Learn this before dating anyone

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This will help your relationship tremendously
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"Keep your relationship private, not secret."


"Every attractive person is not good looking, and every good looking person is not attractive"
Mannnn that cut deep


Love isn’t based on feelings, it’s on decision. It took me 3 months to realize I was in love with ex situationship. Always remember their’s always going to be a badder girl. But no girl can ever understand you both mentally nd physically then the one who’s trying.


“You call yourself ugly, because some one else called you ugly” that cut so deep, especially because that’s something I am going through, and my girlfriend. I tell her almost every day how beautiful she is but she still doesn’t believe it. I hope one day she realizes how gorgeous she really is.


Hi shimon. I went on a date with a girl I met on Tinder although we quickly moved over to messages. we had a great time talking with her on calls and we clicked in there, but when I met her IRL today. we didn't click at all. we smoked in freezing wind and talked but It wasn't a comfortable vibe, for me personaly. I actually watched one of your videos prior to going on the date and it helped me be able to have a nice time with her but even still I didn't feel the click at all. then right now, came home. (notifications) "Learn this before dating anyone" 17 minutes ago. it feels like fate brought me here.


This videos timing is crazy. I just broke up with my 3rd girlfriend a few weeks ago. She is kind caring, and listens, but highly unstable and bipolar. We broke up because she didn’t feel ready, which I 100% understand.

Today she introduced me to her new boyfriend. He took a puff of his vape and blew it in my face.

When I came home I was not sad, depressed as I normally am. I was determined. I made a vow today to change myself for the better.

I’m 278.2 Ibs, 43.7% body fat. I’m going to change my life today.

EDIT 5/2/24:
Dating this super nice girl after grinding for weeks. She's so amazing. Thanks man!

EDIT 5/8/24:
Yeah... dodged a bullet with that one. She was wayy too fast. Guess I'm back to the grind!

EDIT: 6/14/24
Summer has been going for some time. been working a job which involves me moving heavy stuff around, so that's some good movement throughout the day. I need to get back with my gym bro so we can start getting that summer shred on.
Not much weight wise has changed, I still need to weigh myself, it's been awhile. But yeah! I'll be coming here time to time to keep updating this post for you guys. Reply to this whenever so I can be reminded of it, my memory sucks lol.


the fact that you don't make cuts in the editing even when you forget the reason why you were talking about something makes all the video look like I'm just talking with an older friend, magically real.


" Nothing external can fix what's inside "- Shimon. Damn😔


There's this girl. She is amazing, I feel so comfortable around her. Smart, creative, compassionate, fun and so remarkable. But, I feel like I have way too much on my plate (exams, work commitments, etc) to start something. Part of me is scared I don't give her the time she deserves, IF she even feels the same, but I'm equally scared I miss out on the opportunity to be with someone like her.


You should do a video on friendship too, what a good one would look like, what a bad one looks like, and how to get out of one.


i love how he says all of this in the moment and instead of having a script he just says what he knows to be true, and it’s all facts.


I just ended a 10 month relationship, bc of my bf. I told him i can't be in a toxic relationship, and i dont feel loved like i did before. He told me ''i treated you like this because i tought you would never leave me. Please don't leave me, i will change.'' And now i don't know if i will ever want to be in a relationship again, im scared of being treated like i am nothing again.


Honestly Shimon, you losing the thought created another good analogy. No one is ever always perfect, and in a lot of cases relationships arent perfect. but you were honest with us and yourself, communicated that and still moved forward. A lot of people, especially with your growth would cut that part out in favor of fake perfection. But you kept it in and still had confidence in this video because you still believe in the rest of the words in spite of the brain fart. Like in relationships, if something happens you should be honest with yourself and your partner about and of those slopes. The key is moving on with confidence in the relationship, when you bash it to outside people, youve lost the confidence of the relationship in yourself and want the validation of others.


"but there's beauty and imperfection, and im human"


Great video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her


i’ve had to apply this to friendships as well. learning to not share too much in order to make my own decisions without influence.


“You call yourself ugly, because some one else called you ugly”

Hi, my name is Shia
I’m a young Asian female who is currently 13 years old and if you think about those typical Asian scenarios, my family is like that. When I was younger (I’m still young but like.. yeah) my mother who is very… let’s say, judgmental, used to always say, “why are you so ugly?”. I remember this one memory when I was in trouble for doing something (I forgot for what but I knew I was in trouble) and I walked into her and she stared at me for a good 10 seconds and finally said, “why are you so ugly?” and then walked away. I was standing there so shocked and stunned thinking about, “ugly? Me?” I said “huh” as in disbelief and kinda chuckled. Later on in that day I kept thinking about the incident and as I was growing up I was always insecure about my looks and still am to this day. Whenever I see her it became a habit to look “good” or at least presentable (still is happening to this day) I always become so… petrified? frozen? scared? I can’t quite describe it but I have this feeling as in I could drop dead and she’d just say, “she’s even ugly when she’s dead.” It’s probably not common for someone as young as me to be thinking this way but this was the way I grew up. My mother is currently 50 and I still care about my looks. That’s why whenever someone compliments me on my looks I sincerely take the compliment to heart and love them. Looking back at past pictures of myself the only things I can see is flaws and even when I look at pictures of myself now, I just see a scrawny little Asian girl who has seriously uneven chinky eyes. (My eyes are unbelievably chinky, which kinda means small but thin. Search it up) because of my monolids I never really considered my eyes a pretty feature on my face. I wanna learn to love myself but don’t know where to start.

Dear mom,
I don’t know why but I have this strange feeling love but resentment toward you. I wish you could tell me at least once about how pretty I look instead of criticizing me. I’m ugly because of the genes you gave me… you gave me the bad genes and blame me. I love you, but I also hate you.


I love that u keep it all as one clip and don’t edit out when u get sidetracked. I do the same shit all the time when I’m trying to make a point, often times never coming back to it lol


If you ever write a book, imma be the first to buy it 🙏


i think the worst part about losing your first love is not only is it your first heartbreak but it’s the first kick in face that you got some shit to fix for the next person. It ain’t easy but it’ll all be worth h it
