Why Climate Activists Are Throwing Food At Expensive Art | Insider News

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Climate activists are throwing food at famous works of art in Europe. They're part of a group called Just Stop Oil. They often target crowded places and famous works, hoping their demonstrations will go viral.

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Why Climate Activists Are Throwing Food At Expensive Art | Insider News
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The willful attack of public beauty is not only destructive to the art but also to their cause. Many people will reject their message over these actions alone.


Their way of telling the message seriously just makes me want to use oil even more just out of spite


I love how the pink haired girl cares so deeply about oil and climate change and protests like this ALL WHILE wearing hair dye in her hair, which has oil in it! And she talks about how hungry families can’t afford cans of soup, she and her friend went and got FRESH and UNOPENED cans of soup to throw at and waste on a painting in a museum, they could’ve spent all that energy they were using on that protest to give back to those in need. But whatever. 🤷🏾


i feel so badly for the people who have to clean up after them and deal with the consequences. it's so destructive.


Oh I see thier message loud and clear.

1. Waste food so producers use more fuel to produce more product.
2. Ruin things or vandalize.
3. color your hair pink and be a hypocrite.
4. Block the road so people cant go to work.
5. Be a brat.
6. Support the glue producers so they make more of this toxic glue.
7. Support the toxic chemical makers too, because glue is hard to remove, they need to use toxic chemicals to remove the mess they did.


The worst is that they are proud of destroying van gogh's painting. They deserve some good jail time.


I love how that pink hair girl is so concerned about life and oil while wearing that pink dye in her hair. 💀💀


The best thing is because they caused congestion even more fuel is burned!! Unbelievable


To be honest, I agree with what they’re saying and what they’re about. BUT because of the way how they’re doing it, even though I support their message, I do not support them. I don’t think they’ll accomplish anything by doing this.


Their messages loud and clear but in a negative way


It hurts, artists are always vocal for environmental protection. Why destroying their creation. World is already filled with filth.
Let humanity enjoy something which is remained wonderful.


They give more a bad message than a one to act for the evironement they are doing it wrong


They seriously have no idea how long it takes to create art like these...
I would have been so pissed and devastated if I saw my painting getting destroyed on tv/the news.


Vincent Van Gogh barely had any spare money other than his savings for his daily needs. Sometimes, he was desperate enough to sell his paintings for bottles of wine because his financial support was almost non existent. He would go out on the street and ask to sketch them at the park to potentially get money while also practice his skills. He spent hours and hours trying to pay back his brother, Theo, he had no one, he had nothing, only his art and two meals per day. He was mentally distraught, often thinking of killing himself, but couldn’t get the help he needed even when Theo gave him some.

And on the last day he lived, he was selfless until the very end, while most people believe he committed suicide, he was actually shot by a young boy (according to some reports) and because he didn’t what this young man’s life in ruin, he covered the fact he was assaulted and then died because of the blood loss. This young man was known to a wealthy bully and threaten Vincent as well, by putting snakes in his bag to pouring pepper all on his art materials and sabotaging them when Vincent couldn’t afford replacements.

Vincent worked for people who wouldn’t give him the correct amount. Vincent was going to fail from the start compared to everyone else. Vincent died protecting someone who wouldn’t protect him back in the only one he got to live or maybe even the next life. I’m not here trying to defend a guy from the 1880’s Impressionism Era who I barely know of, but I know enough to say that he’d agree with this message, but be hurt by how people decide to spread it. Painting was his only coping mechanism, for someone to try and destroy it, it’s should be a slap in the face to him and every artist who went through the same struggles.

Welcome and Goodbye to my TED talk.


I love it how they are wanting to "just stop oil" by wasting it through spray-painting windows...


Did they use a transportation vehicle to get to their vandalism location?


If they had the guts to throw this at the corporations that make these mess, they would have far more public support..
This does not help their cause in any way...


In a time when Britain is faced with raising food price crisis when parents are skipping meals to provide their children with food, is feels very insensitive


Simply no.
Tomato soup on Van Goghs “sunflowers”, sorry, no.
I’m totally a fan of activism, when it is a clever and creative act, but this is pure destruction of something really beautiful.
It is definitely a very sad action.


I understand its important to get attention & heard for this cause, BUT the way they chose to go about it is CRIMINAL! Destroying a priceless precious piece of art that someones heart & soul went into creating is NOT the answer... The Artist whise pieces are being VANDALIZED is NOT @ fault for whats going on in the world today. As an Unprofessional Artist myself, my soul literally screamed when I saw this. It only made me angry @ them, not more aware or sympathetic to the cause.
Our planet IS VERY precious, but doing distruction to get attention about distruction solves NOTHING! Its simply vengeful arrogance. Do solve killing & violence by being violent & killing?
STOP this foolishness NOW! Its time we ALL gather & PRAY for the changes we need...
