Dating: Setting the Pace Without Scaring Someone Away - Esther Perel & Dr. Alexandra Solomon

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"I'm a single male in my 30's. I do a fair amount of dating both through apps and in-person. One thing I really struggle with is the confusing dance that me and the potential partners do around our expectations. How can I be assertive or find out more about where they are at, without pushing them away, or make them feel like I'm forcing them into a situation that is very serious right off the bat?" - Alan (New York, NY)
For today's Moments video, I am joined by Dr. Alexandra Solomon — licensed psychologist and clinical associate professor at Northwestern University, as well as teacher of the most popular university course on relationships, Marriage 101.
It's difficult to navigate expectations, boundaries and the ambiguity in the early stages of dating and building a relationship.
What are the rules of dating today? Who should take the lead to drive the pace of a relationship?
For today's Moments video, I am joined by Dr. Alexandra Solomon — licensed psychologist and clinical associate professor at Northwestern University, as well as teacher of the most popular university course on relationships, Marriage 101.
It's difficult to navigate expectations, boundaries and the ambiguity in the early stages of dating and building a relationship.
What are the rules of dating today? Who should take the lead to drive the pace of a relationship?
Dating: Setting the Pace Without Scaring Someone Away - Esther Perel & Dr. Alexandra Solomon
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Dating Expectations: Setting the Pace Without Scaring Someone Away || UnscriptedTV Series
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