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Published on Nov 30, 2016

• Game: Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo, 1994, SNES)
• ReMixer(s): ZiSotto
• Composer(s): David Wise, Eveline Novakovic, Robin Beanland
• Song(s): "Aquatic Ambiance"
• Posted: 2016-11-30, evaluated by Chimpazilla
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There's like 20 gods I'd buy beads to counter against.

There's like 20 I'd buy aegis to counter against.

I'd literally only buy phantom for ONE GOD: Odin.

That was the guy's point. seemed to go right over your head.


Justin Pablo: smite has the most toxic player base

LoL: am I a joke to you?


I agree with the Odin point. I think hes saying the relic was more so created only for Odin, and has little practical use outside of odin. You are really handicapping yourself if you take phantom and they dont have an Odin. Yes you get relics like aegis to counter ults like Poseidon, but those relics have uses for other things against other gods. You can find use out of almost every relics in multiple situations, but there is only 1 situation you need phantom and its against Odin.
Just my opinion though.


Wait tier 5 thana is controversial I thought like everyone loved archon lol. I would think genderbent would be way more controversial


"that comment makes me want to mute you." I feel accomplished.


8:40 Phantom is only used against Odin. Aegis is used against many many gods. Thats the problem, if you have to add a relic that counters 1 god then you need to rework the god.


''I'm not scared of enemy abilities, SMITE isn't a horror game'' have you ever played against a loki?


I play conquest on diamond elo and the people in this game are way to fing salty. as soon as something goes wrong they either complain about anything but themselves or just give up


I think the Odin criticism is valid, especially the rest of the comment. He's almost as bad as Bastet nowadays.


@DukeSloth Fun Fact - Loki could be a hunter because according to lore he used a bow at some point. He could fit into any role except a guardian.


Yea but I get what he was saying though ... We get Phantom Veil just to use on Odín Últ and that’s it except for maybe Ymir wall or cabrakan últ but we don’t really use it on that ... and aegis is useful in every situation and beads in most


"Smite has the most toxic playerbase I've ever seen"

**LoL and Dota 2 laughing in the distance**




Controversial opinion: Khepri is OP and needs another nerf.

Me and every other Khepri enthuser: just put him out his misery at this point.


Bellona T5 is trash. Archon atleast looks different with each evolution.


I agree with the Odin one is valid for many reasons besides a relic.
-He can't clear a lane until level 2-3 because his main form of damage consumes two abilities and uses up his escape to do it.
-He has no place in the solo lane for the above reason
-He's not a great support because until level 5 he doesn't really have anything to help his allies except a slow.
-His ult becomes meaningless thanks to Phantom Veil. It's even harder to trap people in this because of that relic, but unlike beads and aegis this item is only ever picked up if there's an Odin in the game. Even then some players won't consider it because the god they're playing has a leap or blink so they can just jump out of the cage. It used to have utility against Hunter because it lowered their attack speed, but that's gone now too. It's basically just a big anti-heal circle now, but most gods build anti-heal items anyways. It's not as strong as 'No healing' but you get what I mean.

I'm not saying he needs a brand new ultimate, but I definitely think he needs to be looked at.


Idk Duke, I think u got the phantom question/opinion wrong. Beads and aegis are common relics, and it's not that they are only picked into 1 god. The thing here is that if u don't have jumps, ur solo or support is almost forced into phantom. U dont pick up this item vs any other god (especially not in conq, maybe against cabra in joust). Picking aegis instead of beads into poseidon is also just dependant on what the rest of their comp looks like. The decision between aegis or beads is based on the 5 gods u are playing against + the god u are playing (for exemple ravana has his 2 to keep in mind), while for picking up phantom the only thing u look at is "do they have an odin or not?"


8:30 on the Odin thing:
I don't agree with him but his point was that while there are certain gods like Ares that require beads, Odin has 1 specific active that 97% of the time you only get for Odin. agies and beads can be used for nearly every god in the game and phantom is nearly only used for Odin.


That one guy is right, Odin does need work. You're talking about Beads and Aegis but they're general items that work against many gods. You only buy phantom if they have Odin.

In what other situation would you take phantom for? Ymir? Terra? No, you wouldn't because beads are more important than phantom against them. Odin needs a rework because of that fact that Phantom is REQUIRED against him unless everyone on your team has a leap/blink.


About the Odin rework comment,
Hi Duke, great video, really enjoyed it and agreed with most of your opinions, but I don't think you understood my comment correctly. I probably wasn't clear enough, maybe my fault.
What I meant was that Phantom was specifically made against Odin ultimate. It could be used against other characters with walls of course, but I have only seen it being picked up once in a game with no Odin. However, it is almost 100% picked up when there's an Odin on the enemy team. Purification beads and Aegis amulet, on the other hand, are active items seen almost in every game, against many characters. Against Ymir and Cabrakan you're almost always better off with Aegis or Beads instead of Phantom.
Phantom, when used against Odin, makes his ultimate completely useless. When more than one person buys Phantom, you're basically done. This is kind of similar to an Ares ultimate -as an active burner-, but you can use an Ares ultimate before the Beads come off cooldown again, unlike Odin's case because of phantom being AOE and other people being able to apply it to you. Odin cage is also useless against characters without leaps, so it affects even a smaller pool of gods. When you burn Beads as Ares you remove one of their most valuable escape tools, which isn't the case with Phantom, since it is only really useful against an Odin cage.
Odin ult would just destroy characters with low mobility if Phantom weren't in the game, and with it in the game, Odin ult is useless. I don't see how it could be balanced, therefore I think a rework specifically to his ultimate is needed. I also have issues with other parts of his kit being unfit with his lore, but that isn't the main point here, so I'll leave it out.
Again, great video, and thanks for including my comment.
