The SMITE Mechanics Iceberg Explained!

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Today we explore the depths of SMITE's in-game mechanics and what they can do for you!

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0:00 Intro
1:00 Surface Mechanics
4:54 Shallow Depths Mechanics
8:42 Icy Depths Mechanics
15:09 Marianas Trench Mechanics
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So of course, right as I release a video HiRez decide to change half the CC mechanics in the game...

As of patch 9.7 (Mid-Season)
- DR stacks are now 20% but stack 4 times (compared to 40% but stack 2 times)
- 'Animtation-based CCs' are now 'True Hard CCs'. Still not affected by DR, but apply 2 stacks of it instead of 1.
- Roots are now Hard CCs (But not 'true hard CCs')
- Abilities with 2 Hard CCs can apply multiple DR stacks at once (Eg Anhur's 2 applies knockback, then stun for a total of 3 stacks of DR)
- DR stacks are now a visible debuff on your bar (previously were not)


Wards should be in marinara trench. They are a consumable item you can buy that gives you vision of the enemy when they walk over them, not sure how many people know they exist.


My favorite mechanic,
Oni hunter's when used by Persephone post rework, is the only (I'm aware of) aura item that works while she's dead and can make you a bootleg ward


The only mechanic that I did not know for sure is the support bonus, I had noticed that I leveled a bit faster than ai thought I should when splitting lane as support, but I chalked it up to: “we farming good”


This channel is easily as good as the 'best.' Respect for not trend chasing and sticking with the game you like :)


The %pen cap for both physical and magical damage applies for item stats only, passive effects can bypass the cap:
Scyla 2 max rank +25%, dominance passive +15%, izanami passive, girdle +10% pen, titan's bane, obsidian shard, wind demon etc...


It's only been playing Smite for about a year and I knew every fact up to the Mariana trench, that's probably a good thing since it means the game isn't very secretive about its mechanics, it makes the game very open to newer players


Love the divinity music at the beginning ❤️


If you time Thanatos AA where you start the third area effect swing as soon as the AA combo resets, thano will glitch out and rapidly regular swing 2-3 times before starting a normal AA combo again.


19:38 sometimes I had the impression that Scylla's 1 healed a lot with lifesteal, but I thought it was just an impression, I can't believe it's an actual game mechanic thing!


Just looked up that slow formula. There are extra parameters.
1. You won't be affected by DR if your slowed by less then 40%.
2. Since a single slow won't proc DR you can reduce how slow someone is by trying to slow them again.

If you have an 80% slow then no formula. However if someone else uses a slow then boom. Formula gets applied to their total which will be lower than 80% almost all of the time.


This channel is really helping me improve my game
Much appreciation!!


so i knew about support bonus and the old method of mitigating executes. I also knew about the aoe heal reduction but i didn't know about scylla's 1 not applying the reduction


I know this video is old but I have come to share Smite wisdom.

A lesser known mechanic in the game is Attack Speed: Specifically what Attack Speed does. It speeds up your animation while auto attacking, not just the startup of the auto attack. This means gods with higher Attack Speed also have higher Movement Speed, since the in-hand penalty start up and end lag animations play faster.

This effect is the most noticeable on Athena. At level 1, using your final auto attack makes you slow for an incredibly long time, as the entire animation is double the length of her standard autos with a 1x/1x/2x attack chain. If you build attack speed on her, in addition to the attack coming out faster, she'll also begin moving at normal speed much sooner.

This also works with AA Cancelling! Using an ability out of an auto attack will get rid of almost all of the effects of the lingering auto attack, including the movement speed reduction. This is very important for characters like Rama and Artemis, as it gives them greater ability to juke auto attacks. I'm sure people who've played the game for a long period of time have noticed when a Rama or Artemis gets a slight speed boost after using their 2 immediately after firing an auto attack. It can be difficult to notice if they're backpedaling, since the backpedal penalty is so significant, but when strafing or chasing it becomes way more noticeable.

Note: Toggleable stim abilities like Rama's 1 and Xba's 1 have unique animations that don't cancel your attack chains, so they can't be used for this. However, Heimdallr has a replicable effect with his 3, although it's extremely mana hungry, he can cancel his attack chain to output massive amounts of damage at ridiculously high attack speeds early game. I'm not entirely sure if that's been patched out or changed, but given it's mana cost I imagine it's still in the game as a tech skill option.


funny that just a few minutes after this video went up, the new patch notes redefined certain CC's lol


It’s funny that you mentioned roots being soft cc because they just announced they were changing that to hard cc like in the last hour lol


@9:55 did i understand it right? the order in which you purchase your pen items does affect in which order the penetration is applied? wtf i thought it always applied first flat then %


U can blink mid auto attack animation and finish it on top of them for instant burst. Ne zha last 2x in attack chain with crit for example


You could also immune basic attacks with xian and myrdin when throwing 2x your 1 on hunter


Definitely easy to test if you can still mitigate out of an execute. Full Rank Chaac Ult (70%) + Full-Stacked Lono's Mask (15%) + Elixer of Defense (10%) = 95% Damage mitigation, which should put the execute at 499 or 500 damage.
