations on getting into ranked on smite 2?


Disagree with a couple points here. Although Medusa did get nerfed in the most recent patch, her 1 doing 4k damage and ticking 40 times off one barrage (with an auto attack build mind you) is entirely enough to put her at the absolute top of strong, debatabley even OP. I wholeheartedly believe that character can easily 1v1 basically any hunter and mid laner in the game besides maybe Anubis and Poseidon. She is a direct counter to the best hunter who is Cern, as every single time he ults her he loses because she trades ult and comedically outbursts him, she will instantly be the best hunter in the game barring any major nerfs.

Secondly, I'm curious as to why Athena is ranked so low when just today we saw Athena jungle obliterate every game she played in the last two sets of the day. Is the character incredible? No. Is she a fundamentally useful frontline jungler if you're in a duo or 3 stack? Absolutely. Athena no longer needs to build the hyper damage build in jungle she needed to in smite 1 and as we saw routinely makes great use of the bruiser items. If your point is more about solo queue then I totally agree she's essentially useless because you cannot reliably get follow up, but we've seen her not only played, but dominate at the highest level of smite 2.

Third, and maybe it's a hot take, but I personally feel that Zeus is incredibly overblown in terms of value. That character in a solo queue vacuum is the easiest god to kill ever. I have played games against 4k+ SR Zeus' (ranked is obviously shallower so it's not as relevant but still) and as a bad solo laner, I face tanked his ult, walked up to him, and just killed him. He does a billion damage when you can get it off on squishies, but if you position correctly and have a competent frontline, Zeus cannot play the game. I wholeheartedly believe that Anubis is a considerably better midlaner than Zeus, and poseidon might even still be post nerf. I don't think the character is objectively bad, but at least in a solo queue environment if I see a Zeus on the other team as a support main, I am thrilled because it's essentially a free kill.
