The Day I Quit Teaching... #shorts #teacher #boredteachers #teachersoffdutypodcast #teaching

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I had to speak at a student’s funeral who was a victim of gun violence. That broke me. It happened close to the end of the school year and I told them I couldn’t come back. I loved my kiddos, but I couldn’t face having to speak at another kid’s funeral.


How can parents demand teachers put up with this s*it when THEY don’t even want to deal with it! Teachers are people, not servants or robots. Teach your damn kids to be humans.


The worst things that ruins a job for someone
-boredom :
Lack of opportunity in the work place or mindless unfulfilling work.
-unappreciated/over expectations
Nothing worse then doing your best and no one seeming to notice and then the minute you pull back you’re chewed out.


When I decided to quit teaching it broke my heart, knowing how much I would miss the kids and miss those golden moments when I knew I was making a difference. But the toll the job was taking on myself and my family was too high a price to pay. My heart goes out to you, and may you go forward to live your best life without regrets.


Be proud that you did even ten years! You probably bettered the lives of a lot of children!


At this rate the US is gonna be completely feral in about 20 years


In the past few days I have learned that all of my favorite teachers on social media have stopped teaching. They are losing all of the good teachers and it’s a sad for the United States.


I taught for 5 years and the last school I was at was the so bad. It was never the kids. Always admin! (I was a preschool teacher) there was a bunch of little things that were super irritating about how this place was run. But my last straw was about a bulletin board! The rule is you had to finish your bulletin board by the last day of the month, I was all finished when my director told me I had to fix my lettering, so I peeled off the letters so I could fix them…. (Side note) my mom had recently passed away very suddenly and it was coming up to my parents anniversary so I asked if I could have that day off and the director said no problem. So I took the letters home to fix and put up the next day (which was the last day of the month) I get a phone call from the director saying how upset she was with me for not finishing my bulletin board blah blah blah. And I was like I thought we had till the end of the month?? You told me to take the letters down and fix them. That’s what I am doing while spending time with my dad in this very hard day for him… She then told me to stay home for the remainder of the week as punishment basically. And someone else would finish my bulletin board. When I got back not only was my bulletin board COMPLETELY CHANGED but the phrase I had on my original board was on my directors board. I felt so disrespected I put in my 2 weeks that day.


I have/had/heard about a 4 year old kid that will defecate in his pants if he doesn't get his way. After about 7 or 8 times of this in a 4 hour period, the started telling him that he would have to wait until our lesson was done and I had time before I would clean him up and change him. He absolutely hated sitting in it because he said it was gross. Well kid if it's gross for you and it's your own feces, imagine how I feel. He finally stopped, but he finds other ways to interrupt our lessons if he doesn't want to do them. I also had/have/heard about a kid who kicks, bites, screams, and throws toys if she doesn't get her way. Both sets of parents told me their kids are perfect angels at home and they don't believe in discipline. However, they feel like I should be disciplined or have consequences if I give their children consequences. Can't wait until they have to visit their children in county lock up because their kids have no clue what a consequence is. Totally hypocritical to want me to have consequences but not their child. In my 11 years teaching pre-k the children have gotten increasingly uncontrollable and sometimes violent, but are somehow perfect angels at home.


We need to end compulsory attendance and give schools the ability to expel students


If I had physically harmed a teacher my parents would have KILLED me. Why is this such a common story now. I fully believe discipline doesn't have to be physical but it does have to be done.


I absolutely love you and although I completely understand “burn out”, I feel like you were one of the best and wish you all the best no matter what 💯💪🏾🔥🔥🔥❤️


I did 11 years and I was burned out too. I had to have work-life-balance!


We need to do better for our teachers! I can only imagine how many burn out between the high demands and low compensation. No matter how passionate a person is it's just too much to ask in the long term.


It says something that so many of the hosts have decided to leave teaching. As a teacher myself, i understand because I'm also leaving at the end of this year, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.


"I didn't realise he was hurting me cause he was in a crisis" this is the core of it all. Most teachers put themselves above their own children but it's not a two way street. The current generation has little respect for teachers because their parents don't.


I taught for 10 years, last year was my last year teaching before I decided to quit and start a business instead. After quitting I got pregnant! My husband and i were trying for 13 yrs. Im amazed and feel so blessed! I will miss my school but I had to leave to be ok mentally and physically.


The scratches and bruises that I get at school make my husband so mad.


im a parent and i love this podcast i really appreciate teachers


Literally the parents freaking out because they didn't wanna watch their OWN kids during lockdown, even ones not having to work, but expecting teachers to watch ~30 of your kid.
