5 Surprising Signs You’re A Hoarder And Losing Money (with The Minimalists)

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Handling finances should be taught in every school.


I did not understand the "symptoms" of hording. At first it was (1) being in debt, a (2) condo full of gear (clutter in all rooms) and later on (3) buying, buying (and hiding them in the) pole barn and not telling the wife you brought more junk in. Then (4) spending day after day in the pole barn going through that stuff instead of spending time with the wife, the family, going on a trip, dancing or doing something else that is fun. Twenty years later, I get it.


I think the word hoarder is tossed around too much. Actual hoarding is a mental illness. Most of us are just sloppy and a bit lazy. I have a lot of stuff, but I'm going through it and letting things go. I'm helping my mom de-clutter, because she has to move in less than a month. She's not a hoarder, either. But she is a pack rat, like me. This has been a great bonding experience, though.


As much as I hate admit it I think I’m a stage 3 hoarder ☹️
And it actually feels kind of freeing to openly admit it to others. First step is to recognize it and admit it. Now on to the next step. 😎


Yes, the garage could be viewed.

On the other hand, level 3 usually means a house room that cannot be used for its INTENDED PURPOSE. That means the sink can't be used for washing things or the couch for sitting. Or the bed for sleeping. Necessary functions.

While the garage is often used FOR storage, the problem is TOO much is stored.


I’m the same with the clear nightstand surface but the drawer is a nightmare! The kids teeth, y’all... WHY do we keep their teeth?!?! They add zero benefit to my life and the kids will not want them back when their grown. I know. My mom tried. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


It's interesting that you can get to those same stages by having deep depression and just not caring anymore about how clean your house is. Depression and hoarding are very different, but it is interesting that it can result in the same state of overwhelming house.


I'm definitely a level one. I've been decluttering for years. My mantra is now "Enough" instead of "Just in case".


This is a great thing to be taught in school- something that is actually used daily- personal finance.


So true about the space. Our 1500 sq ft house was streamlined and organized with zero clutter. Then we moved to a house twice the size and now we’re essentially living in half the house with two bedrooms completely cluttered. Container Theory.


The important thing to remember is these levels require a SYSTEMIC AND CONSISTENT problem! If things are temporary or situational it is not a hoarding symptom. For instance, when I was collecting things for an event I kept everything stored in one room in my house and it got to the point where I couldn't use that room for a while. But when the event was over, the room was clear again. I WAS NOT a hoarder just because I had an unusable room for a period of time.
Other example, when a person is moving house, sometimes it takes a while to really get everything sorted and moved in leading to stuff being in random places, bins and boxes everywhere, etc. As long as progress is being made this does not qualify as being a hoarder.


There has to be a happy medium between minimalism and hoarding. Hoarding is a problem when it effects your social life, costs you too much and risks your health. Minimalism also effects your choices (we don't all want to wear all black t-shirt and jeans for every day), it can be costly if you are throwing stuff out and rebuying them the next year and I think you have to be careful that you don't allow clutter etc to effect your mental health (being neat and tidy is fine but NEEDING to deal with clutter before you continue with your day is a problem). Like all things, moderation is best.


I have a friend who is a hoarder. It took her 25 years to go from stage one (when she first bought her home) to stage 5 where she is at now. She uses 100's of totes too besides just tossing things into rooms. She sees a psychiatrist for mental health issues but she has never told him about her hoarding. The struggle of letting go is real.


I never considered having some clutter on the counter as any sort of hoarding. I saw it more as someone that's just always in a rush and neglects to put things away. Incoming mail can easily pile up. I believe hoarding is when you continue to acquire things than you need, and do not thin out what you have so eventually your storage areas are overflowing and excess materials end up out in the open, and eventually entire rooms get piled up with stuff.


I feel like these days with rising prices people will hang onto much more than they ever did. It will be expensive to rebuy it.


The economy is collapsing; supplies are dwindling in food and material supplies and will be depleted for the coming years; so, before you throw things away that may be useful in a grid down scenario.... one might want to consider the painful lessons learned during the great depression which is why many who went through that didn't throw much away.


I'm a stage two hoarder. I don't buy much, but I have trouble throwing things away if they're still useful. For example, I've got several 3 lb metal coffee cans in my garage, I've been saving for some kind of project--planters, organization, etc. I'd happily give them away, but I don't want to throw them away. I've been adding one a week to my recycling bin, but it's hard to give up the creative notion that these can be repurposed. I've got a dish of seeds I want to plant. I've got a collection of craft supplies, fabric, and yarn, and I have to stay away from decor/craft stores or I'd buy more. I see potential in everything.


It's easier to keep your life simple then try and simplify your life later. I wish I had known that 40 years ago.


Hoarders are often perfectionists. Can’t do anything if you can’t do it perfectly.


Its so hard to get rid of stuff but I really want to…I lived most of my life dirt poor and I have such a hard time shaking the “I might need it someday” syndrome.
