The Resurrection Of JESUS: Forgotten FACTS & IMPACT

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In this video, NT Wright lays out a number of things to keep in mind regarding the 1st Century historical context as part of the compelling case for the Resurrection of Jesus. Additionally, I elaborate on the innumerable ripple effects of Christ's Resurrection in History over the past 2,000+ years.

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Honestly, one of the greatest reasons that won me over as a skeptical scientist was the historicity and reliability of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By all signs of historical criteria like multiple attestation and eyewitness testimony, the criterion of embarrassment, lack of legendary elements, textual overlap with independent ancient Jewish historians, presence of early oral creeds, etc. all testify that Jesus Christ was an actual person, a Jew, who lived in Galilee, had followers and was crucified (which is the scholarly consensus), as well as the discovery of an empty tomb by women followed by post-crucifixion appearances. It’s enough to make even honest skeptical scholars hesitate on an inward breath.

Edit: I'll just leave the following quote here:
"According to Jacob Kremer, a New Testament critic who has specialized in the study of the resurrection: 'By far most exegetes hold firmly to the reliability of the biblical statements about the empty tomb.' In fact in a bibliographical survey of over 2, 200 publications on the resurrection in English, French and German since 1975, Habermas found that 75 percent of scholars accepted the historicity of the discovery of Jesus' empty tomb."


Please pray for my marriage. I am a follower of Christ.


Hi from Africa. Thank you, brother, for these videos. Please pray for us in Africa.


Im absolutely so grateful for this channel. You are raising the most significant questions and gathering the most significant minds to answer them. Bravo and bless this ministry. So many people need to hear this truth. You take away excuses and I for one am blessed by it.


Admitting the truth that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again is why we are given eternal life ❤✝️!!


I’ll say this again. The single most demonstrable miracle we have today is the fact that Jesus said His gospel would be preached to all the nations. Here we are.


0:00: 📺 The video discusses the bold claim of Christianity that Jesus rose from the dead.
2:10: 📚 Most Jews at the time did not believe in the resurrection of one person in the middle, as they believed it was something that God would do for all his people at the end of time.
4:18: 📚 The early Christians believed in the bodily resurrection of Jesus and their belief was not a result of hallucination or ignorance.
6:29: 👩‍⚖ The early church recognized women as credible witnesses of Jesus' resurrection, challenging societal norms.
8:44: ✝ The transformative impact of Christ on individuals and culture throughout history.
Recap by Tammy AI


First time in a long time in YouTube videos in this genre that I've watched where the subsequent narrative was every bit as good as primary speaker's (NT Wright). Excellent summation.


Glory and Hallelujah! I was once dead in my sin, but now I’m forgiven and saved by His Precious Blood! Hallelujah!!!


please continue to post these videos, im getting alot of these questions from non believers and genuine christians who were born into christianity but are curious to know these answers, this was so helpful for my own evangelizing mission to bring more souls to christ through the Holy Spirit! thank you for your effort and love for GOD! Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God bless you brother.


I've been watching your videos for months and you're definitely changing my life. I was an atheist for over 20 years but now I'm starting to see the light.


Jesus was TRUTH itself. Of course HE rose from the dead. Truth cannot lie. Those who saw Him testified to this. They saw TRUTH and believed, and left us their account.


Excellent breakdown. N.T. Wright is a treasure. He was one of the most crucial figures that God used to fortify my faith during a dark period in my life, seven years ago. I’m forever thankful for his work in defense of the New Testament and the historicity of Jesus’ bodily resurrection.

Thanks for the video, Brandon. God bless.


The truth will prevail til the end of time. There is no other figure in history; religious, human, divine or not, that has impacted manking on planet earth like our Lord Jesus Christ has, no one, and no one ever will.


I must confess that method of evangelism is top notch! Keep it up and God bless you abundantly...Amen!


Seems like you were getting a little teary eyed there. Happens to me so often thinking about Christ and the suffering He endured for us and love He has for us. Thank you for this channel, seriously. God bless you and your family, Merry (late) Christmas


Beautifully said, praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.


I'm not the wisest man but if I do know something, it's this. If a fraudulent faith would try to convince you of anything they wouldn't be throwing the most seemingly absurd facts at you. The fact that Christianity talks about resurrection alone is proof enough for me.


Thanks for this concise articulation. I came to faith after studying the Bible as a foundation of western civilisation. Two years ago I chose faith in something I couldn't quite believe... and Jesus has come good on the deal. May His Holy Name be praised. Belief in the story came later - and for most of the reasons outlined above, and it was a relief. But my belief is still that the books are fallible... and the way to approach them is not selective blindness, but a discernment of the key messages. If anybody can point me to a concise argument against this I'd be keen to see it.


Jesus is God. Let us worship him with all our hearts, minds and soul.
